




1. 增 [zēng]增 [zēng]加多,添:~加。~多。~添。~益。~生(a.同“增殖”;b.古代科举制度中生员名目之一)。~产。~长(zhǎng )。~援。~殖。~辉。~减。~删。……



汉语拼音:jī zēng







  1. 急剧增长。

    郭沫若 《中国史稿》第五编第一章第一节:“十九世纪二十年代中期起, 英国 向 中国 输出的鸦片激增。”



  1. Officials at Tokyo Electric, known as Tepco, said the jump was likely due to a shift in the direction of the wind.


  2. That demand spike -- China was stocking up in case it needed backup fuel -- played a role in oil's climb to its record of $145 a barrel.


  3. Even during the peak years of the population explosion, agricultural production was able to keep pace with population growth.


  4. Until just a few weeks ago, investors had been willing to pay a high price for stocks in expectations of a jump in earnings growth.


  5. He said losses to the taxpayer could balloon over the next few years as more people move their accounts to Switzerland's lower tax regime.


  6. Governments are beginning to cut public spending in an attempt to deal with surging deficits.


  7. He got profits soaring, only to encounter a historic recession in which Americans said the first expense they were cutting was eating out.


  8. Before stepping into the breach, he took cues from watching other stores struggle with the sudden surge in business.


  9. "What this shows is there's also a huge surge in locally-generated e-waste in those countries that will need to be dealt with, " he said.


  1. 粮食产量激增。

    Grain output shot up.

  2. 附加费用激增。

    Ancillary fees proliferate.

  3. 战後出生率激增。

    After the war there was a bulge in the birthrate.

  4. 上座率明显激增。

    There was a noticeable jump in attendance.

  5. 上座率明显激增。

    There was a noticeable jump in attendance.

  6. 战后出生率激增。

    After the war there was a bulge in the birth rate.

  7. 今年的出口激增。

    Theres been a boom in exports this year.

  8. 订阅销售量激增。

    Subscription selling bloomed splendidly.

  9. 化肥的产量激增。

    The output of chemical fertilizer has soared.

  10. 来年的学费激增。

    The tuition for the coming year is going sky high.

  11. 来年的学费激增。

    The tuition for the coming year is going sky high.

  12. 预知失业人数激增

    foresaw the rapid increase in unemployment.

  13. 激增。暴涨。迅速发展

    Boom v. To grow or increase fast

  14. 今年图书销售激增。

    This year has seen a boom in book sales.

  15. 电子产品在激增。

    The quantity of electrical goods being produced has shot up.

  16. 社会评论突然激增

    Social commentary is all of a sudden spiking up.

  17. 今年的出口额激增。

    There has been a boom in exports this year.

  18. 非婚生育率激增。

    Illegitimacy rates are soaring.

  19. 滔天巨浪的激增高。

    The monstrous billows surge up high.

  20. 经济衰退的说法激增。

    Talk of recession has soared.

  21. 人口的激增已经失控。

    The population swelled out of control.

  22. 红点的数量急速激增。

    The red dots have exploded.

  23. 穆斯林人口似乎在激增。

    The Muslim population seems to be expanding at a rate of knots.

  24. 穆斯林人口似乎在激增。

    The Muslim population seems to be expanding at a rate of knots.

  25. 上个月的销售额激增。

    Last month saw a tremendous boost in sales.

  26. 激增突然的增长,如人口激增

    A sudden increase, as in popularity.

  27. 计算机数据库正在迅速激增。

    Computerized data bases are proliferating fast.

  28. 该组织收到的捐款激增。

    The organization was swelled with donations.

  29. 人们对此事的兴趣激增。

    Interest in the subject has increased phenomenally.

  30. 这部书得销售量激增。

    The sales of the book ran up.


  1. 问:激增拼音怎么拼?激增的读音是什么?激增翻译成英文是什么?

    答:激增的读音是jīzēng,激增翻译成英文是 shoot up




拼音:jī zēng 基本解释 [steep rise;soar;shoot up] 数量急速增长 产量激增 详细解释 急剧增长。

郭沫若 《中国史稿》第五编第一章第一节:“十九世纪二十年代中期起, 英国 向 中国 输出的鸦片激增。”