


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……




1. 弟 [dì]2. 弟 [tì]3. 弟 [tuí]弟 [dì]同父母(或只同父、只同母)的比自己年纪小的男子:~~。兄~。亲戚或亲族间辈分相同的比自己年纪小的男子:表~。堂~。称同辈比自己年纪小的男性:老~。师~。学生对老师自称或别人……



汉语拼音:dà xiōng di






  1. 称谓。北方妇女用以称年岁小于自己的男子。



  1. with her little boy Jayden on Wednesday, and this report might explain why we see J-dazzle without his big bro.


  2. And so, brother, I'll leave the matter in your hands.


  3. And so, brother, I'll leave the matter in your hand.


  4. The elder brother wood is an enterprise which specilize in manufacturing high-level bathroom cabinet and high-level cupboard door.


  5. Smaller EU countries are viscerally opposed to the idea of their big brothers sharing out top appointments.


  6. The ~ arousement get broadly diversified the assets of a lot huge corporations over mergers or acquisitions.


  7. For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers.


  8. Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.


  9. Phoebe: Wait here. Breathe.


  1. 他的大兄弟照管农事。

    His elder brother takes care of the farming.

  2. 最年轻得顺道拜访他得大兄弟。

    The youngest looking in on his big brothers.

  3. 最年轻的顺道拜访他的大兄弟。

    The youngest looking in on his big brothers.

  4. 大兄弟,这件事就托你了。

    And so, brother, I'll leave the matter in your hands.

  5. 那就是那位年青女士的大兄弟了?

    The young lady's cousin, then?'

  6. 男孩你耐心不再有列有组织, 叫做大兄弟。

    For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers.

  7. 是否它从在高度上不是我的大兄弟降用平民混合。

    If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.

  8. 兄弟大饭店

    Brother Hotel.

  9. 玛丽比她六岁的兄弟大两岁。

    Mary is two years old and her brother is six years old.

  10. 我跟其他几个兄弟大吵了一架。

    I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers.

  11. 西华饭店,中泰宾馆,假日环亚饭店,兄弟大饭店

    Sherwood Hotel, Mandarina Crown Hotel,Holiday Inn Asiaworld Hotel, Brother Hotel

  12. 你们知不知道他有个比他大的兄弟?

    You know he has an older sibling.

  13. 世界之大, 兄弟, 我们注定要再次遇到你。

    It's a big world, g. we're bound to run into you again.

  14. 大惊喜!兄弟,生日快乐。

    Surprise! Happy birthday, brother.

  15. 他留下来支持他那遭到大麻烦的兄弟。

    He stayed by his brother who was in such trouble.

  16. 常识的大溃败雷曼兄弟破产的内幕。

    A Colossal Failure of Common Sense The Inside Story of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers. By Lawrence G. McDonald and Patrick Robinson.

  17. 另外的事实是, 我的兄弟在大牢里。

    Other truth is, my brother's in prison.

  18. 爹,大明府的贵伍兄弟来了。

    Dad, Wu from Ming House is here.

  19. 我叫大尾毛, 这位是大硬木, 我兄弟。

    I'm tailfeather, this is toughwood, my brother.

  20. 他们兄弟俩彼此大叫呼喊。

    They shout to each other.

  21. 我是兄弟中最大的的儿子。

    I am the eldest son all brothers.

  22. 那两个兄弟谁年纪大些?

    Which is the elder of those two cousins?

  23. 他是五个兄弟中最大的。

    He is the eldest of the five brothers.

  24. 他是我两兄弟中年岁较大的。

    He is the elder of my two brothers.

  25. 我的兄弟比我大2岁, 但他比我矮3厘米。

    My brother is two year older than me, but he is three centimeters shorter.

  26. 我的兄弟比我大2岁,但他比我矮3厘米。

    My brother is two year older than me, but he is three centimeters shorter.

  27. 我从小到大,有5个兄弟姐妹。

    You know, growing up, I had five brothers and sisters.

  28. 狗腿子家在农村,兄弟姐妹一大堆,纯属困难户。

    This henchman came from a poor family in the countryside with a lot of younger brothers and sisters.

  29. 胸膛的兄弟。和一个大的人。

    Bror av brystet. og en stor person.

  30. 他的兄弟是个头号大坏蛋,还是个吝啬鬼。

    His brother was a prize bastard and a miser.