


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……


1. 弟 [dì]2. 弟 [tì]3. 弟 [tuí]弟 [dì]同父母(或只同父、只同母)的比自己年纪小的男子:~~。兄~。亲戚或亲族间辈分相同的比自己年纪小的男子:表~。堂~。称同辈比自己年纪小的男性:老~。师~。学生对老师自称或别人……



汉语拼音:lǎo dì






  1. 对同辈年少于己者的昵称。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·骂筵》:“两位老弟,大家商量,我们一班清客,感动皇爷,召去教歌,也是不容易的。”《儒林外史》第十七回:“那 赵先生 回过头来,叫一声:‘哎呀!原来是老弟!几时来的?’”《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“又望着老爷説:‘老弟,你好造化,看这样子,将来準是个八抬八座罢咧!’”

  2. 对晚辈较客气的称呼。多行于师弟间。

    《孽海花》第二一回:“ 唐卿 远远望见 龚尚书 便衣朱履,缓步而来,连忙抢出门来,叫声‘老师’,作下揖去。 龚尚书 还礼不迭,招着手道:‘呵呀,老弟!’” 杨沫 《东方欲晓》第一部三十:“ 慕杰 老弟是只出钱作东呢?还是同时也参与经管药房的日常事务?”

  3. 对同辈关系较密切者的自称。

    宋 苏轼 《与蒲传正书》:“书画奇物,老弟近年视之不啻如粪土也。”



  1. I with Dehong the understanding has already had a quite a few year, but if real acquaintanceship is perhaps still in his studio.


  2. Fu Shan was his voice tube with the guffaw shocked : "hey, brother . . . I said to him very funny? "


  3. He says that tougher drink-driving rules and social changes have shrunk the numbers of "good ole boy" truckers inured to a life on the road.


  4. Monica: You know Ross, he could get really competitive.


  5. It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your forms, sonny, and stop wasting my time.


  6. You think you can stitch me up after l get back from surfing?


  7. Don't tell anybody, but I've made a ton of money from the stock market. I'm loaded, man!


  8. But the journey has not ended, but the Earth's brother had been isolated for observation in the hospital for some time.


  9. I found out the use of a very powerful magic, busy: "brother, your brother called fast lenient. "


  1. 加油,老弟

    Go for it, brother.

  2. 近来好吗, 老弟?

    How have you been lately, my lad?

  3. 近来好吗,老弟?

    How have you been lately, my lad?

  4. 喂,老弟,怎么啦?

    Now then, laddie, what's the trouble?

  5. 你相当正派, 老弟!

    Dashed decent of you, old boy!

  6. 你相当正派,老弟!

    Dashed decent of you, old boy!

  7. 老弟, 相信俺就行!

    Laddie, please just trust me!

  8. 老弟,相信!老弟,相信俺就好!

    Laddie, please just trust me!

  9. 我老弟开不得玩笑。

    My brother couldn't take a joke.

  10. 嘿, 老弟, 过得怎么样?

    Hey man, how are you doing?

  11. 老弟, 你是我的榜样。

    Congratulations, you are crazy good!

  12. 你不该这么说,老弟!

    It's not for you to say so, my man!

  13. 老弟,你是我的榜样。

    Congratulations, you are crazy good!

  14. 握个手,老弟,祝贺你!

    Put it there, Pal, put it there!

  15. 说到搞头, 老弟, 你怎么样?

    Speaking of game, man, what's up with you?

  16. 别昧着心说话了,老弟。

    Don't kid yourself, boy.

  17. 老弟,我现在去到10磅了。

    I m up to 10 pounds, baby.

  18. 听我说, 老弟, 我也有家人。

    Look, I got a family too.

  19. 我说老弟阿, 你可不知道。

    I say brother, you don't know.

  20. 我的老弟,欢迎你留下来。

    My dear man, you are welcome to stay.

  21. 这里有给你老弟要地签名。

    and heres an autograph for your brother.

  22. 哎哟,老弟,哪里搞来的靴子?

    Hey wow, man! Where d'you get those boots?

  23. 老弟向我们推荐面疙瘩不错!

    Brother to recommend us a good noodle pimple!

  24. 是吗,亲爱的皮普,我的老弟。

    Yes, dear old Pip, old chap.

  25. 乔埃斯, 你站在西面, 老弟。

    Joyce, you stand by the west, my man.

  26. 你的话太正确了,我的老弟!

    You're right, old chap!

  27. 不老弟,他比你更眼尖哩。

    nay lads, hes more sharp eyed than you are.

  28. 喂!老弟!瞧我的新打扮怎么样?

    Hey mancheck out my new look!

  29. 嘿, 老弟, 你收到我的简了吗?

    Hey bro, you got my message?

  30. 老弟,西蒙娜都跟别人上床了

    You know, man, Simone just gives it away.


  1. 问:老弟拼音怎么拼?老弟的读音是什么?老弟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:老弟的读音是lǎodì,老弟翻译成英文是 young man; young fellow; my boy



老弟,lǎodì[dear friend;fellow;Mac]∶亲切称呼比自己年纪小的男性,[younger brother][方]∶弟弟,指姊妹间,称呼较小的男性为老弟。