







汉语拼音:bào kǎo






  1. 报名投考。




  1. My sister is going to graduate from senior middle school this summer. She plans to go on her study in your university.


  2. The risk was that if I failed my first choice, I would have been rejected by my original high school even if I was qualified.


  3. As a result of these reasons, I attended the exam of this officeholder, entered oneself for an examination secretary this position.


  4. The principle to the network, establish, safeguard interested friend to be able to enter oneself for an examination network.


  5. The lesson learned here is finish what you start by throwing yourself into it fully. Treat your college experience as if it were a job.


  6. I have no idea whether any other college would have considered my application; fortunately, I never had to find out.


  7. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the room after they have completed the check-in procedures.


  8. When I signed up for the SAT in 1967, I recall mailing in a brief paper form with a few facts.


  9. To enter oneself for an examination, first, I need a good learning environment to more efficient learning, is a very good choice of your.


  1. 他已经报考。

    He has gone up for the exam.

  2. 报考资格线

    qualification line of registration.

  3. 之后选择报考专业等报考信息。

    Afterward chooses register information and so on register specialty.

  4. 研究生院吸引更多人报考。

    Graduate schools draw more applicants.

  5. 不幸是所没人报考的大学。

    Unhappiness is a university that no one applies.

  6. 有些学生报考科目多达十个。

    Some pupils take as many as ten.

  7. 我觉得她还会报考艺术院校

    I think she'll try for art school again.

  8. 他报考了航空公司的导航员。

    He has registered to take an examination to be a navigator of the aviation company.

  9. 他报考了航空公司的导航员。

    He has registered to take an examination to be a navigator of the aviation company.

  10. 所有报考者都能对答如流。

    All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.

  11. 没有公司盖章可以报考外销员?

    Can you enter oneself for an examination without firm stamp export member?

  12. 报考兽医学校需要经过激烈竞争。

    Admission to schools of veterinary medicine is exceptionally competitive.

  13. 知道我为什么会报考这个专业吗?

    Know why I will apply for this professional?

  14. 所以北京的大学报考今年异常爆满。

    So the university of Beijing enters for unusually full this year.

  15. 辅导学生报考报关员资格的实践

    The Practice in Guiding Students for Obtaining the National Customs Declaration Certificate

  16. 到财政局会计科报考会计证。

    The Financial Accounting Services Division to apply for certification of accounting.

  17. 报考人员,按属地原则报名参加考试。

    For personnel at the territoriality principle enroll in the examination.

  18. 你有想过报考国家公务员考试吗?

    Have you ever thought about entering for the national public servant examination ?

  19. 报考硕士资格造假案的行政法思考

    Analysis of the Case of Entry Qualification Forging from the Perspective of Administrative Law

  20. 报考体育专业学生的短期训练初探

    Preliminary study on the training strategy to cope with the admission examination for university among the students majored in physical education

  21. 招录机关应当采取措施, 便利公民报考。

    Recruiting agencies should take measures to facilitate citizen sitting.

  22. 建议报考的专业及理由应当如何备考

    A Letter to a Former Classmate to Give Some Advice on Which Major He Should Choose

  23. 国际针灸从业人员资格考试报考申请表

    Application Form for International Qualification Examination for Acupuncture Practitioners

  24. 月剑桥少儿英语全国统一考试报考简章

    Cambridge Young Learners English Test System

  25. 本人男,准备报考2011年武汉大学得研究生。

    Oneself male, prepare to enter oneself for an examination2009 the graduate student of Wuhan university.

  26. 本人男,准备报考2011年武汉大学的研究生。

    Oneself male, prepare to enter oneself for an examination2011 the graduate student of Wuhan university.

  27. 我是法律大专,想报考金融方面的本科!

    I am a law college, I would like to apply for undergraduate financial!

  28. 今年, 报考国家公务员的人数再创新高。

    This year, the number of people entering their names for the state civil servant examinations has reach a new height.

  29. 今年,报考国家公务员的人数再创新高。

    This year, the number of people entering their names for the state civil servant examinations has reach a new height.

  30. 申请报名缴纳报考费, 提交所需资料。

    Remit application fee and submit required documents for application.


  1. 问:报考拼音怎么拼?报考的读音是什么?报考翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报考的读音是bàokǎo,报考翻译成英文是 take an entrance exam

  2. 问:报考人拼音怎么拼?报考人的读音是什么?报考人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报考人的读音是,报考人翻译成英文是 candidate



[span]报考bào kǎo报名投考。《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“这年学台下马,报了考。”如:报考研究生;报考大学。现在“报考”一般理解为考试报名,考生将自己的个人信息报入考试档案,具有具备考试的法律效应。