







汉语拼音:nóng lì









  1. 我国古代历法之一。平年十二个月,大月三十天,小月二十九天,全年354天或355天(一年中哪个月大,哪个月小,年年不同)。由于平均每年的天数比太阳年约差十一天,所以在十九年中设置七个闰月,有闰月的年份全年十三个月(383天或384天,闰月在几月份也没有一定)。又根据太阳的位置,把一个太阳年分成二十四个节气,便于农事。纪年用天干地支搭配,六十年周而复始。俗称阴历。这种历法相传创始于 夏 代,所以又称夏历、旧历。

  2. 农业上使用的历书。



  1. Happy Chinese New Year to you and good health as well as a good balance of spiritual and material wealth. . . and chocolate cake.


  2. Well, I've got to go now. . . and here I wish all of you a prosperous Chinese New Year filled with lots of Happiness, Health and Wealth!


  3. It will be the Spring Festival of 2008 in a week and the best wish of every person away from home is to return for the New Year.


  4. On a Chinese New Year's Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could do was stare at him , confused , scratching my head .


  5. I am delighted to see a vibrant Chinese community in Dubai. No doubt preparations to ring in the Lunar New Year are well under way.


  6. 2 months ago. . . Management mentioned that I might not be able to go back as they probably would arrange work during the Lunar New Year!


  7. This would be a week before Duanwu, the Dragon Boat Festival, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.


  8. This holiday may be traced back to the ancient Chinese custom of sacrificing game to the ancestors during the last month of the lunar year.


  9. originally referred to the red packets containing money as a gift from the senior to the junior in Spring Festival.


  1. 农历五月初五。

    May the fifth on the lunar calendar.

  2. 春节即农历新年。

    The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.

  3. 农历正月初一的前夜

    The eve of Chinese lunar new year

  4. 你们用农历做什么的

    What do you use the lunar calendar for

  5. 农历年我们去澳洲。

    Lets go to Australia during the Chinese Lunar New year.

  6. 农历新年店铺开放时间

    Chinese New Year Store Hours

  7. 中秋节是农历8月15日。

    Mid autumn fall on the fifteenth day of the August, chinese calendar.

  8. 圣诞节前夕及农历新年前夕

    Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year Eve

  9. 农历腊月初八腊八节

    The laba Rice Porridge Fe

  10. 今年是农历的猪年。

    This year is the year of the pig in the lunar calendar.

  11. 我很喜欢过农历新年。

    I love the chinese new year celebration.

  12. 它是为了庆祝农历新年。

    Its to celebrate the lunar calendars new year.

  13. 农历五月初五是端午节。

    The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

  14. 它在农历6月24日至26日举行。

    It is from the 24 th to the 26 th day of the sixth lunar month.

  15. 这与农历纪年法相似。

    This method is similar to the Lunar Calendar.

  16. 公历, 农历及其相关性探析

    Correlation between Solar Calendar and Lunar Calendar

  17. 中秋节在农历八月十五。

    The MidAutumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.

  18. 真正的公农历转换类。

    Vip True male lunar calendar transformation class vip, Visual Basic.

  19. 农历新年的热闹气氛越来越浓。

    The buzz of Chinese New Year seems to be building.

  20. 今天是农历九月初九,是重阳节。

    Today is September ninth by lunar calendar. it's the double ninth festival.

  21. 这个故事中的日期均沿用农历。

    All the dates given in this story follow the lunar calendar.

  22. 我们有一本农历可供查对。

    There's a lunar calendar for us to check the dates.

  23. 农历新年以外还有什么节日?

    Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar?

  24. 是农历春节的一项大活动。

    Dragon and lion dance is a big event of the Lunar New Year Festival.

  25. 是农历春节得一项大活动。

    Dragon and lion dance is a big event of the Lunar New Year Festival.

  26. 农历过年前最后一次预购商品!

    This is the last presell products before Chinese new year!

  27. 这个故事中得日期均沿用农历。

    All the dates given in this story follow the lunar calendar.

  28. 你知道那天是农历几号吗?

    Do you know what it is according to the lunar calendar

  29. 农历春节期间, 我们一向都这么做。

    We always do so during the Chinese New Year.

  30. 恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意!

    Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!


  1. 问:农历拼音怎么拼?农历的读音是什么?农历翻译成英文是什么?

    答:农历的读音是nónglì,农历翻译成英文是 lunar calendar



“农历”是个多义词,它可以指农历(中国传统历法), 农历(郭文斌著长篇小说)。