







汉语拼音:shén shè






  1. 古代祭祀社神的场所。

    《墨子·明鬼下》:“昔者 齐庄君 之臣有所谓 王里国 、 中里徼 者。此二子者讼三年而狱不断。 齐君 由谦杀之,恐不辜;犹谦释之,恐失有罪。乃使之人共一羊,盟 齐 之神社。” 晋 张华 《博物志》卷八:“ 子路 与 子贡 过 郑 之神社,社树有鸟, 子路 搏鸟,社神牵挛 子路 。 子贡 説之,乃止。”

  2. 日本 神道教祭神的场所。或称神宫。原为各村落共行农事仪礼处,后逐步发展为兴建舍宇、神殿,按时祭神。

    郭沫若 《创造十年》一:“在松原中,离大学后门不远处,有一座大神社,叫 箱崎神社 ,供的是 日本 人的守护神 八旛大明 神。那种神社在 日本 国内随处都有。”



  1. I told him that, if he visited Yasukuni, all he would see is a piece of paper with a list of the war dead.


  2. Prime Minister visiting the shrine on the issue, he said it was in the prime minister's personal judgments.


  3. Somehow, the war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni will have to be removed, even though the shrine has private status.


  4. A little girl Kanata found around the Jinja in the village, who was waiting for her parents.


  5. Times are so tough that the local Shinto shrine has stopped hiring musicians for summer festivals, he said.


  6. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!


  7. Mr Abe would back away from Mr Koizumi's pledge to visit Yasukuni without appearing to kowtow to China, he said.


  8. Unlike some of Mr Aso's predecessors, he did not visit the shrine himself.


  9. Shrine sacrificial rites held the lich nyujhong a pair of eyes like a rabbit and clear of body suddenly attracted people cells.


  1. 靖国神社法案

    Yasukuni Shrine Bill

  2. 多次参拜靖国神社

    Repeatedly paying homage to the Yasukuni Shrine

  3. 参拜靖国神社与小泉外交

    Homage Paying to Yashu Kuni Shrine and the Koizumi Diplomacy

  4. 靖国神社大鸟居有多架势。

    How big is the Torii of Yasukuni Shrine

  5. 神户凑川神社祭神大楠公。

    Vintage Japanese picture post card, Nanko Shrine, Entrance Gate.

  6. 是否今年他将参访神社, 后面,

    Whether he will visit the shrine this year

  7. 就连神社也卷入了猎婚潮。

    Even shrines are getting in on the konkatsu boom.

  8. 从参拜靖国神社看错误的历史观

    To view the outlook of history from Yasukuni Shrine visit

  9. 明治末期的神社整理与国家神道

    Reorganization of Shrines and National Shinto in Late Meiji Japan

  10. 靖国神社成为洗劫一个邪恶王子,大气。

    The shrine becomes ransacked by one of the evil princes, Atmos.

  11. 小泉参拜靖国神社意涵之我见

    The Implications on junichiro koizumi paying homage to the yasukuni shrine

  12. 官币小社大国魂神社本殿及拜殿。

    Vintage Japanese BW Picture Postcard.Shrine Temple, Main Shrine.

  13. 参拜靖国神社问题对中日关系的影响

    The Influence of Paying Homage to Temple on the Relationship between China and Japan

  14. 镰仓有多处寺庙,神社以及其它历史纪念碑。

    shrines and other historical monuments.

  15. 我还想去看看那儿的严岛神社。

    And I would like to visit the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine there.

  16. 在1978年14名甲级战犯被秘密移进神社。

    Fourteen top war criminals were secretly enshrined in1978.

  17. 参拜靖国神社是最大的象牙和黄金的宙斯雕像。

    The greatest shrine was an ivory and gold statue of Zeus.

  18. 去年四名部长在8月15日前往神道教神社。

    Last year four ministers visited the Shinto shrine on August 15.

  19. 不象他的前任首相,他自己没有参拜靖国神社。

    Unlike some of Mr Asos predecessors, he did not visit the shrine himself.

  20. 一个新手在付出辛劳和汗水后蹲坐在神社前。

    Toil and sweat done, an apprentice meditates before a Shinto shrine.

  21. 如果是指神道教的神社的话, 那个门叫做鸟居。

    If it is referring to the Shinto shrine, then known as the Torii gate.

  22. 今天天气好,我去了自己的家附近的神社看樱花。

    Today, I went to see the cherry blossoms in the shrine near my home.

  23. 今天芭芭拉和我来到了东京神社观赏户外相扑比赛。

    Barbara and I went to see this outdoor sumo match at a Shinto Shrine in Tokyo.

  24. 安倍就是否参拜靖国神社这一问题上依然保持沉默。

    Abe has kept mum on whether he will visit as prime minister.

  25. 安倍拒绝回答是否他将以首相的身份拜访靖国神社。

    Mr. Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.

  26. 不远处你可以参观富士山脚下的神社和禅宗花园。

    Not far away you can find a Shinto shrine and a Zen garden in the shadow of Mount Fuji.

  27. 去年一年,由于遭到黑客攻击,导致该神社网页瘫痪了5次。

    The past year due to hacker attacks there have been 5 total blocks of the site.

  28. 这是小泉纯一郎执政以来第二次参拜靖国神社。

    This is Koizumi's second visit to Yasukuni Shrine since he became Prime Minister.

  29. 几年之后,地堡被炸毁了,以免它成为纳粹分子参拜的神社。

    In later years, the bunker was blown up to stop it becoming a Nazi shrine.

  30. 安倍先生拒绝回答他在任职首相期间是否将参拜神社。

    Mister Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.


  1. 问:神社拼音怎么拼?神社的读音是什么?神社翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神社的读音是shénshè,神社翻译成英文是 shrine; altar

  2. 问:神社建筑拼音怎么拼?神社建筑的读音是什么?神社建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神社建筑的读音是,神社建筑翻译成英文是 Shinto architecture


