


随风飞动:~扬。~摆。~散(sàn )。~洒。~逸(洒脱自然,与众不同)。~溢(飘荡洋溢)。~拂。~忽(a.风云等轻快地移动;b.摇摆,浮动)。~荡。~泊(同“漂泊”)。~渺(同“漂渺”)。~摇。~零(a.飘荡;b.漂泊,流落无依)。~~然……


1. 洒 [sǎ]2. 洒 [xǐ]洒 [sǎ]使水或其他东西分散地落下:~水。~扫。~泪。东西散落:粮食~了。姓。洒 [xǐ]古同“洗”,洗涤。……



汉语拼音:piāo sǎ







  1. 见“ 飘洒 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 飘洒 ”。飘扬;飘拂。

    唐 高适 《奉和鹘赋》:“冰落落以凝闭,雪皑皑而飘洒。” 宋 司马光 《和兴宗<夜直听雨>》:“纵横挟春风,飘洒相喷吸。” 明 李东阳 《习隐》诗之十:“风沙信飘洒,霜雪徒萧森。” 张承志 《骑手为什么歌唱母亲》:“远方三百里外的阿拉坦公社,来了一个银发飘洒的老奶奶。”

  3. 指风吹拂。

    明 吴承恩 《西山》诗:“霽竹浮暖光,松风澹飘洒。” 清 陈维崧 《百字令·游楞伽山上方寺是日微雨》词:“髩缕柳丝都一样,总受东风飘洒。”

  4. 姿态轻松自然;不呆板。

    清 陈维崧 《贺新郎·魏塘舟中读钱尔斐先生<菊农词稿>十二用前韵》词:“垫巾埜服神飘洒。句清圆诸般易及,一清难画。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·粉蝶》:“有婢自内出,年约十四五,飘洒艳丽。” 老舍 《女店员》第三幕第二场:“跟骑自行车不是一个劲儿。首先是车把不听使唤!看着街上的男同志们蹬的那么飘洒,赶到我一上去呀,一下子就朝着墙去了!”



  1. In the heart of rain falling in my heart shake and crumble, floating, shake shake, do not know what Chucai is safe harbor.

  2. Jump into the middle of the pile and throw the leaves up in the air so they fall down like snowflakes.

  3. What may fall as a light fluffy powder is set on an inescapable course to become water, capable of causing all manner of disruption.

  4. to raise your hair, comb it with the fingers, and then let it mercilessly splash across the pages of my book.

  5. The winter snows now descended on the Totenkopf's sector, freezing the German advance against Leningrad.

  6. Heaven silent Piaosa a snowflake, it is a quiet life Elegy more like the life of a section of warm praise.

  7. Since then, every winter, the sky will float in the air there were numerous under the snow.

  8. In the patter of rain, from my inside heart came the laughter of an angel, not the Satan.

  9. This was almost as thrilling as the pale storm still floating outside the windows.


  1. 飘洒的长袍

    long flowing robes

  2. 天空飘洒着雪花。

    Snowflakes were swirling in the air.

  3. 迷漫得雪花从天而降,飘洒飞扬。

    The beautiful snow is suffusing from the sky.

  4. 迷漫的雪花从天而降,飘洒飞扬。

    The beautiful snow is suffusing from the sky.

  5. 她那一手字写得好飘洒!

    What a graceful, facile hand she writes!

  6. 诡秘的白色与飘洒的蓝色雪粉建构了景深。

    The depth of the landscape is delineated by mysterious flairs of white, the powdery blue snow embankment.

  7. 翘曲飘洒的屋顶, 像搏击长空的鹰翼般灵动。

    The warped roofs look like an eagle's wings striking the vast sky.

  8. 翘曲飘洒得屋顶,像搏击长空得鹰翼般灵动。

    The warped roofs look like an eagle's wings striking the vast sky.

  9. 春雨淅淅沥沥的飘洒下来,桃花在春雨的呼唤下醒了。

    Down the drift spring, peach blossoms in the spring under the wake of the call.

  10. 她渴望的面容萦绕着我的梦, 像细雨飘洒于夜晚。

    Her wistful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.

  11. 塞北的雪,急切切地来,飘飘洒洒,莹洁璀璨。

    Saibei snow, earnestly anxious to come, Durian, Yingjie bright.

  12. 内心的泪水缓缓飘洒着小雨不停地打着记忆的伤痕。

    Inner tears slowly special rained kept under memory wounds.

  13. 从那以后,每到冬天,天空就会飘洒下纷纷扬扬的雪花。

    Since then, every winter, the sky will float in the air there were numerous under the snow.

  14. 水月观音面额丰腴,神采俨然,衣带飘洒若乘风翩翩欲飞。

    Guanyin plump face value, look like, if the wind driftyi dai trippingly For fly.

  15. 这几乎跟窗外还在飘洒的白茫茫的暴风雪一样让我们兴奋。

    This was almost as thrilling as the pale storm still floating outside the windows.

  16. 冬天, 坐在屋子里的火炉边, 看着飘飘洒洒的雪花。浪漫!

    The winter, sits in the room nearby the stove, looksfloatingly the snowflake which sprinkles Romantic!

  17. 纷纷扬扬的奶粉, 飘飘洒洒成这个秋天最让人心悸的迷茫。

    The thick falling powdered milk, flutters floats sprinkles this autumn most to let the person palpitation confusedness.


  1. 问:飘洒拼音怎么拼?飘洒的读音是什么?飘洒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飘洒的读音是piāosa,飘洒翻译成英文是 graceful

  2. 问:飘洒拼音怎么拼?飘洒的读音是什么?飘洒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飘洒的读音是piāosǎ,飘洒翻译成英文是 fall




【拼音】piāo sǎ


【出处】 1.飘扬;飘拂。 唐 高适 《奉和鹘赋》:“冰落落以凝闭,雪皑皑而飘洒。” 宋 司马光 《和兴宗》:“纵横挟春风,飘洒相喷吸。” 明 李东阳 《习隐》诗之十:“风沙信飘洒,霜雪徒萧森。” 张承志 《骑手为什么歌唱母亲》:“远方三百里外的阿拉坦公社,来了一个银发飘洒的老奶奶。” 2.指风吹拂。 明 吴承恩 《西山》诗:“霁竹浮暖光,松风澹飘洒。” 清 陈维崧 《百字令·游楞伽山上方寺是日微雨》词:“髩缕柳丝都一样,总受东风飘洒。” 3.姿态轻松自然;不呆板。 清 陈维崧 《贺新郎·魏塘舟中读钱尔斐先生十二用前韵》词:“垫巾埜服神飘洒。句清圆诸般易及,一清难画。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·粉蝶》:“有婢自内出,年约十四五,飘洒艳丽。” 老舍 《女店员》第三幕第二场:“跟骑自行车不是一个劲儿。首先是车把不听使唤!看着街上的男同志们蹬的那么飘洒,赶到我一上去呀,一下子就朝着墙去了!”