


随风飞动:~扬。~摆。~散(sàn )。~洒。~逸(洒脱自然,与众不同)。~溢(飘荡洋溢)。~拂。~忽(a.风云等轻快地移动;b.摇摆,浮动)。~荡。~泊(同“漂泊”)。~渺(同“漂渺”)。~摇。~零(a.飘荡;b.漂泊,流落无依)。~~然……





汉语拼音:piāo wǔ








  1. 随风舞动。

    南朝 齐 谢朓 《奉和随王殿下诗》之十二:“浮云西北起,飞来下高堂。合散轻帷表,飘舞 桂臺 阳。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满洲》:“他母亲拄着拐杖,白发飘舞在北风里。” 巴金 《沉默·春雨》:“在微雨飘舞中我揭下了帽子。”



  1. In front rode Mr Rochester on his black horse, and with him rode a beautiful lady, her black curls streaming in the wind. 'Blanche Ingram! '


  2. Every summer, long hair switchgrass as if the wind wave girls.


  3. Yet she had evidently nothing of the fluttering, flapping quality of a morsel of bunting in the wind.


  4. I was a dancing girl standing in the wings, waiting to hear the music that would send me floating like a feather across the stage.


  5. the clouds about the sun were becoming rosy, and it looked like a few pieces of beautiful red silk floating in the west of the sky.


  6. I look up to the sky, as if sunk-in kite to the blue sky studded with flowers.


  7. One day, Agam sent his son on a school bus, then, the book came from the son of a feather, the wind blowing, it began flying the wind.


  8. A Qatari man in a traditional white dishdasha robe and a wind-blown red-and-white kaffiyeh stands before a sandstone formation near Dukhan.


  9. Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!


  1. 树叶逆风飘舞。

    The leave was flying away on the wind.

  2. 树叶随风飘舞。

    The leaves were blowing in the wind.

  3. 到处飘舞着彩旗。

    Everywhere coloured banners are fluttering.

  4. 随风飘舞的树叶

    leaves dancing in the wind

  5. 有某片叶子飘舞于

    Did a certain leaflet fly

  6. 旗帜在风中飘舞着。

    Flags danced in the wind.

  7. 伴随那上下飘舞的风

    And like the winds they rise and fall

  8. 东风吹拂, 柳条迎风飘舞。

    Gently Blows the east wind, setting the willow Branches dancing.

  9. 血染的军旗在空中飘舞。

    The blood-stained flag is flowing in the wind.

  10. 雪在空中飘舞,明亮而优美。

    Snow danced in the mid sky, light and graceful.

  11. 落叶飘舞的风中,她在扫地。

    She swept in winds that scattered leaves.

  12. 那个女孩得发型会随风飘舞。

    The girl has a windblown hairstyle.

  13. 那个女孩的发型会随风飘舞。

    The girl has a windblown hairstyle.

  14. 那个女孩的发型会随风飘舞。

    The girl has a windblown hairstyle.

  15. 有某片叶子飘舞于肩与肩之间?

    A certain leaf fluttered from one shoulder to another?

  16. 迎接我们的将是乐队和飘舞的彩旗!

    Bands will be playing and flags waving.

  17. 我所有的思念依然扬翅独自飘舞。

    All the Miss belongs me maintain flutter with its wing lonely.

  18. 他的头发又长又乱随风飘舞着。

    Long and untidy , his hair played in the breeze.

  19. 她的长发被海风吹得狂乱飘舞。

    Her long hair is waving disorderly in the sea wind.

  20. 她的长发被海风吹得狂乱飘舞。

    Her long hair is waving disorderly in the sea wind.

  21. 春天来了, 满天都是飘舞得飞絮。

    In spring, the flying catkins are almost everywhere.

  22. 春天来了,满天都是飘舞的飞絮。

    In spring, the flying catkins are almost everywhere.

  23. 春天来了,满天都是飘舞的飞絮。

    In spring, the flying catkins are almost everywhere.

  24. 你的发丝在午后的阳光下闪亮飘舞

    And the way your hair would glisten in the sun.

  25. 迎接我们的将是演奏的乐队和飘舞的旗帜。

    Bands will be playing and flags waving.

  26. 伴随着北国飘舞的雪花,2003年就要过去了。

    Companion waves as northland the snowflake of dance, was about to go2003.

  27. 飘舞的飞天, 将梦幻佛国变成生机的世界。

    The flying waving in the wind, turn the illusive Buddhism country into the vigorous world.

  28. 放鱼的柳条编织的篮子。东风吹拂,柳条迎风飘舞。

    A wicker basket used to hold fish. Gently Blows the east wind, setting the willow Branches dancing.

  29. 她慢慢地冲过终点, 纸带在她的身后飘舞。

    She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the fluttering behind her.

  30. 她穿的那件轻薄的粉红色连衣裙在身后飘舞。

    She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her.


  1. 问:飘舞拼音怎么拼?飘舞的读音是什么?飘舞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飘舞的读音是piāowǔ,飘舞翻译成英文是 wave in the wind; dance in the wind




拼音:piāo wǔ 词义:随风飞舞或摇摆:雪花漫天~~ | 柳条迎风~~。 飘 : 飘(飘) piāo 随风飞动:飘扬。飘摆。飘散。飘洒。飘逸(洒脱自然,与众不同)。飘溢 舞:舞 wǔ 按一定的节奏转动身体表演各种姿势:舞蹈。舞技。舞姿。舞会。舞剑。舞女。舞曲。舞台。耍弄 基本解释 在风中舞动 花絮随风飘舞 详细解释 随风舞动。 南朝 齐谢朓 《奉和随王殿下诗》之十二:“浮云西北起,飞来下高堂。合散轻帷表,飘舞 桂台 阳。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满洲》:“他母亲拄着拐杖,白发飘舞在北风里。” 巴金 《沉默·春雨》:“在微雨飘舞中我揭下了帽子。”