




相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……



汉语拼音:xiǎng xiàng








  1. 亦作“ 想象 ”。

    1.缅怀;回忆。《楚辞·远游》:“思旧故以想像兮,长太息而掩涕。” 王逸 注:“像,一作象。” 唐 李商隐 《及第东归次灞上却寄同年》诗:“ 下苑 经过劳想像,东门送饯又差池。” 清 倪瑞璿 《金陵怀古》诗:“往事不堪频想像,夕阳西下看潮平。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十一:“我现在想像,他说这话时的笑容,还俨然如在目前呢。”

  2. 犹设想。

    《列子·汤问》:“ 伯牙 乃舍琴而叹曰:‘善哉,善哉,子之听夫!志想象犹吾心也。’” 唐 高适 《和贺兰判官望北海作》:“跡非想像到,心以精灵猜。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·辨证上·霓裳羽衣曲考》:“《霓裳羽衣曲》舞不传於世久矣,虽学士知书之流,亦徒求想像而已。” 杨朔 《迎志愿军归国》:“你们想像中的祖国正应该是这样。”



  1. For, if language is to seduce or strike your imagination, words themselves also have to have indulged in a scared form of prostitution.


  2. As I've gotten older and actually become famous I realize that it's not what I thought it would be.


  3. I thank you for this with all my heart. You cannot imagine how wonderful it is to be remembered in such a way.


  4. (Verse 24. ) They knew that Jesus was the Lord of all, but they were not trying to take His place like the devil was.


  5. What personality is the site trying to conveying to its site users?


  6. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.


  7. I want you to think on this for a moment and get yourself into the frame of mind of attending a funeral of a dear one.


  8. The substance less nature of his feedback stuck him with one of the worst performance-related torments: Being left to your own imagination.


  9. I tried to come like him this morning, but as I walked out, then it was too cold, and I said, I'd better put my shirt back on.


  1. 想像一下。

    A seeing to.

  2. 逼真的想像

    A vivid imagination.

  3. 生动的想像

    a lively imagination.

  4. 他纵情想像。

    He gave free rein to his imagination.

  5. 缺乏想像力

    lack imagination.

  6. 是超乎想像的。

    are significant.

  7. 想像有一天

    sort of structure coming out at room temperature.

  8. 希望你想像一下

    So I want you to go there.

  9. 想像距今4000年后

    Imagine that it's 4, 000 years into the future.

  10. 在我的想像中

    in my mind's eye

  11. 都是你想像的。

    It's all in your head.

  12. 想像从前那样生活

    and make everything how it was before.

  13. 你能想像得到吗

    Can you imagine?

  14. 你曾经想像过吗

    Do you ever fantasize

  15. 丰富的想像力。

    a fecund imagination

  16. 社会学想像力

    sociological imagination.

  17. 奔放的想像力。

    a fevered imagination

  18. 是想像出來的樂器

    They are imaginary musical instruments.

  19. 他富于想像力。

    He is fertile in imagination.

  20. 我想像来个野餐。

    I fancy the idea of having a picnic.

  21. 龙是想像的产物。

    Dragons are the coinage of the brain.

  22. 龙是想像得产物。

    Dragons are the coinage of the brain.

  23. 都是我想像的,都是我想像的。

    It's all in me head. it's all in me head.

  24. 都是我想像的,都是我想像的。

    It's all in me head. it's all in me head.

  25. 都是我想像的,都是我想像的。

    It's all in me head. It's all in me head.

  26. 你们能想像得到吗?

    Can you imagine that?

  27. 都是你想像的 都是你想像的。

    It's all in your head. it's all in your head.

  28. 都是你想像的 都是你想像的。

    It's all in your head. it's all in your head.

  29. 都是你想像的 都是你想像的。

    It's all in your head. It's all in your head.

  30. 我就想像那样下降

    I want to go down like that.


  1. 问:想像拼音怎么拼?想像的读音是什么?想像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:想像的读音是xiǎngxiàng,想像翻译成英文是 imagine; imagination

  2. 问:想像转移拼音怎么拼?想像转移的读音是什么?想像转移翻译成英文是什么?

    答:想像转移的读音是xiǎng xiàng zhuǎn yí,想像转移翻译成英文是 imaginal manoeuvre

  3. 问:想像需求拼音怎么拼?想像需求的读音是什么?想像需求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:想像需求的读音是xiǎng xiàng xū qiú,想像需求翻译成英文是 imaginary demand

  4. 问:想像预演拼音怎么拼?想像预演的读音是什么?想像预演翻译成英文是什么?

    答:想像预演的读音是xiǎng xiàng yù yǎn,想像预演翻译成英文是 fantasy rehearsal

  5. 问:想像性理解拼音怎么拼?想像性理解的读音是什么?想像性理解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:想像性理解的读音是xiǎng xiàng xìng lǐ jiě,想像性理解翻译成英文是 imaginative apprehension