







汉语拼音:xiá xiǎng








  1. 悠远地想象或思索。

    晋 袁宏 《三国名臣序赞》:“ 孔明 盘桓,俟时而动,遐想 管 乐 ,远明风流。” 唐 元稹 《元泉道中作》诗:“遐想云外寺,峯峦眇相望。” 沙汀 《困兽记》二八:“正如一个凄凉美丽的梦境一样,好是好的,既然是梦醒了,你就只能闭目遐想而已。”

  2. 超越现实境界的想法。

    唐 杜甫 《八哀诗·故著作郎贬台州司户荥阳郑公虔》:“操纸终夕酣,时物集遐想。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·胡四姐》:“会值秋夜,银河高耿,徘徊花阴,颇存遐想。” 许杰 《看木头戏记》:“脑子里的遐想,有时也就想得古怪。”



  1. As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet.


  2. Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet.


  3. He leaned his head upon the framework of his printing press and gave himself up to thought.


  4. Imagination Such similar ruins can only provide me with a brilliant imagination.


  5. Defence literature is full of fantasies about imminent battles, and China has always attracted this sort of attention.


  6. A man touched down on the moon, a wish came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science anti-aging.


  7. Were you given me endless reverie , writing notes and substantiate the Lonely Nights, the long night is no longer long .


  8. She wondered what he was doing while she waited for the oil to heat up in the pan or for the rice to fluff in the paila.


  9. When i take a coach, i always imagine that , there will be a pretty girl sits beside me . At least, a pleasure to look at.


  1. 遐想,自误

    to flirt with an idea

  2. 青春的遐想

    VI REVERIE Of The Young

  3. 我陷入了遐想。

    I was lost in contemplation.

  4. 他善于遐想, 遐想无限

    He, versed in fancying, fancies the infinite.

  5. 引发了无限遐想。

    Brought possibilities to light.

  6. 引发了无限遐想。

    Brought possibilities to light.

  7. 足见她正在遐想。

    Sure sign that she was dreaming.

  8. 他善于遐想,遐想无限

    He, versed in fancying, fancies the infinite.

  9. 追随心灵无常的遐想。

    According to the Caprice of the mind.

  10. 回味, 触动心弦的遐想。

    The fancy of the touch heartstring.

  11. 送给她缤纷的遐想

    Give her an active imagination

  12. 似梦中甘甜的遐想。

    Like sweet thoughts in a dream.

  13. 一起描绘, 优秀建筑遐想。

    Describe the reverie of outstanding building together.

  14. 他遐想着时光的飞逝。

    He speculated on the passage of time.

  15. 你可以合理的遐想一下。

    Make of that what you will.

  16. 青春的遐想是悠长的想。

    And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.

  17. 留给你更多无限遐想

    Leave you wanting more and all of that.

  18. 他微微一笑,顿生遐想。

    He smiled and turned the fancy in his mind.

  19. 她仿佛显得更加撩人遐想。

    She seemed much more attractive.

  20. 创意产业与印刷业的遐想

    Reverie About Creative and Printing Industry.

  21. 刀把无字,给人以遐想。

    Hilt without words makes people image.

  22. 他一直有去莫斯科的遐想。

    He has been flirting with the idea of going to Moscow.

  23. 道出了人们不尽的遐想。

    Have uttered people's limitless and fanciful thoughts.

  24. 我对未来充满了无限的遐想。

    I have filled the infinite daydream to the future.

  25. 电脑程序的失败使我的遐想破灭。

    I was disillusioned by the failure of the computer program.

  26. 爱情,在静穆中生长,又在遐想中浓郁。

    Love grows in reticence and matures in reverie.

  27. 因此沉浸在感恩节的小遐想中。

    So indulge in a little Thanksgiving daydream. Long for the oyster stuffing.

  28. 心灵为自己所遐想的美而憔悴。

    Of its own beauty is the mind diseased.

  29. 她沉浸在对童年往事的遐想中。

    She fell into a reverie about her childhood.

  30. 海的美让人遐想,让人陶醉流连忘返。

    Sea US lets the person daydream, lets the human be infatuated with forgets to return.


  1. 问:遐想拼音怎么拼?遐想的读音是什么?遐想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遐想的读音是xiáxiǎng,遐想翻译成英文是 daydream



“遐想”是个多义词,它可以指遐想(李思彤演唱歌曲), 遐想(汉语词语)。