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1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……
汉语拼音:xiá sī
唐 韩偓 《<香奁集>序》:“遐思宫体未降,称 庾信 攻文,却誚《玉臺》,何必倩 徐陵 作序。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·宣文阁》:“以 天历 二年三月,作 奎章 之阁,备燕閒之居,将以渊潜遐思,缉熙典学。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·南国盆景》:“对着一盆精彩的盆景,有时的确颇能发人遐思。”
宋 王安石 《谢徐秘校启》:“未即趋承,惟加调护,佇膺殊擢,以慰遐思。” 明 张居正 《祭米公文》:“怀陟岵之遐思兮,冀瓜期之既及。” 清 张仪昭 《侍宦都门题<香畹楼忆语>后》诗:“ 燕 云牵别梦, 湘 草寄遐思。”
The aesthetic perception also depends upon the state of mind of the observer, the point of view and individual accomplishment, etc.
又依观察者情绪的不同,思维观念的不同,个人修养的不同而产生不同的遐思。In the evocative scene, the dark of the eclipsed Moon competes with the Milky Way's faint glow.
幽暗的全食月在银河淡淡波光中荡漾,勾起人无限遐思。To what extent it is capable of leveraging these powers to upend Western hegemony of technology is a truly fascinating question.
中国会在什么程度上利用这些力量来推翻西方的技术霸权,这确实是一个引人遐思的问题。At year's end, when our media are abuzz with men, events and personalities of the year, I venture a more dubious and disturbing speculation.
时届岁尾,新闻媒体忙于报导本年闻人与时事,容我放胆做一个令人置疑而又令人不安的遐思。Its brilliant colors, the idea gives to the U. S. , the U. S. enjoy, can play a wonderful peerless artistic atmosphere.
它的色彩亮丽,给人以美的遐思、美的享受,能渲染出美妙绝伦的艺术气氛。I go over endlessly in my thought of your kisses, your tears, and your delicious jealousy.
你的吻给了我无限的遐思与回味,还有你的泪水与甜蜜的嫉妒。Womanliness is like orchid, quietly elegant free from vulgarity, outstanding . Her internal soul trigger people's unlimited reverie.
女人味似兰草,淡雅脱俗,卓尔不群,深藏的内心让人遐思无限。Strolling the beach, like ink pen into the ink- feng, and thousands of people dream made reality, relaxed and happy.
信步海边,犹如融进水墨画的笔峰墨迹之中,令人遐思万千,心旷神怡。All of a sudden, a bomb blasted and the soldier fell down, dying with his dream.
The philosophy reverie of quark appearance
That make me many reverie
All of the feelings with fugaciously emitting sound of cicada
在性高潮遐思过程中, 男女不得对视。
There is no eye contact during orgasmic meditation.
I dream of the horizon and words fail
Image from reality to imagination helps extend the imaginative space for the readers.
有莲花的水面, 总是会令人生更多遐思, 更多流连。
A lotus surface will always be people to have more reverie, more hang around.
When I'm alone I dream on the horizon and words fail.
海伦得遐思给驱散了, 她叹了一口气, 站起身来。
Helen sighed as her reverie fled, and got up.
However, most people lantern reveries, I am afraid that is still looking forward to the Lantern Festival lantern.
幽暗的全食月在银河淡淡波光中荡漾, 勾起人无限遐思。
In the evocative scene, the dark of the eclipsed Moon competes with the Milky Ways faint glow.
女人味似兰草, 淡雅脱俗, 卓尔不群, 深藏的内心让人遐思无限。
Womanliness is like orchid, quietly elegant free from vulgarity, outstanding. Her internal soul trigger people's unlimited reverie.