







汉语拼音:chōng jǐng








  1. 向往。

    茅盾 《创造》二:“ 君实 在二十岁时,满脑子装着未来生活的憧憬。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第四章:“悲苦的回忆与幸福的憧憬交织在一起,真是苦辣酸甜一齐兜上心头。”



  1. She cherished such visions from day to day, until her residence in London began to become insupportable and tedious to her.


  2. He wants to see something that he could not do and as well have the feeling that his son can be one of these players.


  3. That feeling, as if already looking for a long time, you, it makes all of a sudden vision of such a clear yearning for change.


  4. Mom: I pretty much had to choose between being the kind of mom that I wanted to be, and being a singer, and, uh, there was no choice .


  5. I look forward to have his own house (the destination of the soul), and I love the people, I do not want such a life now.


  6. I spent two beautiful years in Tianjin and I would like to be with you again and to try together to be champion of China.


  7. "I dream of that moment, you know? " he says. "This summer I turn on the clock, 10 seconds left, and I practice for that moment. "


  8. You give me a little bit of comfort to the beautiful vision of their own, when I realized Mengxing at all. That beautiful Mirage.


  9. When a man fancies a woman, he also cares about her soul, lying to himself that he has fallen in love with her soul.


  1. 憧憬自由自在

    Longings for Freedom.

  2. 憧憬与热爱

    expect and love.

  3. 所以别憧憬

    So don't get your hopes up.

  4. 憧憬未来,淡看人生。

    The expectationfuture, palely will look at the life.

  5. 诗人憧憬超自然的东西。

    The poet had an ardent yearning for the supernatural.

  6. 求知的,渴望的,热烈的,憧憬的。

    Curious, thirsty, passionate, and longing.

  7. 憧憬着更为美好的未来

    yearning for a better and brighter future

  8. 她开始憧憬美好的未来。

    She fell to dreaming of the better days to come.

  9. 脑中怀着梦想和憧憬。

    With a dream in his head.

  10. 没有憧憬的生活是空虚的生活。

    Life is void if nothing is being longed for.

  11. 你曾经憧憬过这些愿景

    You used to dream about these kind of ideas.

  12. 你曾经憧憬过这些愿景。

    You used to dream about these kind of ideas.

  13. 当我看着对你的憧憬。

    Imagining I looking in Ur eyes.

  14. 乔对爱情仍旧没有任何憧憬。

    She is still not very interested in romance.

  15. 那不正是鱼儿憧憬的吗?

    That's all these Fish are really seeking.

  16. 生活在憧憬更好的未来中

    Live in hopes of better times to come

  17. 我憧憬飞翔,却无处可飞。

    I have a strong urge to fly, but nowhere to fly to.

  18. 很期待, 很憧憬美丽的乌克兰!

    Hope that I will get back some memory from Ukraine.

  19. 出轨粉碎了我们对爱情的憧憬。

    Infidelity shatters the grand ambition of love.

  20. 天真的莺莺对未来满是甜蜜的憧憬。

    Innocent warbler warbler is sweet longing completely to future.

  21. 洪都拉斯充满了希望和憧憬。

    Honduras is filled with a spirit of hope.

  22. 未婚的你是否依然憧憬婚姻的美好?

    Unmarried, are you still looking forward to a better marriage?

  23. 对圣诞节的憧憬使得孩子们兴奋不已

    The prospect of Christmas left the children agog.

  24. 仍然相信爱,憧憬幸福。其实一直都相信。

    Still believe that love and happiness does in this world.

  25. 别信靠未来,无论未来的憧憬多么美好!

    J ust no future, hawever pleasant!

  26. 他对孩子们的未来有着清楚的憧憬。

    He has a clear vision of the future he wants for his children.

  27. 因为她憧憬一个更美好的世界

    Because she wants a better world.

  28. 童年是一首诗, 充满了幻想和憧憬!

    Childhood is a poem, full of imagination and longing.

  29. 幸福是憧憬心那怡人的体会。

    Happiness is the pleasant experience, longing for your future.

  30. 有一些梦想你敢憧憬就一定会实现。

    And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.


  1. 问:憧憬拼音怎么拼?憧憬的读音是什么?憧憬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:憧憬的读音是chōngjǐng,憧憬翻译成英文是 look forward to



憧憬,就是对未来的美好生活的期待与向往。茅盾 《创造》二:“ 君实 在二十岁时,满脑子装着未来生活的憧憬。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第四章:“悲苦的回忆与幸福的憧憬交织在一起,真是苦辣酸甜一齐兜上心头。”