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1. 遗 [yí]遗 [yí]丢失:~失。~落。漏掉:~忘。~漏。丢失的东西,漏掉的部分:补~。路不拾~。余,留:~留。~俗。~闻。~址。~风。~憾。~老(a.经历世变的老人;b.仍然效忠前一朝代的老人)。死人留下的:~骨。~言。~嘱。不自……
汉语拼音:yí wàng
《庄子·盗跖》:“今富人,耳营鐘鼓筦籥之声,口嗛於芻豢醪醴之味,以感其意,遗忘其业,可谓乱矣。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·任诞》:“共道 蜀中 事,亦有所遗忘。” 唐 柳宗元 《寄许京兆孟容书》:“虽欲秉笔覼缕,神志荒耗,前后遗忘,终不能成章。” 清 李调元 《石匠行》:“字刻青天过手多,至今名姓半遗忘。” 茅盾 《一个女性》七:“一幕久已遗忘的故事蓦地再现出来。”
Keynesian economics, which had been nearly forgotten inside the macro field, has found new voices from outside.
在宏观领域内部被遗忘殆尽的凯恩斯主义经济学,从外部找到了新的代言人。As well, there are parts of Quantum that feel incomplete, as if they were left on the cutting room floor.
并且,《量子危机》有一些部分感觉不完整,就好像有些胶片被遗忘在剪辑室的地板上了。Your angel energy is an unalienable part of you which, even if it is temporarily veiled, can never be taken away from you.
你的天使能量是你不可剥夺的本质,即使被暂时披上了遗忘的面纱,也无法从你的身上被夺走。To Americans, the Korean War was the last thing they wanted to memorialize, thus the war became known as "The Forgotten War. "
对美国人来说,朝鲜战争是他们所要纪念的最后事情,因此这场战争就变成了人们所称的“被遗忘的战争。”He thought of all the memories he would leave them behind. He would leave them all behind, just like the girl had done to him.
他又想起了所有那些难忘的回忆,他要将它们全都遗忘,就像那个女孩对他一样。When I first picked up the book (Iris Chang's The Rape Of Nanking ) it had the words The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II on the cover.
第一次看到张小姐的书《强暴南京》,封面上写着‘二战里被遗忘的大屠杀’,我马上对它感兴趣,就开始搞这个电影。You say, tell me how to forget him? How I would like to forget, but also reluctant to think of how much.
你说,叫我如何忘记他?我多么想遗忘,又多么不愿再想起。Actually, everyone has their dream, it's just we did not insist on it so that we seems to forget about it eventually.
其实每个人心中都有自己的梦想,只是我们都没有坚持去实现,所以就把它给遗忘了。But a few hundred feet behind the sales hall some of the "almost completed" buildings look like neglected, hulking shells.