


养牲畜的圈(juàn ):虎~。亡羊补~(喻事后补救还不为迟)。~笼。古代称作祭品的牲畜:太~(古代帝王、诸侯祭祀社稷时,牛、羊、豕三牲全备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。监禁犯人的地方:监~。坐~。结实,坚固,固定:~固。~稳(a……





汉语拼音:láo jì








  1. 牢牢记住,不忘掉。

    《明成化说唱词话丛刊·石郎驸马传》:“话分两头牢记取,回文请唱国姑身。”《说岳全传》第二二回:“你在家中,须要孝顺婆婆,敬奉母亲,照管弟妹,用心读书。牢记牢记。” 陈毅 《满庭芳》词:“须牢记,无情歷史,利己必凶终。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十三章:“ 石得富 牢记着上级的指示。”



  1. If you always keep that in mind, I am sure Gandhi will be very proud of you, and will be smiling down on you.

  2. With these security considerations in mind and a working applet, we are now ready to use the applet from JavaScript.

  3. Take George Eliot's declaration to heart: "It is never too late to be what you might have been. "

  4. Keeping all this in mind, PILOT wanted to create a shape and design that was more simple than in year's past, but still unique.

  5. It will require us to remember that we did not get to where we are as a nation by standing pat in a time of change.

  6. man does not grudges , for it is not the mark of a great soul to remember injuries, but to forget them.

  7. The health sector has humanity's best interests at heart, a strong moral dimension, and a strong set of social values among its many stars.

  8. Remember when your mother told you to always tell the truth because you would not have to remember what you said?

  9. Remember this Ford story as you read, and pick out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described.


  1. 牢记一个秘密

    to bear a secret.

  2. 铭刻,牢记在心。

    Memories of that terrible day are forever engraved on my mind.

  3. 牢记他说的话。

    Take note of what he says.

  4. 你必须牢记在心。

    You must bear it in mind.

  5. 牢记过去的教训

    remember well the lessons of the past

  6. 但我已经牢记了。

    But I already remembered.

  7. 牢记旧社会的苦难。

    Bear always in mind the bitterness of the old society.

  8. 牢记历史勿忘国耻

    Remember History and Never Forget National Humiliation

  9. 这应该时刻牢记在心。

    It should be kept in mind at all times.

  10. 维克多牢记这点。

    Victor remembered this by heart.

  11. 把我的话牢记在心。

    Bear in mind what I say.

  12. 我将牢记你的忠告。

    I'll bear your advice in mind.

  13. 我将牢记你得忠告。

    I'll bear your advice in mind .

  14. 他牢记欠朋友的钱。

    He is remindful that he owes his friend money.

  15. 这个解释你定要牢记。

    Keep this explanation uppermost in your mind.

  16. 牢记执政为民的宗旨。

    Keep in mind our obligation to govern for the people.

  17. 还有一点应牢记在心。

    Here is another point that ought to be made a mental note of.

  18. 上帝, 帮助我们牢记吧, 阿门。

    Help us remember, Lord. Amen.

  19. 他似乎没有牢记这些事实。

    The facts don't seem to sink into his head.

  20. 时刻牢记发展是第一要务

    Keep Development as the Top Priority in Mind at All Times

  21. 必须牢记这种简化的后果。

    These simplifications must be kept in mind in what follows.

  22. 你甜蜜的声音牢记我心头

    My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice

  23. 给某人以深刻印象, 使某人牢记

    impress up on sb.

  24. 我们必须牢记, 骄者必败。

    We must keep in mind that pride go before a fall.

  25. 他牢记那条不成文的规矩。

    He bore the unwritten rule in mind.

  26. 对家庭责任时时牢记于心。

    always mindful of family responsibilities.

  27. 他的谆谆教诲,我牢记在心。

    I kept his earnest teachings in my mind.

  28. 这是我们应当经常牢记的。

    That's something we should always keep in mind.

  29. 这是你应该牢记在心的。

    This is what you should keep in mind.

  30. 这一事件使她牢记不忘。

    The incident was stamped in her memory.


  1. 问:牢记拼音怎么拼?牢记的读音是什么?牢记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牢记的读音是láojì,牢记翻译成英文是 to keep firmly in mind; to remember well; to...




【读音】láo jì



【示例】 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七十三回:“(伍)员曰:‘蒙弟指教,某当牢记。异日有用弟之处,万勿见拒!’专诸应诺。” 陈毅 《满庭芳》词:“须牢记,无情历史,利己必凶终。”