







汉语拼音:míng kè








  1. 在金石等器物上铸造或镌刻文字或图案。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·穀水》:“今碑上悉铭刻 蔡邕 等名, 魏 正始 中又立古篆隶三字石经。”

  2. 谓牢记于心,感念不忘。

    元 伊世珍 《嫏嬛记》卷上:“幸传尺素之丹青,岂任寸心之铭刻。”《英烈传》第一回:“若得如教,自当铭刻。” 清 许秋垞 《闻见异辞·羞妇》:“继父之恩,铭刻不忘。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第十幕:“我们要把这个用鲜血换来的真理,牢牢铭刻在心上。”



  1. Time flies, two years of university life is like a glass of the hourglass, a little bit of engraved in memory.


  2. All this that came and went in the twinkling of an eye was branded forever upon my heart.


  3. When Bonnie arrived at the house, she saw an image that would be engraved in her mind for the rest of her life.


  4. But we do the matter is worth the historical record, also inscribes in each individual heart, is the common people are obvious to all.


  5. Volunteers said they spent here will never forget a time of innocence of the children's smiling face is deeply etched in their minds.


  6. A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.


  7. Whenever the joy of that day comes back to me, even now, I realise why rhyme is so needful in poetry.


  8. I would have given anything to have had a camcorder to forever engrave it in my memory.


  9. When God sets us on high, Satan himself cannot pull us down. Oh, that this may be our case all through this day!


  1. 铭刻,牢记在心。

    Memories of that terrible day are forever engraved on my mind.

  2. 时光将永远铭刻

    These small hours still remain

  3. 英雄铭刻,传奇不死!

    Heros get remembered, Legends never die!

  4. 梁代的井阑铭刻

    Well Railings and Inscription of Liang Dynasty

  5. 爱意铭刻在桃心木上

    One love carved in acajou

  6. 他的谆谆教导我铭刻在心。

    I was deeply impressed withhis earnestly instruct

  7. 她的形象铭刻在我心中。

    Her image is engraved upon my heart.

  8. 教你学会如何铭刻新月仪式。

    Use Teaches you how to inscribe Rituals of the New Moon.

  9. 他的业绩铭刻在我们心中。

    His deed is stamped in our memory.

  10. 那个场面铭刻在我得心中。

    The scene was imprinted on my mind.

  11. 那个场面铭刻在我的心中。

    The scene was imprinted on my mind.

  12. 那情景铭刻在我的记忆中。

    The scene is engraved on my memory.

  13. 她的话铭刻在我的脑海里。

    Her words were engraved on my memory.

  14. 她的话深深地铭刻在我心上。

    Her advice was indelibly engraved on my mind.

  15. 这些事件深深铭刻在他的心里。

    The events left their stamp on his mind.

  16. 那次事故铭刻在他的记忆中。

    The accident printed itself on his memory.

  17. 一幅铭刻在他的记忆中的景色

    a scene branded in his memory

  18. 只要你深深铭刻在心底维持微笑。

    So long as you remember? Keep a smile with in you heart.

  19. 飞机坠毁的情景铭刻在他的心中。

    The plane crash was branded on his mind.

  20. 将永远铭刻在我们悲哀的心中。

    Will forever be engraved on our saddened hearts.

  21. 那个日子永远铭刻在她的记忆中。

    The date is forever stamped on her memory.

  22. 那件事铭刻在我的记忆中。

    That is branded in my memory.

  23. 铭刻学社致力于发现与破解古铭文。

    Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions.

  24. 这个权利铭刻在我们的宪法制度上。

    This right is embedded in our constitutional system.

  25. 他的话将永远铭刻在我的心中。

    His words will be forever imprinted on my mind.

  26. 欧甘石碑铭刻有这种文字的石头

    A stone inscribed in the ogham alphabet.

  27. 他的名字铭刻在千百万人的心中。

    His name lies embedded in the minds of millions of people.

  28. 那情景将永远铭刻在我得记忆中。

    The scene will remain forever engraved on my memory.

  29. 那情景将永远铭刻在我的记忆中。

    The scene will remain forever engraved on my memory.

  30. 那次可怕的经历铭刻在我的记忆中。

    The terrible experience is seared into my memory.


  1. 问:铭刻拼音怎么拼?铭刻的读音是什么?铭刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铭刻的读音是míngkè,铭刻翻译成英文是 impring; to engrave on one's mind or memory...



铭刻,是指: 1、铸在器物上面或刻在器物、碑碣等上面的记述事实、功德等的文字:古代铭刻。 2、铭记:沉痛的教训铭刻在心中。 3、牢记在心,无法忘记。