







汉语拼音:jǐn jì





1.谓慎重地叙而记之。宋 韩元吉《大理寺奖谕敕书记》:“钦诵训奬,有荣耀焉,敢不昭示万世而列诸石,谨记。”清 冯景《庚辰殿试纪事》:“臣故谨记之,以志盛事云。”

2.牢记。《世无匹》第十四回:“于浚郊 泣拜道:‘母亲嘱託之言,孩儿谨记!’”孙犁《澹定集·<善闇室纪年>摘抄》:“有一位督学告诉父亲,说我的作文中,‘父亲在 安国 为商’,‘为商’应该写作‘经商’,父亲叫我谨记在心。”



  1. 谓慎重地叙而记之。

    宋 韩元吉 《大理寺奖谕敕书记》:“钦诵训奬,有荣耀焉,敢不昭示万世而列诸石,谨记。” 清 冯景 《庚辰殿试纪事》:“臣故谨记之,以志盛事云。”

  2. 牢记。

    《世无匹》第十四回:“ 于浚郊 泣拜道:‘母亲嘱託之言,孩儿谨记!’” 孙犁 《澹定集·<善闇室纪年>摘抄》:“有一位督学告诉父亲,说我的作文中,‘父亲在 安国 为商’,‘为商’应该写作‘经商’,父亲叫我谨记在心。”



  1. Contemplate the fact that you might have made a regrettable, but somewhat explainable decision then.

  2. It also ought to have been a reminder that individual governments cannot solve international problems.

  3. Always remember: the journey is all. The destination is beside the point.

  4. To those of you in sales or client management, it is imperative for you to grasp the power of this principle.

  5. In the dark of night when your spirit is in turmoil and sleep won't come, remember that Jesus is there with you.

  6. It seems to me that two of the economic policy lessons of the financial crash need to be held on to.

  7. To be an invester in stock is a good choice for you, just remember one thing: take the risk, but do not be greedy.

  8. Let's remember - The quantity of time that you spend with your children matters just as much as the quality of that time.

  9. For Men: Remember that when a woman gives with a smile on her face it doesn't necessarily mean the score is close to even.


  1. 谨记千载难逢!

    Remember this is a unique moment!

  2. 谨记这番告诫。

    Take heed of these warnings.

  3. 谨记我们就是传奇。

    Let us remember that we are magic.

  4. 我们会谨记在心。

    we'll take it from here.

  5. 我们必须谨记这一点。

    We mustn't forget that.

  6. 我们必须谨记这一点。

    We mustn't forget that.

  7. 这些话,我一生 谨记。

    These words, I hold onto all my life.

  8. 但是现在,请谨记着

    But now, a word of caution.

  9. 谢谢。我会谨记在心。

    Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

  10. 你必须牢牢地谨记在心。

    You must beat the in mind.

  11. 谨记你的目标是什么。

    Always remember what your goal is.

  12. 谨记, 塞翁失马, 焉知非福。

    Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.

  13. 忙着活, 或者忙着死。谨记。

    Busy for living, or busy for death.

  14. 仆人谨记是神拥有一切。

    Servants remember that God owns it all.

  15. 时刻谨记你的长远目标。

    Always keep those long term goals in mind.

  16. 男人只因浪漫而谨记爱情。

    Man always remembers love because of romance only.

  17. 女人只因浪漫而谨记爱情。

    Woman always remembers love because of romance only.

  18. 谨记男人有扣分的倾向。

    Remember that men have this tendency to give penalty points.

  19. 谨记男人基本得需要是感激。

    Remember, men primarily need appreciation.

  20. 谨记男人基本的需要是感激。

    Remember, men primarily need appreciation.

  21. 谨记肯定有一些有干劲的东西。

    Keep in mind that there is such a thing as being too aggressive.

  22. 您的赐示我们一定谨记在心。

    We will definitely keep in mind your instructions.

  23. 您的赐示我们一定谨记在心。

    We will definitely keep in mind your instructions.

  24. 这些至理名言你可要谨记在心。

    You must bear in mind all these wise sayings.

  25. 这些至理名言你可要谨记在心。

    You must bear in mind all these wise sayings.

  26. 谨记,人们把怀疑态度等同于智慧。

    Always remember people equate skepticism with wisdom.

  27. 嵩年谨记在心,所取学生皆名士。

    Song in mind, students are taking the famous.

  28. 对剩饭菜请同样谨记五天原则。

    Remember the fiveday rule for leftovers, too.

  29. 始终谨记旅程才是一切,目的地无关紧要。

    Always remember the journey is all. The destination is beside the point.

  30. 谨记, 他是火星人, 记分法和你不同。

    Remember, he's a Martian and doesn't keep score the way you do.


  1. 问:谨记拼音怎么拼?谨记的读音是什么?谨记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谨记的读音是jǐnjì,谨记翻译成英文是 An honorific form of words, it means that one will...


