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1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……
汉语拼音:gǎn niàn
晋 陆机 《为顾彦先赠妇》诗之一:“修身悼忧苦,感念同怀子。” 唐 李商隐 《五言述德诗一首四十韵献上杜七兄仆射相公》:“感念 殽 尸露,咨嗟 赵 卒坑。”《剪灯新话·爱卿传》:“太夫人以郎君不归,感念成疾。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十九:“我对她之情,深不及母亲,柔不及朋友,但也有另一种自然的感念。”
明 李贽 《与方伯雨柬》:“以先公之故,犹能记忆老朽於 龙湖 之上,感念。”《红楼梦》第九十回:“真真的二奶奶和姑娘们的行事叫人感念!” 魏巍 《我的老师》:“童年的记忆是多么珍奇!愿这些永远珍藏在我的记忆里,我愿永远地感念他们。”
As a child growing up in rural Saskatchewan , the idea of a city that seemingly never ended was extraordinary.
对于一个成长在萨斯喀彻温农村的孩子,城市似乎永远是新奇的感念。We go back, we all can not go back in time, we have been a long wait, more gratitude for that moment of happiness.
感念匆匆而过的往事,感念那些再也回不去的时光,感念一直以来漫长的等待,更感念那段瞬间的幸福。Mom took me by the hand, and her soft grasp filled me with an abiding empathy.
妈妈牵起我的手,她柔软的一握使我为之久久感念。Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration . People began honoring their mothers as well as the church.
从此,教会的仪式便与母亲节的庆祝活动相结合,以同时传达人们对母亲与教会的感念。Every time we meditate, we thank God first, we pray for the less fortunate, and then we remember God with all the sweetness and devotion.
我们每次打坐,要先感谢上帝,为那些较不幸的人祈祷,然后以欢喜及奉献的心感念上帝。Or was he just a master of empathy?
或者,它干脆就是一个感念大师?Be grateful for what you have, the choices you about to make and learn from your mistakes when you can.
对于你的所有,对于你将做出的选择,常怀感念;从失误中汲取教训。Local officials recognized volunteers by naming special days in honor of Tzu Chi.
当地政府感念志工,特地将这天命名为慈济日。Blizzard is exploring the idea of bringing a unique look to the Diablo universe, but not so cartoons.
He had won her undying gratitude.
We never need a reason or a special time to think about our very loving mother.
You might think like the concept of chair has five letters.
人生越往前, 你越是怀旧, 越是感念以前的美好。
The more forward in life, you are more nostalgic, more gratitude for the good before.
He was very grateful for all the help Tzu Chi had given Cambodia time and again.
感念您对我们的深情厚谊, 谨请接受我们的衷心感谢。
We are very sensible of your friendly service on our behalf, for which please accept our sincere thanks.
我们有能力感恩, 就让我们感念自己所拥有的这一切。
We have the ability to be thankful, let us thank for all what we have.
妈妈牵起我的手, 她柔软的一握使我为之久久感念。
Mom took me by the hand, and her soft grasp filled me with an abiding empathy.
This is a concept that business people need to understand in order to be successful in their work.
日暮时分, 我怀着对古时的感念离开了宏村, 真是依依不舍啊。
At sunset, It is with gratitude for his ancient right to leave Hongcun really reluctant to part ah.