


1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……





汉语拼音:gǎn xiǎng







  1. 相思,思念。

    《晋书·孙谧传》:“ 充 每讌宾僚,其女輒於青璅中窥之,见 寿 而悦焉……女大感想,发於寤寐。” 唐 陈玄祐 《离魂记》:“ 宙 与 倩娘 常私感想於寤寐,家人莫知其状。”

  2. 接触事物引起的思想反应。

    章炳麟 《文学说例》:“无论何种感想,皆自有言语可表。” 巴金 《家》十五:“ 觉民 看见 梅 的这些举动,起了种种感想。”



  1. However, if she had seen her own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were , how would that have made her feel?


  2. These reflections were brought about by a visit to the home of portuguese hospital employee and his wife .


  3. What would William Shakespeare think if he found out that one of his greatest love stories had been turned into a musical?


  4. "No, a little disappointed, " Benitez told Sky Sports News when asked if he felt it was a fortunate point.


  5. I'll be interested to know what you think about him when you hear him performing in my film.


  6. How did you feel when you saw the final cut of the film? It was more interesting than I expected.


  7. The irony is that the wise man wrote down his observation as if it were something new!


  8. Last Saturday, we published an article by an undergraduate on her thoughts on National Day.


  9. Watching a women so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think? . . .


  1. 你有何感想?

    How does that make you feel?

  2. 我该作何感想?

    How should I feel?

  3. 我该作何感想?

    How should I feel?

  4. 新加坡国庆的感想

    Reflections on National Day in Singapore

  5. 你对此作何感想?

    How do you feel about that?

  6. 你对此作何感想?

    How do you feel about that?

  7. 你对此事有何感想?

    What are your feelings about this matter?

  8. 你对整个比赛感想如何?

    How was the competition as a whole?

  9. 总之,多谢让我分享感想

    Anyway, thanks for letting me share.

  10. 琼斯先生应邀发表感想。

    Mr. Jones was called on for a sentiment.

  11. 国庆35周年,你有什么感想

    How do you feel about our 35th National Day

  12. 大家对简爱有何感想?

    What did you think of Eyre ?

  13. 你对这些评论有何感想?

    Did you have any particular thoughts on these comments?

  14. 评估后的感想实验室评估后的思考

    The Reflections After Assessment On the Evaluation of Laboratory.

  15. 能否说一下你现在得感想?

    What say you now to such sentiments

  16. 能否说一下你现在的感想?

    What say you now to such sentiments

  17. 你对这些评论有何感想?

    Did you have any particular thoughts on these comments?

  18. 请问现今享用者,有何感想?

    I would like to ask those who now enjoy, and feel?

  19. 我们却无法回报, 我们作何感想?

    With a passion for us we could not return ?

  20. 你对游览颐和园有什么感想?

    How was your trip to the Summer Palace?

  21. 我的这些感想来自自己的经验。

    I speak from experience. I've been there.

  22. 你现在作何感想呢,勒奈特?

    How are you feeling now, Lynette?

  23. 当你感想白天如孤独的夜晚。

    When your day is night alone.

  24. 作为一名中学生你有和感想?

    As a secondary school you have and feel?

  25. 把信任感想得更概念化了呢?

    when we think about trust more abstractly?

  26. 当无人可依时, 该作何感想

    How does it feel No one to lean on

  27. 现在你已经成功了,有什么感想?

    Now you get success, what is your feeling?

  28. 以便我们能录下旅行中的感想。

    So that we can record our thoughts about the trip.

  29. 对于今天的数据,你们做何感想?

    how should you feel about the statistics of today.

  30. 那么原作者对此会做何感想?

    Just what will the author think?


  1. 问:感想拼音怎么拼?感想的读音是什么?感想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感想的读音是gǎnxiǎng,感想翻译成英文是 thoughts

