


1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……





汉语拼音:gǎn chù








  1. 接触外界事物而引起的思想情绪。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·风操》:“《礼》云:‘见似目瞿,闻名心瞿。’有所感触,惻愴心眼。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十:“盖兴者,因物感触,言在於此而意於彼。” 巴金 《灭亡》第七章:“这要怪我,是我引起 杜先生 底感触,叫他这样激动。”



  1. Thousands of Miss Miriam said Liang Bing wedding, due to China to see the stars of my colleagues and feelings tears.


  2. Today we visited a window company. I feel so much, which can be a conclusion to what I have learnt.


  3. It was vital, she said, that Mr Hatoyama's Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) continued to tell voters that it felt their pain.


  4. Talking about his feelings for the so many tests in those years he did not know where to start.


  5. But here and there, perhaps there will be a touch of personal sadness as is true of any departure, a point to which I shall return.


  6. Now, let me close my comments by telling you that whenever I feel something very deeply, it usually takes the form of verse.


  7. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.


  8. It might allow you to feel the "form" of a concept with your hands.


  9. Now he was mercifully snatched out of the gulf by a convincing work upon his mind, but I was left as if I was forsaken of God's grace.


  1. 感触比利时

    Discovering Belgium.

  2. 又让我感触颇深

    Hits me all over again.

  3. 它使我感触很深。

    It gives me deep feelings when.

  4. 对此我深有感触。

    I feel too deeply about it for that.

  5. 她的感触也不同寻常。

    She feels different.

  6. 当前,感触我的愤怒吧!

    Now feel my rath!

  7. 凭感触分辨软与硬。

    By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft.

  8. 这种感触似乎是自然的。

    This feeling seems to be natural.

  9. 他说我当时感触很深

    He said, I was so moved.

  10. 这种感触,有时始于小说。

    Such sentiment sometimes begins in a novel.

  11. 他对我的感触十分的大。

    He told me the feeling is very big.

  12. 书桌是可感触到的物体。

    A desk is a tangible object.

  13. 这句话让我感触颇深。

    His words make me think a lot.

  14. 一些颜色可以使你感触暖和。

    Some colours can make you feel warm.

  15. 有两件事让我深有感触。

    So two things struck me deeply about this.

  16. 骑士很有感触地说我很难过。

    Im sorry, the knight said in an impulse.

  17. 一次驾车给我感触颇深。

    I get a thrill from driving.

  18. 对家乡的变化他深有感触。

    He was very emotional about the changes to his home town.

  19. 我知道萨莉对这个问题深有感触。

    I know that Sally feels quite strongly about this issue.

  20. 在月光中, 我感触到你的心。

    In the moon mere light, I felt you heart.

  21. 如今我对这句话深有感触。

    I can now appreciate how true that saying is.

  22. 我们国家的政府丧失了感触现实?

    Has our State Government lost touch with reality?

  23. 去感触书页 去感触他们正在谈论的图画

    to feel the page of the book, to feel the picture they were discussing.

  24. 罗思只觉得内心的感触难以名状。

    Roth had an odd sensation.

  25. 罗思只觉得内心得感触难以名状。

    Roth had an odd sensation.

  26. 他们的工作精神使我感触颇深。

    What struck me was their spirit for the work.

  27. 生活感触快乐的本性源于内心的满足!

    Feeling Happy inbeing derive from inward satisfaction.

  28. 我看了他写的编余, 很有感触。

    I am deeply moved by his epilogue.

  29. 我看了他写的编余,很有感触。

    I am deeply moved by his epilogue.

  30. 我看了他写得编余,很有感触。

    I am deeply moved by his epilogue.


  1. 问:感触拼音怎么拼?感触的读音是什么?感触翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感触的读音是gǎnchù,感触翻译成英文是 emotion

  2. 问:感触性拼音怎么拼?感触性的读音是什么?感触性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感触性的读音是gǎn chù xìng,感触性翻译成英文是 thigmonasty

  3. 问:感触温度拼音怎么拼?感触温度的读音是什么?感触温度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:感触温度的读音是gănchùwēndù,感触温度翻译成英文是 effective temperature




【拼音】gǎn chù

【注音】ㄍㄢˇ ㄔㄨˋ


【英译】 [thoughts and feelings;emotional stirrings]
