







汉语拼音:dàn wàng








  1. 印象渐淡以至于忘却。

    柳亚子 《五四纪念一首为辅仁大学附中奔流社预赋》:“革命前驱岂淡忘?奇兵‘五四’起苍黄。” 杨朔 《火并》:“十年来这个人物早被我淡忘了。” 峻青 《秋色赋·瑞雪图》:“战争已经过去十几年了,有一些健忘人对过去的事情渐渐地淡忘了。”



  1. Forty years later, the event on the train was far from my thoughts as we visited the home of a Christian lady in the northern part of Tokyo.

  2. Two years on from the financial crisis all seems to have been forgiven and forgotten.

  3. The bottom line, then, is that this is no time to let campaign promises of guaranteed health care be quietly forgotten.

  4. Sometimes the dark, angry cloud evaporates as quickly as it built up, and all is forgiven and forgotten.

  5. Feeling seems to be forgotten soon, or almost did not feel, how should I do, I want to say: I want you, but I really would like to you?

  6. Most of the time, always want to stay true, not false. Truth is always hurt me in the eyes, unreal but let me be infatuated with.

  7. They might decently submerge themselves until the misery and shame of this had in part at least been forgotten.

  8. If you and your counselor believe a secret is harmless, simply wait a while. The information will soon fade to the back of your mind.

  9. The money is welcome, because crop science of the sort Mr Borlaug made famous has fallen out of fashion in recent decades.


  1. 第四,尽量淡忘一切。

    Fourth, best to forget.

  2. 这件事我早已淡忘。

    It has long since faded from my memory.

  3. 晚餐的问题会慢慢淡忘的。

    Your dinner problem will blow over.

  4. 就是发现你把旧情淡忘。

    Must be to find forgetfulness in thine.

  5. 或许工作能让我淡忘这些。

    I think that working helps.

  6. 他的不幸不久就会被淡忘。

    His misfortune will soon blow over.

  7. 他死後, 他的作品便被淡忘了。

    His work fellsank into oblivion after his death.

  8. 他认为整件事情会被淡忘。

    And he thinks the whole thing will blow over.

  9. 她过去的生活已经被淡忘了。

    Her past life is in oblivion.

  10. 很快会被淡忘,没什么大不了的。

    It'll blow over. it's not serious.

  11. 再深的记忆也有淡忘的一天。

    Even deeper memory has one day fadingmemory too.

  12. 也许这种感觉不久以后便会淡忘

    Perhaps The feeling would fade from the memory by and by

  13. 作为一名演员, 我早已被人淡忘。

    As an actress, Im dead and buried.

  14. 那些被淡忘的时光,是否别来无恙。

    Forget those moments, it again unscarred.

  15. 我们该去体验一下已淡忘的感觉。

    We wanna feel something again that we've forgotten.

  16. 随着岁月的流逝,我对他日渐淡忘。

    As the years slipped by, I thought less about him.

  17. 曾震惊世界得学生们几乎已被淡忘。

    The students who transfixed the world 20 years ago are largely forgotten.

  18. 曾震惊世界的学生们几乎已被淡忘。

    The students who transfixed the world 20 years ago are largely forgotten.

  19. 你今朝的善行, 众人会在明晨淡忘。

    The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.

  20. 她已经淡忘了以前的那些同事们的怨恨。

    She has left out of consideration the resentment of her former colleagues.

  21. 我得英语已逐渐淡忘,因为我从来不讲英语。

    I am forgetting my English because I never speak it.

  22. 我的英语已逐渐淡忘,因为我从来不讲英语。

    I am forgetting my English because I never speak it.

  23. 只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。

    Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories.

  24. 慢慢的淡忘了。她成了心里边一芳净土。

    Slowly faded from the memory. She has become inside the heart a fragrant land.

  25. 去年的事已淡忘, 好象从未发生过一样。

    The past year has been blotted out as if it had never been.

  26. 落叶在晴天的安抚下,逐渐淡忘曾经的恍惚。

    Shed leaves under the conciliation of a clear sky, gradual thin forget ever absentminded.

  27. 只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不愉快的记忆。

    Time alone efface those unpleasant memories.

  28. 几个星期过去了, 这件事已被人们淡忘。

    Weeks passed, and the incident faded.

  29. 我认为几个月后争论就会被淡忘的。

    I thought that after a few months the argument would blow over.

  30. 那次事件已经逐渐在她的脑海中淡忘了。

    The incident had faded from her mind.


  1. 问:淡忘拼音怎么拼?淡忘的读音是什么?淡忘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡忘的读音是dànwàng,淡忘翻译成英文是 fade from memory


