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还(hái ),仍然:~小。~未。~不可知。尊崇,注重:~武。~贤(a.崇尚贤人;b.《墨子》篇名,内容阐述墨子的一种政治主张)。社会上共同遵从的风俗、习惯等:风~。时~。矜夸,自负:自~其功。古,久远:“故乐之所由来者~矣,非独为一世之所……
汉语拼音:shàng cún
of morphine, hoping to find just the right dose to eliminate pain without wiping out any awareness he might have left.
我决定给他极少量的吗啡,期望找到正确的剂量,能够缓解他的病痛而不损伤他可能尚存的意识。There might be a sliver lining here, some of the states getting heat had been dealing with a terrible drought.
可能也会尚存一线希望,一些州在应对这场可怕的干旱灾难上已经绞尽脑汁。In rainfall areas, it has no trouble surviving, provided it is in a well-drained area.
在雨量方面,它没有问题尚存,只要它是在一个良好的排水区域。More importantly, the deep impact, as long as human mind is still, unable to be manipulated.
更为重要的是,这深深的撞击,证明只要人性尚存,心灵是无法被永远操纵的。Yes, and one night I feared I would not live to see, are your students ready? Yes, Master Wu Gui.
是啊.只要我尚存一口气在,就要亲眼看到.你的徒弟都准备好了?At the end of the process, everyone would believe that each remaining bank was strong enough to withstand a bad storm.
这个过程结束时,每个人都会相信,每家尚存的银行都强大到足以抵御恶劣风暴的袭击。The sentiment is much the same in Edinburgh, where, despite increased attention from law enforcement, an air of fear remains.
在爱丁堡小区,情形大抵如此,这里,尽管警方增加了警力,但恐惧气氛尚存。All that remains of the church in Peralillo, a nearby village, are two stark white columns.
小镇附近的佩拉里奥村里,尚存的仅有两根光秃秃的白色柱子。With its caste system, and bad state schools, India may be a more unequal society than the numbers alone suggest.