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1. 禁 [jīn]2. 禁 [jìn]禁 [jīn]受得住,耐久:~受。~得住。~不起。弱不~风。忍耐,制止:不~笑起来。禁 [jìn]不许,制止:~止。~绝。~书。~令。~赌。~欲。~锢。情不自~。法律或习惯上制止的事:犯~。违~品。拘……
汉语拼音:ruǎn jìn
《痛史》第七回:“ 天祥 道:‘臣虽被 伯颜 软禁在此,然而供应饮食,还不曾缺。’” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部七:“他明明白白地给软禁起来了。还不知道明儿该咋样,他感到一种奇怪的自己也不能相信的害怕。”
Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif calls it "a prelude to a revolution" . He made it to the rally by defying an order for his house arrest.
反对党领导人那瓦兹。谢里夫称之为“一场革命的开端”,他公然反抗对他的软禁命令而发起这场集会。He was pardoned at the time by the government and put under house arrest, but a Pakistani court released him in February.
他当时得到了当局的原谅,只是被软禁起来,今年2月,巴基斯坦一法院释放了他。She was found guilty of breaking the terms of her house arrest by being visited by an American who swam across the lake by her home in May.
五月间一个美国人泅渡她家附近的一道湖泊后造访了她,昂山素季由此被认为打破了有关软禁条款而判有罪。Falsely accused of being a spy, she was placed under house arrest and told she might be sent to a concentration camp.
有罪”的信件的副本,歪曲地指控她是间谍,将她软禁了起来,并扬言要将她送进集中营。At this point I was just waiting to get eliminated and working out and trying to save money.
只希望赶紧结束我的软禁期,出去找工作,然后存点钱。Since his release, Mr Chen has been a prisoner in his own home, watched around the clock by hired thugs.
被释放后,陈先生依然被软禁在家中,他家周围被雇佣来的打手所监视。She was returned to house arrest after just a year of freedom.
随后,她又重新被软禁在家里,前后离她重获自由只有一年时间。Though her voice was rarely heard during the past 14 years of her house arrest, she's still the most feared political threat to the regime.
虽然在过去14年的软禁中她的声音很少被听到,她仍然尸当权者们最害怕的威胁。We have also called for the release of his wife and supporters from house arrest.