







汉语拼音:yì gē






  1. 收割。

    冰心 《山中杂记》:“他们用机器耕地,用机器撒种,以至于刈割等等,都是机器一手经理。” 王西彦 《古屋》第二部八:“早稻业已刈割掉的田间,第二熟的禾苗又在晚风里荡漾着微波。”



  1. Cutting was not beneficial to tiller, all cutting treatments did not exist compensatory growth effect of tiller.


  2. Secondly, the population density decreased with increasing of defoliation intensity, but the difference is not significantly.


  3. In all treatments, mowing and covering and returning the livestock's feces to the orchard had the best ecological benefits.


  4. Along with the postpone of harvesting time, the reductive sugar content and total sugar content showed a decreasing tendency.


  5. The population characteristics varied with the increasing of cutting intensities.


  6. Therefore, after the frost must not mowing, should take active scientific measures to make the losses caused by disasters to a minimum.


  7. In this study, annual Ryegrass named diamond T was selected and a series of research including fertilization and cutting were carried out.


  8. When harvested three times in one year, up-ground biomasses were closely related with water consumption.


  9. Nitrogen manuring is essential to get a good yield of cut herbage .


  1. 不同刈割期

    different cut stage.

  2. 刈割间隔时间

    Clipping interval

  3. 刈割测产法

    the cutting.

  4. 刈割时株高

    Clipped plant height.

  5. 刈割时草长

    clipped grass length.

  6. 靠近地剪短,剪裁或刈割

    To crop, trim, or mow closely

  7. 刈割对牧草影响的研究概况

    Research Survey about Effect of Clipping on Forage

  8. 甘薯茎叶刈割率与刈割间隔时间

    Study on sweet potato vine cutting ratio and interval

  9. 普那菊苣不同刈割利用方式的研究

    Study on Different Cutting Methods for Puna chicory

  10. 刈割对花生秧产量和品质的影响

    The Effects of Cutting on Yield and Quality of Peanut Vine

  11. 刈割频率对两种牧草越冬的影响

    Effect of harvesting frequency on overwintering forage grasses

  12. 刈割对绿肥鲜草产量影响的研究

    Effect of Cutting Method on the Fresh Grass of Green Manure Crop

  13. 刈割高度对禾草丛分蘖结构的影响

    The Influence of Cutting Heights on Tiller Composition in Defoliated Sward Population

  14. 常见的刈割包括刈割频次、刈割时间和刈割方式。

    The hackneyed methods of clipping include the frequency of clipping, the time of clipping and the mode of clipping.

  15. 刈割也使羊草种群地上生物量降低。

    Cutting also reduced the population biomass in aboveground.

  16. 刈割管理对草地早熟禾草坪质量的影响

    Effects of Mowing Management on the Turf Quality of Kentucky Bluegrass.

  17. 刈割强度对闽牧42饲用杂交甘蔗的影响

    Effect of cutting intensity on Minmu42, a forage variety of sugarcane hybrid

  18. 刈割时期对光叶紫花苕生产性能的影响

    The Effect of Cutting Date on Production Performance of Vicia villosa var. Glabrescens

  19. 喷洒化学试剂能加快鲜草刈割后脱水速度

    Enhanced drying of harvested green feed by spraying chemical agents

  20. 刈割对牧草生物量和品质影响的研究进展

    Research progress of clipping effect on quality and biomass of grazing

  21. 不同刈割制度对苜蓿混播人工草地的影响

    The Effect of Different Mowing Systems on Alfalfa Mixed Artificial Grassland

  22. 为了获得刈割牧草良好的产量,使用氮肥是极为

    Nitrogen manuring is essential to get a good yield of cut herbage.

  23. 刈割时间,刈割强度与施肥处理对燕麦补偿的影响

    Impacts of clipping time, clipping intensity and fertilization on plant compensation of Avena sativa

  24. 刈割次数对紫花苜蓿翌年生长及草产量的影响

    Effects of Cutting Times on Growth and Yield of Alfalfa in the Next Year

  25. 刈割次数对杂交甜高粱草产量及品质的影响

    Effects of clipping frequency on yield and quality of hybrid sweet sorghum

  26. 刈割时间对青贮玉米秸秆饲料营养成分的影响

    Effect of maturity of corn stalk on the chemical characteristics and nutritive value of silage

  27. 冬前刈割对当年生长的紫花苜蓿叶片的光合作用的影响

    The Effects of The Mowing on The Photosynthesis of Alfalfa Leaves

  28. 不同刈割方式对苜蓿草粉营养价值的影响研究

    Effects of different cutting ways on the nutritive value of alfalfa meal

  29. 三种混播组合不同刈割时期的营养动态研究

    Study on nutrient dynamics of three type mixed sowing combinations and different cutting time

  30. 放牧及刈割强度对鸭茅密度及能量积累的影响

    Effect of grazing and mowing intensity on density and energy accumulation of Dactylis glomerata