




相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……




1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……






  1. Well now I've been thrown in jail, been divorced and had more troubles with that dog than I ever foresaw.


  2. I got divorced. I could not put up with him.


  3. During this same time I got a divorce and lost my big house in Connecticut.


  4. When my wife and I separated, we went to court to file for custody of the dog.


  5. Look, listen to me, mister. I'm divorced, okay?


  6. In 2003 I was divorced - alcoholism was the reason.


  7. how was your summer? - I got divorced.


  8. Join the club! My wife divorced me yesterday.


  9. She's dead, son! She divorced me. - Who?


  1. 拜托,我离婚了。

    Well, come on. i'm divorced. i'm vulnerable.

  2. 拜托,我离婚了。

    Well, come on. i'm divorced. i'm vulnerable.

  3. 你知道我离婚了吗?

    You've heard about my divorce?

  4. 你知道我离婚了吗?

    You've heard about my divorce?

  5. 卡罗尔和我离婚了。

    Carol and I are divorced.

  6. 拜托,我离婚了,现在很脆弱。

    Well, come on. I'm divorced. I'm vulnerable.

  7. 没什么,你说得对,我离婚了。

    No. You're right. I'm divorced.

  8. 现在我离婚了,而伊恩没继承权了?

    Now I'm divorced and Ian's disinherited?

  9. 我离婚了,我有一个女儿,跟我一起生活。

    I am divorced, I have a daughter living with me.

  10. 想想看,我要离婚了。

    Let's see.Uh,I'm getting a divorce.

  11. 想想看,我要离婚了。

    Let's see. Uh, I'm getting a divorce.

  12. 我父母离婚了,我母亲重婚了

    And my parents got divorced, then my mother remarried

  13. 你父亲和我要离婚了。

    Your father and I are getting a divorce.

  14. 我父母离婚了,我妹妹被逮捕了。

    My parents got divorced, and my sister was arrested.

  15. 亲爱的,他和我的确离婚了。

    Sweetheart, he and I may be divorced.

  16. 在我5岁的时候,我父母离婚了。

    My father and mother divorce each other when I was only 5 years old.

  17. 我对她说露珠, 对不起, 我不离婚了。

    I said to her, Sorry, Dew, I won't divorce.

  18. 谁告诉你玛丽和我已经离婚了?

    Who told you that Mary and I had split up?

  19. 我也离婚了,所以我们俩都需要男人。

    I'm getting divorced, too, so we both need guys.

  20. 我离婚破了财, 结果花了3年时间才重新恢复起元气来。

    My divorce cost me a fortune and it took three years to get back on my feet.

  21. 请原谅我用如此糟糕的方式来开始你的一天 我申请离婚了。

    Forgive me for starting your day on a sour note, But I filed for divorce.

  22. 我四岁时,他们就离婚了。

    They divorced when I was four.

  23. 我同情他。他的父母已离婚了。

    I sympathize with him. His parents have divorced.

  24. 我同情他。他得父母已离婚了。

    I sympathize with him. His parents have divorced.

  25. 我爸出没不定,他们离婚了吗

    My dad was in and out. Are they divorced?

  26. 我妈两年前跟他离婚了

    but it was at least a year before that.

  27. 我很小的时候父母就离婚了。

    My parents divorced when I was very young.

  28. 我听说布朗先生和布朗太太离婚了。

    I heard that Mr. And Mrs. Brown have split up.

  29. 我想悄悄地告诉你他们打算离婚了。

    I'll tell you in strict confidence that they are going to get divorced.

  30. 我和弗兰克林两年前差点离婚了。

    My Franklin and I almost split up two years ago.