


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà hù










  1. 普遍清查户口。

    《左传·成公二年》:“乃大户,已责,逮鰥,救乏,赦罪,悉师。” 杜预 注:“閲民户口。”

  2. 酒量大。

    《敦煌变文集·叶净能诗变文》:“帝又问:‘尊师饮户大小?’ 浄能 奏曰:‘此尊大户,直是饮流。’”

  3. 指酒量大的人。

    清 梁章鉅 《归田琐记·饮量》:“有 黄懋昭 广文 训 者,可称大户。”

  4. 指有财势的人家。

    元 无名氏 《看钱奴》第一折:“这人没钱时无些话,纔的有便説夸,打扮似大户豪家。”《水浒传》第二四回:“那 清河县 里有一个大户人家,有个使女,小名唤做 潘金莲 。” 茅盾 《春蚕》一:“这时候, 老通宝 家在东村庄上被人人所妒羡,也正象‘ 陈老爷 家’在镇上是数一数二的大户人家。”



  1. But she did grow up in a large house and she and her siblings attended private schools.


  2. But he also said he would place equal emphasis on improving ties with China, with whom Japan now has larger trade relations.


  3. Well, as you know, we're the largest tax payer in Cupertino, so we'd like to continue to stay here and pay taxes.


  4. pale and distressed, got up and began to work their way towards the aisles, but a score of shouts went up.


  5. Lehman Brothers, the bank whose collapse was the starter's gun for global panic, was a big financier of wind power.


  6. The case of heart good institutions or large, will make two money, if the snake hit the heart or major , fix a you even have to catch this.


  7. Earlier this week, my partner Brad and I were visiting with one of our largest investors.


  8. Cement industry has been a high pollution, high energy-consuming industry as well as a large carbon dioxide emitter.


  9. In a 12-hour marathon of many rounds of frantic bidding, Chinese companies grabbed the top ranks among the big spenders for next year.


  1. 冰箱生产大户

    A Bigmanufacturer of refrigerators

  2. 农业经营大户

    agriculture management big household.

  3. 卖大户治罪法

    Bulk Sales Act.

  4. 规模种粮大户

    large grain production household.

  5. 大户人家少当家的

    Young master of the house

  6. 证券交易所里的大户

    A big hand in the securities house

  7. 欧美是诺贝尔奖得得奖大户。

    Europe the United States are big winners of the Nobel Prize.

  8. 欧美是诺贝尔奖的得奖大户。

    Europe the United States are big winners of the Nobel Prize.

  9. 蚕桑大户实用组合技术初探

    Probe into the applied combination technique of the large sericulture family

  10. 育苗专业大户如何走出困境

    How the Specialized Nursery Household to Extricate from the Predicament

  11. 村里住着一个大户人家。

    There lives a big family in a village.

  12. 这家企业是本市的创税大户。

    This company is a major taxpayer in this city.

  13. 施惠原则, 垒大户与猫鼠共识

    Principle of Charity and the Agreement between Tom and Jerry

  14. 大户之间为了出货走销量,相互杀价。

    In order to walk among large ship sales, bargain with each other.

  15. 三是小户型受追捧,大户型滞销。

    Third the small family is pursued theand powerful family is unsalable.

  16. 据介绍,安泰集团是当地的利税大户。

    It is reported that Aetna Group is the major local tax.

  17. 据介绍,安泰集团是当地得利税大户。

    It is reported that Aetna Group is the major local tax.

  18. 汇金得作为仅仅是一个大户得水平。

    Huijin's just as big a level.

  19. 他们的行为就像散户投资者中的大户。

    They behave like super retail investors.

  20. 据他了解, 周围很多大户都已经清仓。

    It was his understanding that have been around a lot of big stocks.

  21. 在税收方面, 烟酒是两大纳税大户。

    In terms of taxes, tobacco and alcohol, are the leading two items to be levied by tax.

  22. 大户承包经营与分户经营的产茶效益比较

    Comparison of tea production results by groups and individuals contract runnings

  23. 这可爱得小宝贝并不是高门大户出身。

    The blessed darling comes of no family.

  24. 这可爱的小宝贝并不是高门大户出身。

    The blessed darling comes of no family.

  25. 古时大户人家的门前都有拴马桩。

    There were posts for tying horses in front of the gates of the rich in ancient times.

  26. 古时大户人家的门前都有拴马桩。

    There were posts for tying horses in front of the gates of the rich in ancient times.

  27. 摩天大楼成为电力的消费大户,甚至成为电力的浪费者。

    Skyscrapers Become lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power.

  28. 发电企业向用电大户直供电可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Direct Power Supply to Large Customer by Generation Enterprises

  29. 民营水保大户的经营模式与示范效应

    The management model and demonstration effect of the households for soil and water conservation management

  30. 伍德豪斯家是海伯利村的大户。

    The Woodhouses were the great family in the village of Highbury.


  1. 问:大户拼音怎么拼?大户的读音是什么?大户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大户的读音是dàhù,大户翻译成英文是 important customer

  2. 问:大户川拼音怎么拼?大户川的读音是什么?大户川翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大户川的读音是Dàhùchuān,大户川翻译成英文是 Ōtogawa

  3. 问:大户平拼音怎么拼?大户平的读音是什么?大户平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大户平的读音是Dàhùpíng,大户平翻译成英文是 Ōtohira


