


具有杰出才能的人:~杰。英~。文~。自~。气魄大,直爽痛快,没有拘束的:~放。~爽。~迈。~气。~情。~兴(xìng )。~举。~语。~华。强横的,有特殊势力的:~强。~门。~族。~绅。巧取~夺。古同“毫”,极小。……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:háo mén








  1. 指有钱有势的人家。

    《后汉书·皇甫规传》:“吏託报将之怨,子思復父之耻,载贄驰车,怀粮步走,交搆豪门,竞流谤讟,云臣私报诸 羌 ,谢其钱货。” 唐 司空图 《成均讽》:“则必三雍八佾,休僣滥于豪门;春诵夏絃,服祗庸于胄子。”《觅灯因话·姚公子传》:“然一入豪门,终身不得相见。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<所闻>诗》:“华灯照宴敞豪门,娇女严装侍玉樽。”



  1. I used to say that a top team in England is at the same level as a top team in Italy or even better.


  2. After a running battle with Juve fans and management earlier this season, Zebina is now ready to commit his future to the Turin giants.


  3. It's a great club with a great tradition and I'm very pleased to see Kenny back in charge there.


  4. A host of top European clubs have been linked with him, while the player himself has stated a desire to prove himself at Old Trafford.


  5. Chelsea have also made enquiries but Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez did not want to sell Alonso to one of his Premier League rivals.


  6. "I feel ready to make it to the next level in a great club, " Hazard told L'Equipe.


  7. We go all over Europe playing top teams and we play against the best sides in this country, but that was one of the hardest games we've had.


  8. Liverpool is a massive club, with a great manager and great players, and obviously I felt as though I could improve there and learn a lot.


  9. They barely seem to realize that the danger hidden there, just like the ancient inaccessible palace .


  1. 他出身豪门。

    He is a man of family.

  2. 林先生出身豪门。

    Mr. Lin comes from a blue blooded family.

  3. 特别地,你们是豪门的队长。

    And, toughness is because of the way is too long.

  4. 我把你嫁给豪门的儿子,

    I have married you to a great lords son

  5. 金色豪门链老天爷及其影响。

    Paganism and the Hermetic Occult The Golden Chain of Homer Of the Heavens and their influence.

  6. 巧姐从小生活优裕, 是豪门千金。

    A good living, qiao from elder sister is big daughter.

  7. 他们联姻给宣扬成当年的豪门良缘。

    Their marriage was trumpeted as the society wedding of the year.

  8. 斯坦利结婚攀了高枝儿, 进入了豪门。

    Stanley married above and into a wealthy family.

  9. 斯坦利结婚攀了高枝儿,进入了豪门。

    Stanley married above and into a wealthy family.

  10. 嫁入豪门是很多女明星的梦想。

    Being engaged to someone from a rich and powerful family is many actresses'dream.

  11. 跳水女皇郭晶晶是否会在2010年嫁入豪门?

    Will Guo Jingjing, Chinas diving queen, get married in2010

  12. 詹姆斯先生已经结交了两三个豪门朋友。

    Mr. James had had a scattering of very wealthy friends.

  13. 电影教父有关纽约黑手党的豪门大户的故事。

    The Godfather a story about the powerful mafia families in New York.

  14. 使命宣言旨在帮助豪门之家保持家庭和睦。

    The goal of mission statements is to help keep the peace in affluent families.

  15. 香港豪门后代表现受关注富可过三代?

    Hong Kong's rich performance and future generations of concern may have been generations of the rich ?

  16. 莱曼也在耻笑蓝军,说切尔西不是豪门。

    JENS LEHMANN has launched an attack on Chelsea, claiming it is not a big club.

  17. 女明星嫁入豪门的故事,大家听的还少吗?

    It's not news that female stars marry millionaires or billionaires.

  18. 电影教父就是有关纽约黑手党的豪门大户的故事。

    The Godfather is a story about the powerful mafia families in New York.

  19. 在今天之前, 切尔西和欧洲其他豪门一样出色。

    Before today Chelsea were playing as well as anyone in Europe.

  20. 神圣庄严的释梵天女竟以豪门中姬妾为模特。

    In many Buddhist paintings, goddesses were modeled after imperial court ladies

  21. 不过, 都灵豪门希望能说服他能签署新的合同。

    However, the Turin giants are hopeful that they can convince the forward to accept their new contract offer.

  22. 我想这大概是赵薇两次和豪门擦肩而过的原因。

    I think this is probably twice Zhao Wei and the rich pass.

  23. 我也知道他会前往欧洲为一支豪门效力。

    In time I know he will come to Europe and play for a big team.

  24. 误解和怀疑造成了镇上两家豪门家族的仇恨。

    Misunderstanding and suspicion caused hatred between the two rich and powerful families in the town.

  25. 能够加盟像利物浦这样得豪门俱乐部使我感到很自豪。

    I feel very proud to join such a big club.

  26. 能够加盟像利物浦这样的豪门俱乐部使我感到很自豪。

    I feel very proud to join such a big club.

  27. 川宁豪门伯爵茶,清新怡人的红茶,薰入佛手柑的香气。

    TWININGS Earl Grey, A refreshing black tea, scented with Bergamot.

  28. 两支实力强劲的豪门为球迷奉献了场跌宕起伏的比赛。

    Two strength strong rich and powerful families have offered the field unconstrained fluctuation competition for the fan.

  29. 上周末, 落魄豪门尤文图斯队取得了意乙首胜。

    Last weekend, Series B witnessed the first win of Juventus, the disgraced galaxy of talent athletes.

  30. 一些欧洲豪门会派遣他们的球探密切关注这位国际球员。

    Some of Europe's top clubs will send their scouts to keep tabs on the Internacional ace.


  1. 问:豪门拼音怎么拼?豪门的读音是什么?豪门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豪门的读音是háomén,豪门翻译成英文是 dynasty



“豪门”是个多义词,它可以指豪门(韩国电视剧), 豪门(辉煌球队), 豪门(内衣品牌), 豪门(汉语词语), 豪门(小说《豪门》), 豪门(1991年ATV出品电视剧)。