




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……



汉语拼音:shǐ ér






  1. he said this week that what went wrong with Mr Gorbachev was that he began but failed to complete his reforms.


  2. Therefore, the owner must be consistent in requiring that all changes be written.


  3. This medication trend experienced a process of rising, zenith, declining, and eventual termination.


  4. Why is fate always running on the same track, fatally beginning with happy gathering and ending with sad parting?


  5. Hesitantly at first, then vigorously, a ripple of applause rose from the on lookers . Finally came the sound of muffled sobbing.


  1. 始而不解,继而恍然。

    At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light.

  2. 他始而大喊大叫,后来声音减低到小声咕哝。

    He began to howl and diminuendoed down to a mutter

  3. 两个人简直一样,正因为一样所以双方才始而亲昵。

    They were both the same, and it had produced first the intimacy.

  4. 梅氏本周称,戈尔巴乔夫的错误在于其改革始而未结。

    he said this week that what went wrong with Mr Gorbachev was that he began but failed to complete his reforms.

  5. 泉涓涓而始流。

    While springs flow murmuring and look marvelous.

  6. 木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。

    Trees are thriving and vigorous, while springs flow murmuring and look marvelous.

  7. 爱情始甜而终苦

    Love is sweet in the beginning But sour in the ending

  8. 小说并不始于写作,而始于在隐密的内心深处的构思。

    it does not begin with writing, but with conception in the dark of the mind.

  9. 九,武道始于点而终于圆。直线亦从此一道理而生。

    The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle. Straight lines stems from this principle.

  10. 如果火箭输了, 我们依然会自始而终。

    If the Rockets lose we were supposed to all along.

  11. 爱之感觉始于眼眸,而喜欢的感觉则始于耳畔。

    The feeling of love starts from the eyes, but the feeling of like starts from the ears.

  12. 六,武道始于千朝,而完善于万夕不懈之磨炼。

    The Martial Way begins with one thousand days and is mastered after ten thousand days of training.

  13. 德国文化是德科朗品牌至始而终的追求。

    The German culture is to end of the seed of the brand deklan pursuit.

  14. 她的脸始而变红,继而转白,一副妥协的样子。

    She turned red and then white in the most compromising fashion.

  15. 从本质上来说,则苏门之立始于文学交谊而成于国事。

    Essentially, the existing of Sumen started from literature and ripped from national affairs.

  16. 他们为当明星而做的努力始于一家当地的广播电台。

    Their bid for stardom began at a local radio station.

  17. 愤怒始于愚鲁, 而终于悔恨。

    Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance.

  18. 他始于为自己着想, 为自己而活, 他想提拔自己。

    He started thinking about himself and living for himself, and he wanted to exalt himself.

  19. 而他們發現事實上 從羅馬時期漁業濫捕就開始嚴重了。

    And so what they found, in fact, is that exploitation really began heavily with the Romans.

  20. 而這些一再重覆發生的故事 讓我開始思考兩個問題。

    Now, these recurring stories cause me to ask two questions.

  21. 而你知道的,當我們這樣想時,這就會開始改變所有的事

    And, you know, if we think about it this way it starts to change everything.

  22. 人类实践活动肇始于人类之初, 与人类相伴而生。

    Mankind practical activities origins from the occurrence of human beings, generating along with man.

  23. 始于1861年的美国内战是围绕各州的权力而战的。

    The Civil War began in eighteen sixtyone as a struggle over the right of states to leave the Union.

  24. 缘,怎么总是以欢聚始,而以惜别终的无奈的轮回?

    Why is fate always running on the same track, fatally beginning with happy gathering and ending with sad parting?

  25. 而奥特却从始至终都在绞尽脑汁地孤军奋战。

    All the while, she was huffing and puffing to resolve the problem herself.

  26. 始建于明代,是为防御蒙古族南侵而修建的。

    Was built in the Ming Dynasty, for defense and the construction of the Mongolian invasion.

  27. 南戏出而变化更多,于是我国始有纯粹之戏曲。

    Nanxi change out more, so there is just the beginning of opera in China.

  28. 有时病毒感染始于胃疾病和腹泻开始, 而不是喉咙痛。

    Sometimes the virus infection starts with stomach sickness and diarrhoea initially, rather than with a sore throat.

  29. 始建于2004年的孔子学院项目也是应时而生的产物。

    Confucius Institute Project, founded in2004, was also generated with the tide.

  30. 谁见了他而能描述?谁能以他自始所应得的赞美, 来赞美他?

    Who shall see him, and declare him? and who shall magnify him as he is from the beginning?



拼音:shǐ ér [at first] 表示某一情况或动作开始(后面多接用“继而”、“终于”等副词) 始而惊愕,继而欢喜 英文:at first 例句: At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light. 始而不解, 继而恍然.