


特异的,突出的:~为(wéi )。~异。无耻之~。更加,格外:~其。过失:效~(学着别人做坏事)。怨恨,归咎:怨天~人。姓。……





汉语拼音:yóu wù







  1. 指绝色美女。有时含有贬意。

    《左传·昭公二十八年》:“夫有尤物,足以移人;苟非德义,则必有祸。” 杨伯峻 注:“尤物,指特美之女。” 唐 陈鸿 《长恨歌传》:“意者不但感其事,亦欲惩尤物,窒乱阶,垂於将来者也。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·却奁》:“世兄有福,消此尤物。”

  2. 珍奇之物。

    《晋书·江统传》:“高世之主,不尚尤物。” 宋 陆游 《跋韩晋公子母犊》:“予平生见三尤物: 王公明 家 韩干 散马, 吴子副 家 薛稷 小鹤及此子母牛是也。” 清 赵翼 《啖荔戏书》诗:“就中一种更尤物,核小而尖谁结束。”



  1. What you doing' to me, girl, I can't hold back. Some hot stuff is all that I need. So why we waiting'? (Let's dance). . .


  2. Paired with smoky eyes and black platforms heels, Ms Watson was an absolute stunner in Burberry!


  3. At fifteen she was the queen of the countryside; she had no peer; and she did turn out a haughty, headstrong creature!


  4. She became what would have been called a fine creature.


  5. New York, NY - Pop superstar Britney Spears achieves another benchmark with her current album, Femme Fatale.


  6. But he was such an eye-catcher. He had dark brown hair that would reflect blond in direct light, with these dark green eyes.


  7. She was considered the first video game sex symbol and she regularly tops and appears on various lists of -- sigh -- video game hotties.


  8. So when people call me a sex symbol , it's flattering but I never let it go to my head.


  9. Femme Fatale is one of the Top 10 longest running trending topics on Twitter.


  1. 尤物妖人的故事

    the story of the modern creature

  2. 我高挑,尤物嗯,不。

    I am a tall, luscious ah, no.

  3. 非常完美,她是个尤物

    Fantastic shape,she's gorgeous.

  4. 非常完美,她是个尤物。

    Fantastic shape, she's gorgeous.

  5. 也许她就是世间的尤物。

    May be she is the stunner of the world.

  6. 这个漂亮宝贝可真是个尤物。

    That babe is a real tootsie!

  7. 他的第一个大动作是一个尤物。

    His first big move was a stunner.

  8. 这并非一个性感尤物的相貌。

    This is not the portrait of a femme fatale.

  9. 她是个性感十足的金发尤物。

    She was a voluptuous creature with blonde hair.

  10. 那目空一切的新生尤物是什么人?

    Who was this novice in war with the effrontery of a luminary

  11. 哪个男人不会被这尤物分神呢?

    What man wouldn't be distracted by such beauty?

  12. 她真是个令人一见销魂的尤物。

    Isn't she a killer?

  13. 她穿上那条裙子简直是个尤物。

    She looks quite the thing in that dress.

  14. 她穿上那条裙子简直是个尤物。

    She looks quite the thing in that dress.

  15. 她是一个迷人的尤物——优雅而得体。

    She was an elfin creature--graceful and delicate.

  16. 是的,她们都是金发尤物,长腿,穿超短裙。

    Yes, they are blonde bombshell with long legs and miniskirts.

  17. 这样英勇的女人不应被视为倾城的尤物。

    Such a brave woman should not be regarded as Helen of Troy.

  18. 她是不是你见过最性感的金发尤物?

    Is she the cutest little blond pussy you ever saw?

  19. 我从来没有见过这么美丽的一个尤物!

    She is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld!

  20. 这个有理智的尤物希望别人认为她是忠诚的。

    This reasoning creature desired to be thought consistent.

  21. 噢!我从来没见过这么美丽的一个尤物。

    Oh!She is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld!

  22. 科斯蒂根小姐是一位高尚完美的天生尤物!

    Miss Costigan was a paragon of virtue and delicacy!

  23. 科斯蒂根小姐是一位高尚完美得天生尤物!

    Miss Costigan was a paragon of virtue and delicacy!

  24. 衣着光鲜, 挥金如土的大陆游客的流入, 就像天赐尤物。

    An influx of wellheeled, freespending mainland tourists therefore seems just the ticket.

  25. 目录风华绝化的性感尤物,创造了一个好莱坞神话

    She creates a Hollywood Myth, with the elegance and talent of the oomph stunner.

  26. 目录风华绝化得性感尤物,创造了一个好莱坞神话

    She creates a Hollywood Myth, with the elegance and talent of the oomph stunner.

  27. 它似乎是兆示生命的尤物, 而不是侵袭人类的暴族。

    It seem be a rare thing to portent life and wasnt a thug to attack the human being.

  28. 如果我有朱茵的身型, 我唔介意穿得像个性感尤物。

    If I have the body of Athena Chu, I wear like a sexy Well Youwu mind.

  29. 澳大利亚人以及更多的勃艮地人为这全新的尤物而倾倒。

    More Burgundian than Australian but with underlying new world panache!

  30. 如果我想要成为参议员, 我应该娶名媛淑女, 而不是金发尤物。

    If I'm going to be a senator, I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.


  1. 问:尤物拼音怎么拼?尤物的读音是什么?尤物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尤物的读音是yóuwù,尤物翻译成英文是 rare thing; woman of great beauty



尤物(stunner; beauty),根据一些发行量较大的汉语词典的解释,“尤物”一词所指代的是:“容貌艳丽的女子、特别漂亮的女人”或“珍贵的物品”。尤的意思是异,就是“突出”的意思,“尤物”从字面上解也是“特别的物品”。《现代汉语词典》中解释是优异的人或物品(多指美女)。