




兄弟排行次序最小的:~弟(小弟)。~父(小叔叔)。末了:~世。~春(春季末一月)。明~(明代末年)。~军(体育运动竞赛的第三名)。一年的四分之一:一年分春夏秋冬四~。~度。~风。一段时间:~节。~候。~相(xiàng )(某个地区在某个季节……



汉语拼音:hàn jì








旱季 [hàn jì]
  1. 不下雨或雨水太少的季节。



  1. It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month.


  2. Though the months of the dry season the only water for the garden was the dirty bathwater.


  3. The tree or not divides into the fallen leaf tree according to the winter or the dry season fallen leaf and is often green the tree.


  4. Monsoons and droughts are not unusual, but forests can hold some of that excess water and release it in the dry season.


  5. Panzhihua City arid climate and hot seasons is not clear, only the rainy season and dry season such a distinction.


  6. Seasonal drought takes place every year in tropical countries where there is only a rainy and a dry season.


  7. The great wildebeest herds migrate south in search of water. Drinking their fill in preparation for the long dry season to come.


  8. Less than one-sixth of the total Mekong catchment is in China, but that upstream flow is crucial to neighbours during the dry season.


  9. In dry spells, which are becoming more common, the flames get out of hand.


  1. 蓄水以备旱季使用。

    Water is stored against the dry season.

  2. 雨季与旱季轮流交替。

    The rainy season alternates with the dry season.

  3. 旱季干旱伤害果树较大。

    The drought periods under these conditions tend to be more injurious to the trees.

  4. 我们在旱季要节约用水。

    We must conserve water during the drought.

  5. 我们现在看一下旱季的情况。

    We're going to the dry season now.

  6. 我们在旱季不得不节约用水。

    We have to economize on water during the dry season.

  7. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。

    The road is only negotiable in the dry season.

  8. 旱季里,每四天只供水四小时。

    During the dry season, we had four hours of water every fourth day.

  9. 秋季是旱季的开始,降水明显减少。

    Autumn is the beginning of the dry season, precipitation decreased significantly.

  10. 我们国家分雨季和旱季两种气候。

    We have a rainy season and a dry season.

  11. 山间的小溪在旱季时已经干涸。

    Spring in the valley has already dried up in season of drought.

  12. 注意看草原进入漫长的旱季后的变化。

    And watch the change as it goes into this long dry season.

  13. 毛竹笋用林旱季人工浇水试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Watering during Dry Season in Shoot Use Phyllostachys heterocycla var. Pubescens Stand

  14. 如果旱季还持续下去, 池塘中的水量将减少。

    The amount of water in the pond will diminish AS the dry seASon continues.

  15. 刚刚经历了4个月的雨季,将要进入8个月的旱季。

    It has just come through four months of rain, and it's now going into eight months of dry season.

  16. 蚊子在旱季几乎绝迹。因为没有地方让蚊子繁育。

    It nearly goes away in the dry season, because there's no place for the mosquitoes to breed.

  17. 大多数的年份旱季漫长, 把植物弄得又枯又焦。

    Most years there is a long dry season that shrivels and scorches plants.

  18. 我们认为, 这将履行作为一个巨大的加湿器旱季。

    We think that this will perform as a huge humidifier during dry seasons.

  19. 我们认为, 这将履行作为一个巨大得加湿器旱季。

    We think that this will perform as a huge humidifier during dry seasons.

  20. 都在这一个无尽漫长的夏天成为了荒原的旱季。

    Constituted the dead and endless summer in the wasteland.

  21. 旱季期间, 可以使用蓄的水灌溉庄稼, 供家畜饮用。

    The stored water is used during the dry season to irrigate crops and water livestock.

  22. 它相当于一个较弱的西南季风和一个更长的旱季。

    It corresponds with a weaker southwest monsoon and a longer dry season.

  23. 但是当旱季来临, 平原上的草干枯了, 水源消失了。

    But as the dry season progresses, the grass on the plains begins to dry up and water sources disappear.

  24. 拯救亚马孙河的行动安排在了旱季来临之际。

    Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.

  25. 虽然几个月旱季只有水花园是肮脏的洗澡水。

    Though the months of the dry season the only water for the garden was the dirty bathwater.

  26. 乔木按冬季或旱季落叶与否又分为落叶乔木和常绿乔木。

    The tree or not divides into the fallen leaf tree according to the winter or the dry season fallen leaf and is often green the tree.

  27. 人们在旱季传统上是不工作的, 而专事吃喝玩乐。

    The dry season was traditionally a time of inactivity, devoted to feasts and festivals.

  28. 旱季影响小熊猫生境选择的关键因子是乔木胸径。

    The key factor influenced on habitat selection in dry season was the tree size.

  29. 在旱季, 西贡停电较频繁, 即便是最繁华的地段。

    During the dry season, the blackout happens frequently. Even the situation of the center of the city is the same.

  30. 这是旱季的情况, 到了雨季, 则是一片泥泞, 无法通行。

    In the rainy season it could be so muddy as to be impassable.


  1. 问:旱季拼音怎么拼?旱季的读音是什么?旱季翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旱季的读音是hànjì,旱季翻译成英文是 the dry season

  2. 问:旱季流量拼音怎么拼?旱季流量的读音是什么?旱季流量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旱季流量的读音是hàn jì liú liàng,旱季流量翻译成英文是 drying weather flow



基本信息旱季是法国2006年发布的一部电影,主演:阿利·巴凯 Ali Barkai尤苏夫·约罗 Youssouf Djaoro Khayar Oumar Defallah ...电影主要讲述的是主人公Atim的复仇之路,在复仇之路上Atim与杀父仇人Nassara的情感之路.....中文名 旱季 外文名 Saison sèche..... (France) Dry Season 其它译名 达莱特 干涸季节 发行公司 Pyramide Distribution . 制片地区 法国/奥地利/比利时/乍得 导 演 穆罕穆德-萨利赫·哈隆 编 剧 穆罕穆德-萨利赫·哈隆 类 型 喜剧 主 演 阿利·巴凯,尤苏夫·约罗 片 长 96分钟 上映时间 2006年12月27日 对白语言 阿拉伯语/法语