如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……
兄弟排行次序最小的:~弟(小弟)。~父(小叔叔)。末了:~世。~春(春季末一月)。明~(明代末年)。~军(体育运动竞赛的第三名)。一年的四分之一:一年分春夏秋冬四~。~度。~风。一段时间:~节。~候。~相(xiàng )(某个地区在某个季节……
汉语拼音:yǔ jì
When the plants grow out of the meshes, you can take it as a green decoration. When it's not in the rainy season, it still can be useful.
当植物长出铁丝网时,你可以把它当成绿色装饰物。这样,即使不是雨季,它依然能发挥它的作用。"They seem to have wandered in after the last rains, " he replied softly. "I suppose they must be living off the rodents and birds. "
“好像它俩自从上次雨季后就已经在这儿游荡了。”他小声回答我,“我猜这两个小家伙一定是在躲避那些啮齿动物和鸟儿。”Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stylish rain boots an intelligent investment.
每年夏天雨季台风来袭的日子,一双耐用又时尚的雨靴,似乎是最值得投资的选择!The rainy season usually begins in late April, and there have been a few rains, but some officials are still worried.
雨季一般在四月下半月开始,尽管是下了一点雨,然而当局对此仍感忧虑。As the city begins to heat up for summer, some foreign residents will celebrate the beginning of the wet season in other Asian countries.
当这个城市因夏日来临而开始逐渐炎热的时候,一些外籍侨民将会在亚洲其它国家庆祝雨季的开始。But he said that farm output would be substantially stronger after bountiful monsoon rains, which are crucial for agriculture.
但他表示,由于今年雨季降水充足(这对农业至关重要),农业产出将大幅提高。With the rainy season soon to arrive, officials said there had been thousands of small aftershocks since the main earthquake on May 12.
目前受灾地区雨季即将到来,官员们也表示,自5月12日的主震以来,小规模的余震已达数千次。It's traditionally a time of celebration, and if a coffee brand could "own" this, it would be a license to print money.
这一段时间是传统的节日庆典,如果咖啡品牌能够“打赢”雨季这一仗这等于企业获得印发钞票的许可。This was the rainy season and the ground was soft, and his face had scored a trench a foot deep and a couple of yards long.