







汉语拼音:shē lì






  1. 即猞猁狲。参见“ 猞猁猻 ”。



  1. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to see a Lynx up close and personal.


  2. An encounter with an elusive Canada Lynx is said to be a rare privelege.


  3. Fecal material and other evidence obtained were tested and confirmed to be those of a lynx.


  4. The lynx body configuration is resemble a cat, but bigger than cat, the body has one meter often approximately.


  5. So Lynx went around to the other side of the lake and turned into a deer.


  6. Believed to be the most endangered mammal in Europe the Iberian lynx found mostly in Spain has fewer than 150 individuals in the wild.


  7. "I know! " said Lynx. "I'll change myself into a deer on the other side of the lake. "


  8. As you sat quietly without movement, a bob cat, a lynx, came down.


  9. Within the Northwest Territories, lynx are found below the tree line and are most numerous in the southwest and in the Mackenzie Delta.


  1. 产于北美洲的小猞猁。

    Small lynx of North america.

  2. 出口生猞猁皮检验方法

    Inspection method of raw lynx skin for export

  3. 猞猁在工作的时候吃他的午餐。

    Lynx is eating his lunch while working.

  4. 猞猁在工作得时候吃他得午餐。

    Lynx is eating his lunch while working.

  5. 白化猞猁毛。其实它没有看上去那么暖。

    Albino lynx, and its notas warm as it might seem.

  6. 这同样适用于狼、貂熊、猞猁以及其它动物。

    The same is true for wolves, wolverines, lynx and many other species.

  7. 于是猞猁跑到湖的另一边变成了鹿的模样。

    So Lynx went around to the other side of the lake and turned into a deer.

  8. 据说能遇到难以捉摸的加拿大猞猁是少有的机会。

    An encounter with an elusive Canada Lynx is said to be a rare privelege.

  9. 据说能遇到难以捉摸得加拿大猞猁是少有得机会。

    An encounter with an elusive Canada Lynx is said to be a rare privelege.

  10. 反对人士声称这会扰乱猞猁和其他物种的生活

    Opponents say the lynx and other species will be disturbed.

  11. 猞猁是因黑色的毛皮簇在它们的耳朵顶端而众所周知。

    Lynxes are known for the black tufts of fur on the tips of their ears.

  12. 猞猁是因黑色得毛皮簇在它们得耳朵顶端而众所周知。

    Lynxes are known for the black tufts of fur on the tips of their ears.

  13. 而皇后动物园的美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套。

    But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo.

  14. 而皇后动物园得美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套。

    But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo.

  15. 可是我很荣幸地能够有机会近距离看到这个猞猁。

    I am honoured to have had the opportunity to see a Lynx up close and personal.

  16. 美国人说到野猫,他们通常指得是猞猁,豹猫或山猫。

    When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat.

  17. 小组希望,在不远的将来能将人工圈养的猞猁放归山野。

    In the near future, it hopes to release captivebred lynx into the wild.

  18. 美国人说到野猫,他们通常指的是猞猁,豹猫或山猫。

    When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat.

  19. 猞猁是猫科动物得一种,它生活在北美洲北部得森林里。

    The lynx is a member of the felid or cat family. It lives in boreal forests across North America.

  20. 猞猁是猫科动物的一种,它生活在北美洲北部的森林里。

    The lynx is a member of the felid or cat family. It lives in boreal forests across North America.


  1. 问:猞猁拼音怎么拼?猞猁的读音是什么?猞猁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猞猁的读音是shēlì,猞猁翻译成英文是 lynx

  2. 问:猞猁属拼音怎么拼?猞猁属的读音是什么?猞猁属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猞猁属的读音是shēlì shǔ,猞猁属翻译成英文是 Lynx



猞猁(学名:Lynx lynx)属于猫科,体型似猫而远大于猫,体粗壮,尾极短,通常不及头体长的1/4。四肢粗长而矫健。耳尖生有黑色耸立簇毛。两颊具下垂的长毛。上体浅棕、土黄棕、浅灰褐或麻褐色,或为灰白而间杂浅棕色调;腹面浅白、黄白或沙黄色。尾端呈黑色。为喜寒动物,栖息生境极富多样性,从亚寒带针叶林、寒温带针阔混交林至高寒草甸、高寒草原、高寒灌丛草原及高寒荒漠与半荒漠等各种环境均有其足迹。生活在森林灌丛地带,密林及山岩上较常见。喜独居,长于攀爬及游泳,耐饥性强,可在一处静卧几日,不畏严寒,以鼠类、野兔等为食,也捕食小野猪和小鹿等为食。巢穴多筑在岩缝石洞或树洞内。每胎2~4仔。广泛分布于欧洲和亚洲北部。