







汉语拼音:jiào mà






  1. 大声骂。《宋书·傅弘之传》:“ 佛佛 逼令降, 弘之 不为屈。时天寒,裸 弘之 , 弘之 叫駡见杀。”《西游记》第七一回:“不知是甚人在洞外叫駡了半夜,如今却又打门。” 茅盾 《子夜》十六:“八个代表简直气破了肚皮,他们的嗓子也叫骂哑了。”



  1. With his own subordinates, however, he went into rages, screamed like a shrew, threw teacups, pounded on tables.


  2. Almost in Juan Dahlmann's face he shouted insults, as if he had been a long way off.


  3. As I'm putting on my pants suddenly I hear a commotion in the next room. The girl is bawling him out, calling him a pig, a dirty little pig.


  4. crawling through a cave, wincing and bawling as if in agony.


  5. That you could hear the arteries clanging shut all across the city?


  6. I saw a small boy on what looked like a tricycle moving through a scrum of people raining abuse on the police.


  7. He disappeared. The guy on the boat got crazy when he know what happened. He shouted at the window and threw back the garbage to the window.


  8. They had to lay Toad out on the floor, kicking and calling all sorts of names, before they could get to work properly.


  9. "Don't any of you goddamned Chinee pirates come up onto my deck ! " the captain bellowed .


  1. 然后他开始大声叫骂。

    He then began to vociferate pretty loudly.

  2. 人多势众的需求, 责备, 叫骂。

    Overwhelm with numerical strength demand, blame, shouting.

  3. 四下里女人们呼天抢地,高声叫骂。

    All around women wailed their woe or screamed abuse.

  4. 因为吵闹声,他向孩子们叫骂。

    He bite at his children for being noisy.

  5. 他要做什么,对他们叫骂吗?

    What's he gonna do, shout at them?

  6. 来自众人咒诅他死亡得叫骂。

    The scorn of those who cried out for His death.

  7. 来自众人咒诅他死亡的叫骂。

    The scorn of those who cried out for His death.

  8. 瞎子叫骂着,怪他们动作太慢。

    He shouted, and cursed them for their delay.

  9. 不久, 邻人见丢了羊, 沿街叫骂。

    Before long, adjacent person sees lost a sheep, along street shout curses.

  10. 她走进来开始朝警察大声叫骂。

    She came in and started yelling abuse at the cops.

  11. 一小群小青年没走,在起哄、叫骂。

    A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.

  12. 她怒不可遏, 竟然对他尖声叫骂起来。

    In her anger, she fairly screamed at him.

  13. 他咆哮着,叫骂着,向四周挥舞着双枪。

    He bellowed and fumed and swayed his revolvers here and everywhere.

  14. 向命运叫骂无济于事呢,因为命运是个聋子。

    It's no use abusing fate, for it is a deaf.

  15. 在十分钟的叫骂后他们打起架来。

    After yelling for ten minutes they came to blows.

  16. 这是最富戏剧性的一刻, 我开始叫骂。

    This was the most dramatic moment. I started shouting.

  17. 改掉大声叫骂的习惯, 家长们也会受益。

    Parents might also profit from eliminating the rants.

  18. 他们把她抬走的时候,她冲着他们尖声叫骂。

    She was shrieking abuse at them as they carried her off.

  19. 我们试图使他平静下来, 但他仍不停地叫骂。

    We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting and swearing.

  20. 他俩昨天当着整个班上互相叫骂起来了。

    They were at each other's throats in front of the whole class yesterday.

  21. 他对着这个犯了错误的可怜人大声叫骂。

    He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake.

  22. 摩根找到了一个金币, 叫骂着将它举了起来。

    Morgan found a piece of gold. He held it up with a perfect spout of oaths.

  23. 就在这时, 门铃响了。圣诞老人叫骂着走去开门。

    Just then the doorbell rang and Santa went to the door, cussing all the way.

  24. 汽车喇叭声响成一片。一个愤怒的司机在大声叫骂。

    Horns honk. An angry motorist shouts.

  25. 心怀不满的和遭受挫折的公共马车商人和车夫高声叫骂着。

    Disgruntled and defeated omnibus owners and drivers groaned aloud.

  26. 他悚然穿过一个洞穴,退缩并叫骂着,好像陷入了痛苦之中。

    Crawling through a cave, wincing and bawling as if in agony.

  27. 上司冲入她的办公室,当着她的面大叫,骂人。

    The boss stormed into her office, got in her face, yelled and cursed.

  28. 他刚一踏进门,康妮就冲着他尖声怪叫地骂起来。

    As soon as he stepped into the door, Connie started screaming curses at him.

  29. 等她骂完叫我滚开之后,晚会继续进行,但气氛已经大大减弱。

    After her harangue was overI had been dismissed, the party continued, the atmosphere wasmore subdued.

  30. 我儿, 作个智慧人, 使我心高兴, 好叫我回答笑骂我的人。

    11 If you are wise, my son, you will gladden my heart, and I will be able to rebut him who taunts me.


  1. 问:叫骂拼音怎么拼?叫骂的读音是什么?叫骂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叫骂的读音是jiàomà,叫骂翻译成英文是 hurl abuse