









汉语拼音:wéi guǎn shù






  1. 高级植物的韧皮部和木质部及其周围紧接着的机械组织所构成的束。分布在植物的根、茎、叶中。其作用为输送水分、养料和支持植物体使之成为统一的整体。



  1. Vein One of the vascular bundles in a leaf. The pattern in which the veins are arranged in a leaf is called the VENATION.


  2. Chloroplasts may be present in the bundle sheath, and are thought to be connected with starch storage in the tropical grasses.


  3. The phloem ganglion derived directly from procambium is situated at the sites where the vascular bundle forks and is present in pairs.


  4. Stele The vascular tissue and associated parenchyma tissue and (if present) the surrounding pericycle and endodermis of a stem or root.


  5. The number of vascular bundles of each floret in spikelet decrease with the rising of floret position.


  6. The vascular bundles of the stem are arranged in a ring within a single endodermis and pericycle, giving a eustele.


  7. Internodes of the mutants had abnormal-shaped epidermal and hypodermal cells and showed an unusual arrangement of small vascular bundles.


  8. Has similar tissue organization at both surfaces with a row of vascular bundles under each epidermis.


  9. Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commelina communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues.


  1. 维管束末梢

    bundle end.

  2. 维管束植物

    vascular plants.

  3. 维管束间距

    vascular bundle interval.

  4. 维管束萎蔫病

    wilt disease of vascular bundle

  5. 维管束植物分类学

    taxonomy of vascular plants

  6. 有分开的维管束的茎。

    A stem with separate vascular bundles.

  7. 平行脉序,维管束具有维管束鞘。

    The veins of leases are parallel, and the vascular bundles have bundle sheaths.

  8. 它由叶子基部的维管束延伸至茎轴的维管束。

    It'stretches from the leaf base to the vascular ring in the stem axis.

  9. 地上茎一年生,维管束排成一圈,纤维含量低。

    The aerial stem is annual and has a ring of vascular bundle and low fiber content.

  10. 它并没有显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。

    It does not show sheaths around the vascular bundles.

  11. 崖柏属雌球果的苞鳞中没有倒转的维管束形成。

    There was no inverted vascular bundle developed in the bract scale of Thuja occidentals.

  12. 鸭跖草花梗顶部的维管束分布在中央的基本组织内。

    Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commelina communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues.

  13. 自花梗顶部至子房室基部, 维管束系统发生复杂得变化。

    The vascular system changed complexly from the top of the pedicel to the base of the locule.

  14. 自花梗顶部至子房室基部,维管束系统发生复杂的变化。

    The vascular system changed complexly from the top of the pedicel to the base of the locule.

  15. 此外,两个种的维管束结构及叶缘结构等也有很大的差异。

    The structures of vascular bundle and leaf margin were also different.

  16. 蜜腺由分泌表皮,产蜜组织和仅含韧皮部的维管束组成。

    The nectaries were composed of epidermis, nectariferous tissue and vascular bundle which only consisted of phome.

  17. 这些维束管在各个小叶基部将成为托叶的维管组织部分。

    These bundles will become part of the vascular tissue of the stipels at the base of the individual leaflets.


  1. 问:维管束拼音怎么拼?维管束的读音是什么?维管束翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束的读音是,维管束翻译成英文是 fibrovascular bundle

  2. 问:维管束原拼音怎么拼?维管束原的读音是什么?维管束原翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束原的读音是wéi guǎn shù yuán,维管束原翻译成英文是 desmogen, provascular strand

  3. 问:维管束帽拼音怎么拼?维管束帽的读音是什么?维管束帽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束帽的读音是wéi guǎn shù mào,维管束帽翻译成英文是 bundle cap

  4. 问:维管束干拼音怎么拼?维管束干的读音是什么?维管束干翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束干的读音是wéi guǎn shù gān,维管束干翻译成英文是 bundle trunk

  5. 问:维管束痕拼音怎么拼?维管束痕的读音是什么?维管束痕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束痕的读音是wéi guǎn shù hén,维管束痕翻译成英文是 bundle scar

  6. 问:维管束缘拼音怎么拼?维管束缘的读音是什么?维管束缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束缘的读音是wéi guǎn shù yuán,维管束缘翻译成英文是 bundle flange

  7. 问:维管束鞘拼音怎么拼?维管束鞘的读音是什么?维管束鞘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束鞘的读音是wéi guǎn shù qiào,维管束鞘翻译成英文是 vascular bundle sheath

  8. 问:维管束末梢拼音怎么拼?维管束末梢的读音是什么?维管束末梢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束末梢的读音是wéi guǎn shù mò shāo,维管束末梢翻译成英文是 bundle end

  9. 问:维管束原组织拼音怎么拼?维管束原组织的读音是什么?维管束原组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束原组织的读音是wéi guǎn shù yuán zǔ zhī,维管束原组织翻译成英文是 provascular tissue

  10. 问:维管束真菌病拼音怎么拼?维管束真菌病的读音是什么?维管束真菌病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束真菌病的读音是wéi guǎn shù zhēn jūn bìng,维管束真菌病翻译成英文是 tracheomycosis

  11. 问:维管束鞘伸展区拼音怎么拼?维管束鞘伸展区的读音是什么?维管束鞘伸展区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维管束鞘伸展区的读音是wéi guǎn shù qiào shēn zhǎn qū,维管束鞘伸展区翻译成英文是 bundle-sheath extension



维管束(vascular bundle)是维管植物(蕨类植物、裸子植物和被子植物)的叶和幼茎等器官中,由初生木质部和初生韧皮部共同组成的束状结构。维管束彼此交织连接,构成初生植物体输导水分,无机盐及有机物质的一种输导系统——维管系统,并兼有支持植物体的作用。