




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:cì yào








  1. 重要性较差。

    毛泽东 《矛盾论》四:“矛盾着的两方面中,必有一方面是主要的,他方面是次要的。”



  1. Again she stopped talking, and this time it was going to be more difficult to speak of what was in her heart.


  2. the least powerful chessman ; moves only forward and captures only to the side; can be promoted if it reaches the 8th rank.


  3. Because of those issues back then, the building of a robust social graph was more of a secondary concern at the time.


  4. China has so far taken a back seat in the WTO, insisting it had its hands full meeting its accession commitments.


  5. When she asked me to prove her innocence first time, I blinked my eyes and then began to say nonsense.


  6. Our secondary criterion was to redesign the system in such a way that we could allow for replicas of an R&R database on multiple servers.


  7. Moreover, since the last batch have all been settled who were ahead of me on the list , the house I got is bigger than before .


  8. A good example of a secondary gesture might be a person putting his hand up to his mouth to cover a cough.


  9. He said China always had to deal with its primary contradiction and compromise with its secondary contradiction.


  1. 你这次要写什么

    What exactly is it that you're writing?

  2. 第二次要300万美元

    Takes about 1 million dollars the second time.

  3. 次要歌星或舞星的角色

    acomprimario part

  4. 告诉人们次要变更是什么。

    Tell us what the minor change was.

  5. 心血管病为次要有效结果。

    Cardioascular disease was a pre specified secondary efficacy outcome.

  6. 次要得蓝光从右边下部过来。

    A secondary light will come from the lower right.

  7. 那次要比我想象的困难许多。

    That one was way more difficult than I had expected.

  8. 我们第一次要搬进办公室啦

    we were going to move it into an office for the first time.

  9. 不要老是偏离到次要问题上去。

    Dont always deviate to minor issues.

  10. 第七项是您第二次要得啤酒。

    The seventh item is your second beer.

  11. 他们这次要去开采的是楠木。

    Their tasks were to acquire wood from Nanmu tree.

  12. 一些是主要的另一个比较次要。

    Some are primary and others are secondary.

  13. 咱们把次要问题撇开不谈了吧。

    Let's leave aside questions of minor importance.

  14. 除主要问题之外,还有些次要问题讨论。

    In addition to the main question, there are secondary matters to talk about.

  15. 依愚人之见, 那只是一个次要问题。

    That, in my humble opinion, is only one of the minor issues.

  16. 弗雷德一周送洗两次要洗的衣物。

    Fred sends his clothes to laundry twice a week.

  17. 弗雷德一周送洗两次要洗的衣物。

    Fred sends his clothes to laundry twice a week.

  18. 这是我第三次要到你们那里去。

    This is the third time I am coming to you.

  19. 他们不得不在次要问题上做些让步。

    They were obliged to compromise on lesser questions.

  20. 能源在经济中远远不是一个次要问题。

    Energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy.

  21. 对他来说,背信弃义几乎成了次要问题。

    Treachery, for him, seemed almost the secondary issue.

  22. 气泵常日的不横, 爱护保重也很次要。

    Air pump maintenance letitude tribe is also important.

  23. 我要求我们这次要更加理智,更加严格要求自己。

    I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up.

  24. 对于我来说,我这次要完全解决这个宿怨。

    As for me, I'm going to finish this once and for all.

  25. 我们经常用到一个专业术语叫做次要法规。

    We often use a term called bylaws.

  26. 我们不能撇开这个问题, 而去谈其它次要问题。

    We cannot bypass this issue to discuss other question of minor importance.

  27. 除了主要问题讨论以外, 还有许多不同得次要问题。

    In addition to the main question, there are various seconder matters to talk about.

  28. 火得硬量次要取决于火洋钙离子和镁离子得含量。

    Water hardness depends primarily on soluble calcium and magnesium ions.

  29. 我想这是个次要问题,我们应该迟些时候讨论。

    I think that's a side issuewhich we should talk about later.

  30. 父亲特殊的回寄, 是在他第六次要钱之后。

    Father sent to a special, in his sixth minor after money.


  1. 问:次要拼音怎么拼?次要的读音是什么?次要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要的读音是cìyào,次要翻译成英文是 secondary

  2. 问:次要字拼音怎么拼?次要字的读音是什么?次要字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要字的读音是cì yào zì,次要字翻译成英文是 minor word

  3. 问:次要的拼音怎么拼?次要的的读音是什么?次要的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要的的读音是cì yào de,次要的翻译成英文是 secondary

  4. 问:次要种拼音怎么拼?次要种的读音是什么?次要种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要种的读音是cì yào zhǒng,次要种翻译成英文是 accessory species

  5. 问:次要专利拼音怎么拼?次要专利的读音是什么?次要专利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要专利的读音是cìyàozhuānlì,次要专利翻译成英文是 minor patent

  6. 问:次要争议拼音怎么拼?次要争议的读音是什么?次要争议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要争议的读音是cì yào zhēng yì,次要争议翻译成英文是 minor dispute

  7. 问:次要事实拼音怎么拼?次要事实的读音是什么?次要事实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要事实的读音是cì yào shì shí,次要事实翻译成英文是 secondary facts

  8. 问:次要交易拼音怎么拼?次要交易的读音是什么?次要交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要交易的读音是cì yào jiāo yì,次要交易翻译成英文是 fringe transactions

  9. 问:次要人口拼音怎么拼?次要人口的读音是什么?次要人口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要人口的读音是cì yào rén kǒu,次要人口翻译成英文是 secondary entrance

  10. 问:次要任务拼音怎么拼?次要任务的读音是什么?次要任务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要任务的读音是cì yào rèn wù,次要任务翻译成英文是 Secondary Mission

  11. 问:次要位置拼音怎么拼?次要位置的读音是什么?次要位置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要位置的读音是,次要位置翻译成英文是 backseat

  12. 问:次要债务拼音怎么拼?次要债务的读音是什么?次要债务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要债务的读音是cìyàozhàiwù,次要债务翻译成英文是 subordinate debt

  13. 问:次要单位拼音怎么拼?次要单位的读音是什么?次要单位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要单位的读音是cì yào dān wèi,次要单位翻译成英文是 minor unit

  14. 问:次要单元拼音怎么拼?次要单元的读音是什么?次要单元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要单元的读音是cì yào dān yuán,次要单元翻译成英文是 secondary unit

  15. 问:次要变异拼音怎么拼?次要变异的读音是什么?次要变异翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要变异的读音是cì yào biàn yì,次要变异翻译成英文是 secondary variance

  16. 问:次要国籍拼音怎么拼?次要国籍的读音是什么?次要国籍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要国籍的读音是cì yào guó jí,次要国籍翻译成英文是 secondary nationality

  17. 问:次要基因拼音怎么拼?次要基因的读音是什么?次要基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要基因的读音是cì yào jī yīn,次要基因翻译成英文是 minor gene

  18. 问:次要布线拼音怎么拼?次要布线的读音是什么?次要布线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要布线的读音是cì yào bù xiàn,次要布线翻译成英文是 secondary route

  19. 问:次要建筑拼音怎么拼?次要建筑的读音是什么?次要建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要建筑的读音是cì yào jiàn zhù,次要建筑翻译成英文是 secondary building

  20. 问:次要性状拼音怎么拼?次要性状的读音是什么?次要性状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:次要性状的读音是cìyàoxìngzhuàng,次要性状翻译成英文是 secondary character




拼音:cì yào