







汉语拼音:hòu xiān






  1. 先后。

    《楚辞·招魂》:“与王趋梦兮课后先。” 宋 文天祥 《指南录后序》:“舟与哨相后先,几邂逅死。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·<越铎>出世辞》:“海岳精液,善生俊异,后先络驛,展其殊才。”



  1. After dinner, sleep a while first. when about Ten o'clock after my daughter goes to bed.


  2. As the plastics litter in the system of garbage disposal the first disposal method is incineration, burying is the last method.


  3. He plans to works as nanny for a few years after graduation before moving on to work in a nursery school or prep school.


  4. Then do the breakfast, ready, give her mother brush your teeth, wash your face, then rice end to my mother, my mother fed a mouthful to eat.


  5. Rock climbing clothing replaced after the first day of Chinese restaurants opening up a bit to eat meals, they start to climb.


  6. Always put the mail into the appropriate folders first, and when you're finished, head for the important school-related folder first.


  7. One day I'd wake up, work for a bit, have breakfast, then shower.


  8. Brake before the corners, slowly straighten the body through the first corner after the re-acceleration.


  9. So science-savvy moms: don't worry about washing behind the ears. Instead, bug your brood to give those grubby forearms a good scrubbing.


  1. 尼克醒来后先跟他谈谈。

    Talk to Nick when he wakes up.

  2. 老师要他下课后先别走。

    The teacher told him to stay behind after class.

  3. 老师要求同学们下课后先写作业。

    The teacher asked the students to do their homework first after class.

  4. 勇气,是和别人吵架后先去讲和。

    Courage is being the first ti make up after an argument.

  5. 滴入香草精打匀后先入冰箱保存。

    Beat in the vanilla extract and chill until the cake is ready.

  6. 在饮酒后先受到影响的是你的判断力还是视力?

    Both your judgment and vision are affected after drinking alcohol. Which is affected first?

  7. 完成后先以照片确认无误后,确定寄送地点再行寄出。

    After completes and after the photograph confirmation without any unmistakable, determined the address of posts place and sent out.

  8. 因此, 尼扎姆大学毕业后先在本氏热狗店工作了一年。

    So Nizam took a year off after college and dedicated himself to working at Bens Chili Bowl.

  9. 早上起床后先喝一杯枸杞茶,有补气养身之效。

    Tea of a cup of medlar is drunk first after getting up in the morning, filling gas raises the effect of the body.

  10. 后进先出自动机

    pushdown automata

  11. 单位后进先出法

    unit LIFO method

  12. 币值后进先出法

    dollar value LIFO method

  13. 你们别管先来后到 先放开。

    You need to get your priorities straight and let go of the.

  14. 后进先出法准备的清算

    Liquidation of a LIFO reserve

  15. 类提供后进先出列表。

    Generic class provide lastinfirstout lists.

  16. 他开始上学后将先在小班。

    He will be in the reception class when he starts school.

  17. 李白逝世后, 先葬于龙山。

    After Li Bai passed away, he was first buried at the foot of Dragon Hill.

  18. 对工人的裁员原则是后进先出。

    Workers will go on a'last in, first out'basis.

  19. 加权平均,后进先出法和先进先出库存计算方法。

    Weighted Average, LIFO and FIFO inventory calculation methods.

  20. 选到中意得动物后请先按动物编号再按确定。

    Input the number of the animal and then press ENTER for your choice.

  21. 选到中意的动物后请先按动物编号再按确定。

    Input the number of the animal and then press ENTER for your choice.

  22. 事情有先有后。先通过考试再谈上大学的事吧。

    First things first! Pass your exams first before you start talking about going to university.

  23. 接到项目拆模通知单后, 先拆除板条下横杆

    after receiving the notice form removal project, the first removal of lath under the bar

  24. 用微波炉热完东西后请先关掉开关在拿东西。

    Please turn off the microwave before taking out the heated food in order to avoid breaking it down.

  25. 待容器冷却后,先用布抹拭清洁,再用水清洗容器。

    After containers cooling, first mop and clean with cloth, again water clean containers.

  26. 经理在考察了我们的财务状况后同意先垫付账单。

    The business manager told me that someone paid our bill.

  27. 经理在考察了我们得财务状况后同意先垫付账单。

    The business manager told me that someone paid our bill.

  28. 对取消存货发出计价中后进先出法的原因分析

    Cause Analysis on the Elimination of LIFO Valuation Method for Inventories Delivered out

  29. 晚饭后,先睡一觉。等女儿十点多钟睡觉了。

    After dinner, sleep a while first. when about Ten oclock after my daughter goes to bed.

  30. 选择好一套参考书后,先要看一下书的前言部分。

    After choosing a reference book, want to see the introductive share that delivers a letter first.




【拼音】hòu xiān

【注音】ㄏㄡˋ ㄒㄧㄢ

【释义】[short range] 脚前脚后距离很近,也指时间的先后。

宋· 文天祥《指南录后序》:“舟与哨相后先。”明 孙承宗《答袁节寰(袁可立)登抚》:“读后先大疏,皎皎揭日月,行中天而底里洞彻,殊令人可味。”