







汉语拼音:kǎo jiāo



  1. Around the great fountain, the earth was already dried up to the point of being burnt.


  2. I lay in the sun all day and was burned to a crisp.


  3. There was a plate on the hob, the plate got so hot it exploded, burnt broken pieces of plate were all over the floor.


  4. When the firefighters got there, burned toast was discovered to be responsible to have set the alarm off. The smoke was cleared with a fan.


  5. He appeared to have serious burns on his face, and CNN producer Lisa Weaver said she could smell burning flesh as the van slowly passed.


  6. It felt like the heat of my anger should physically burn him, but he only seemed more amused.


  7. And as every cook learns early on, it's all too easy to burn the outside of a hamburger or a potato before the center is warm.


  8. Frank: It's boiling outside. We'd better make sure that the car has an air conditioner. If not, we'll roast!


  9. Sunny time cannot too long, long water does not follow to go up, the valley will be scorched, appeared " halter" .


  1. 饼烤焦了。

    The pancake is burnt.

  2. 面包片烤焦了。

    The toast was burned to a crisp.

  3. 炽热烤焦了木头。

    The intense heat charred the wood.

  4. 火焰烤焦了天花板。

    The flames scorched the ceiling.

  5. 别把饼烤焦了。

    Don't bake the cakes black.

  6. 我把土司烤焦了。

    I burned the toast.

  7. 她把蛋糕烤焦了。

    She scorched the cake.

  8. 被烤箱烤焦的布

    a cloth seared by the heat of the oven

  9. 孩子的衣服烤焦了。

    The child's clothes are scorched.

  10. 第一炉蛋糕烤焦了。

    The first batch of cakes was burnt.

  11. 她又把肉烤焦了。

    She burned the roast again.

  12. 那块饼给烤焦了。

    The cake was burnt to a cinder.

  13. 使烤焦用热能烤焦或烧灼。

    To scorch or sear with heat.

  14. 哎呀,你 看,都烤焦了。

    It's burning! Li Hua, I'm so sorry.

  15. 你们的大蒜面包烤焦了。

    Your garlic bread is burnt.

  16. 这烈日快把我们烤焦了。

    We are broiling in this hot sun!

  17. 炙热的太阳把我们烤焦了。

    The scorching sun grilled us.

  18. 炙热得太阳把我们烤焦了。

    The scorching sun grilled us.

  19. 玛莎做的面包有烤焦的味道。

    Martha's bread tastes as if she burns it.

  20. 地毯太靠近壁炉已烤焦了。

    The rug singed because it was too near the fire.

  21. 他不爱吃烤焦的面包片。

    He doesn't like burnt toast.

  22. 这块面包的外皮烤焦了。

    The crust of the bread is burnt.

  23. 这块面包得外皮烤焦了。

    The crust of the bread is burnt.

  24. 暴露的树木被炎炎烈日烤焦。

    The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun.

  25. 暴露得树木被炎炎烈日烤焦。

    The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun.

  26. 妈的!我把面包片烤焦了。

    Bugger it! I've burnt the toast.

  27. 被漫长的炎炎夏季烤焦的土地。

    The land scorched by a long, hot summer.

  28. 在沙漠中我几乎被烤焦了。

    I was nearly scalded in the desert.

  29. 在火上或在烤架上把食品烤焦。

    cooking to a brown crispiness over a fire or on a grill.

  30. 注意别把那些香肠给烤焦了。

    Mind you don't burn those sausages.