


安定,固定:~步。~定。~固。~健。~重(zhòng )。安~。站~。~如泰山。……








1. 台 [tái]2. 台 [tāi]台 [tái]高平的建筑物:亭~楼阁。敬辞,用于称呼对方或与对方有关的事物:~鉴。~甫。像台的东西,器物的座子:井~。窗~。灯~。量词:一~戏。台湾省的简称:~胞。~币。姓。桌子、案子:写字~。发生在……



汉语拼音:wěn zuò diào yú tái






  1. 同“ 稳坐钓鱼船 ”。 陈毅 《赣南游击词》:“讲战术,稳坐钓鱼臺,敌人找我偏不打,他不防备我偏来。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部五十:“不怕 秦妈妈 说得天花乱坠,她稳坐钓鱼台,不动声色。”



  1. So be patient, sit back, waiting there must be fish to patronize.


  2. All of them was in financial trouble for the economic crisis, yet I am sitting pretty with his help.


  3. This leaves someone such as Mr Zhang sitting pretty.


  1. 这让章瑞平这样的人可以稳坐钓鱼台了。

    This leaves someone such as Mr Zhang sitting pretty.

  2. 故要耐心等待,稳坐钓鱼台,久等必有鱼来光顾。

    So be patient, sit back, waiting there must be fish to patronize.

  3. 舒适地稳坐在单座沙发上。

    comfortably ensconced in a big armchair

  4. 它可以让你稳坐在座位上,且在碰撞中保护你。

    It will hold you in your seat and will protect you in a crash.

  5. 一个小女孩稳坐在武汉植物园内的巨型王莲上。

    The conjugal tubers of multiflower knotweed in the shape of human beings.

  6. 布里,你还记得吧,我的羊角包 一向稳坐紫藤郡的头把交椅。

    Bree, you remember how my croissants were always the best on the lane.

  7. 坐稳。屹然不动。坚持主张

    sit tight

  8. 师徒四人见状大喜, 先后坐稳。

    Master Four Daxi seeing this, has to sIt'stable.

  9. 我们没有轻松坐稳第二名位置得资本。

    We cannot afford to become complacent in pursuit of that second spot.

  10. 我们没有轻松坐稳第二名位置的资本。

    We cannot afford to become complacent in pursuit of that second spot.

  11. 骑马时你必须坐稳,这样你就摔不来下。

    You must sit tight so that you don't fall off.

  12. 眼前的这位出租车司机,我刚坐稳,话匣子便打开了。

    In front of the taxi drivers, I just firmly secured, chatterbox will be opened.

  13. 顺便,恭喜你在六个月大的时候掌握了如何坐稳。

    By the way, congratulation on managing to sit steadily for your six month old.

  14. 站得更稳、坐得更稳、跳得更稳、游得更稳才能拿第一。

    Station more stable, more stable ride, jumping more secure, more stable You can take first.

  15. 接着她在座位上坐稳,把公文包放在大腿上,拐杖斜靠在腿边。

    Then she settled in,placed her briefcase her lap and rested her cane against her leg.

  16. 人或可为自己建树一个刺刀的宝座, 但不能于其上坐稳。

    A man may build himself a throne of bayonet, but he cannot sit on it.

  17. 她左等右等等不会来, 回到医院还没坐稳就又跑到学校。

    She waited and waited. Before she could sit down in the hospital she stood up to run to the school.

  18. 她稳稳安坐在火葬柴堆的正中, 让人在四边点火。

    Seating herself firmly in the center of the funeral pyre, she had it set fire around the edges.

  19. 别坐那张椅子,那个不稳。

    Not that chair. That's the wobbler.

  20. 别坐那张椅子,那个不稳。

    Not that chair. That's the wobbler.

  21. 别坐在那张椅子上,那椅子不稳。

    Don't sit on that chair it's not stable.

  22. 船舶坐滩搁浅后的稳性研究

    A study on the stability of a ship beaching on the ground

  23. 在飞机停稳之前请在座位上坐好。

    Please put your hand bags on the overhead complete stoped.

  24. 他不稳地坐在小屋的屋顶上。

    He sat precariously on the roof of the cabin.

  25. 主席稳稳地坐在椅子上,开始作会议发言。

    The chairman settled himself in the chair and began to address the meeting.

  26. 他稳稳当当地坐在最高的树枝中间。

    He was firmly seated among the highest boughs.

  27. 他坐在椅子上,身子前倾,手稳稳地放在键盘上。

    He leaned forward in his chair, hands poised over the keyboard.

  28. 他坐在椅子上,身子前倾,手稳稳地放在键盘上。

    He leaned forward in his chair, hands poised over the keyboard.

  29. 这样不论马怎么跑, 骑士们都能稳稳地坐在马背上。

    So regardless of how horse racing and Knight were able to sit safely on horseback.

  30. 整个冰丘体积极大, 大到可以稳稳地坐在港湾得海底。

    Qiu great volume of the entire ice, big enough to sit firmly Harbor submarine.



词语稳坐钓鱼台 注音wěn zuò diào yú tái 释义不管外界有何变化只照老规矩办事非常镇静沉得住气稳居于自己的位置上 例句像你这样稳坐钓鱼台沉住气的人可是真不多呀-------电影红日 人民文学1976年第6期他如今是任凭风浪起稳坐钓鱼台单等撒网下钩了 出自封神榜 出自姜子牙钓鱼周文王访贤的历史典故   钓鱼台是指姜子牙钓鱼的地方,稳坐钓鱼台就是指姜子牙通过卜卦知道自己必将会被周文王启用所以天天到河边稳坐钓鱼台垂钓实际是在等周文王结果周文王出猎相遇两人一见如故话语投机周文王听了姜子牙侃侃而谈治国安邦之策赞赏不已遂同载而归说吾太公望子久矣尊号太公望并立为掌管军事的太师   史记 卷三十二 齐太公世家第二