


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……






劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……



汉语拼音:bù shì zhī gōng







  • 【解释】:不世:不是每代都有的,即非常、非凡。形容功劳极大。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“足下将建伊吕之业,弘不世之功。”
  • 【示例】:大丈夫生于乱世,当带三尺剑立~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. matchless merit [

  3. deed];magnificant contributions

  1. 非一朝一夕之功

    not the work of a single day

  2. 不要沾沾自喜于一得之功。

    Don't be complacent over occasional success.

  3. 不要沾沾自喜于一德之功。

    Do not be complacent over occasional success.

  4. 男儿立志, 要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  5. 男儿立志,要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  6. 在印度, 解决行贿问题并非朝夕之功。

    Solving the problem of bribery in India is not going to happen overnight.

  7. 滚石不生苔, 然亦可获琢磨之功。

    A rolling stone gathers no moss, but is gains a certain polish.

  8. 只要坚持不懈,细微之力也能成难能之功。

    Constant pressure even though it is or seems weak, will overcome the strongest opposition.

  9. 他被提升为将军, 以酬其克敌之功。

    He was promoted to the rank of general as a reward for his defeat of the enemy.

  10. 其中, 万稿虽属草创之作, 但有奠基之功。

    Among them, Wan's work was the first draft, but it laid the foundation.

  11. 只有野蛮民族才会凭一战之功突然强盛。

    It is only barbarous peoples who undergo rapid growth after a victory.

  12. 其根可入药,质量最佳,有益寿延年之功。

    Its root can be medicine, the best quality and longevity of the reactive Yannian.

  13. 本文作者敬献的非常之言, 热望成就为非常之功。

    Article author respects the special word that offer, appetent achievement is special meritorious service.

  14. 因此, 消解行政文化中的游民意识绝非朝夕之功。

    To digest the administrative culture consciousness takes not only one day.

  15. 霍金斯拒绝了,真该记他一个不朽之功。

    Hawkins, to his everlasting credit, refused.

  16. 即使能够创造出一种储备货币,也非一夕之功。

    A reserve currency is not created overnight, if at all.

  17. 共奏益气养阴、温阳益肾、祛瘀化浊之功。

    It has the function of tonifying Qi and Yin, warm Yang and nourish Kidney, dispel stasis and dissolve waste.

  18. 很多人认为,一个成功的广告活动不是一人之功。

    Nowadays it is the fashion to pretend that no single individual is ever responsible for a successful advertising campaign.

  19. 基本特点此菜具有强壮肠胃之功, 又有明目之效。

    The basic characteristics of this dish a strong stomach of the power, another eyesight effect.

  20. 有人就曾花费数月之功打捞塞汶河寻求一些发现。

    One man spent months dredging the River Severn.

  21. 要打赢这场人沙之战, 又需要有怎样的非常之功!

    If we are to win the battle against sand, what extraordinary skills we should have!

  22. 压力不会从你生活里消失,压力控制也非一朝一夕之功。

    Stress won't disappear from your life. And stress management isn't an overnight cure.

  23. 四神丸亦非仅温肾暖脾,且有抑肝、折木之功。

    Sishen pill was both warming the kidney and the spleen and restricting the liver as well.

  24. 八字功乃是致用之功拳。

    Eight words skill is practical boxing with real application.

  25. 逞一时之功

    show off the skill at a moment

  26. 非一日之功

    take time and efforts

  27. 伟业非一日之功。

    Rome was not built in a day.

  28. 夺天地造化之功

    rob Heaven and Earth of their creative powers

  29. 在2001年仅需一天之功。

    by 2001 it could do it in a day.

  30. 阁下鼎力相助之功不可胜言。

    The value of your assistance is inestimable.



词 目 不世之功 发 音 bú shì zhī gōng 释 义 不世:不是每代都有的,即非常、非凡。形容功劳极大。 出 处 南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“足下将建伊吕之业,弘不世之功。而大事草创,英雄未集。” 示 例 大丈夫生于乱世,当带三尺剑立~。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第五十三回) 《东周列国志》第三回:“谁想戎主把杀幽王一件,自以为不世之功,人马盘踞京城,终日饮酒作乐,绝无还军归国之意。” 用 法 作宾语;指极大的功劳。 近义词 功昭日月 反义词 尺寸之功