




1. 雅 [yǎ]雅 [yǎ]正规的,标准的:~言。~正(a.规范的;b.正直;c.客气话,用于赠给他人的书画题款上,请对方指正)。美好的,高尚的,不粗俗的:文~。高~。典~。~观。~教(jiào )。~兴(xìng )。~座。~俗。平素,……



汉语拼音:rú yǎ









  1. 指博学的儒士或文人雅士。

    《<书>序》:“ 汉 室龙兴,开设学校,旁求儒雅,以阐大猷。”《后汉书·章帝纪》:“朕咨访儒雅,稽之典籍,以为王者生杀,宜顺时气。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《齐武帝谥议》:“庠塾大启,儒雅云集。” 宋 沉端节 《念奴娇》词:“千里江山供胜践,尊俎延登儒雅。” 清 孙枝蔚 《与客赴张果老崖》诗:“诸君年皆长,我齿犹少者,坐次反推让,此意尊儒雅。”

  2. 谓学问渊博。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·博喻》:“介洁而无政事者,非拨乱之器;儒雅而乏治略者,非翼亮之才。” 宋 叶绍翁 《四朝闻见录·科举为党议发策》:“是时制度多闕,诸儒议封禪之事,及得精於诵读者,其制始定。而 固 独以儒雅称之,岂雅为博洽之异名乎?” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·查初白诗》:“ 愚山 以儒雅自命稍嫌腐气, 荔裳 则全学晚 唐 无深厚之力。”

  3. 指儒术。

    《汉书·公孙弘等传赞》:“ 汉 之得人,於兹为盛。儒雅则 公孙弘 、 董仲舒 、 儿宽 ;篤行则 不建 、 不庆 。”《后汉书·方术传上·谢夷吾》:“加以少膺儒雅,韜含六籍,推考星度,综校图録。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·诫兵》:“ 颜氏 之先,本乎 邹 、 鲁 ,或分入 齐 ,世以儒雅为业,编在书记。”

  4. 谓风度温文尔雅。

    《北齐书·封隆之传》:“ 子绣 外貌儒雅,而侠气难忤。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·<守常全集>题记》:“他的模样是颇难形容的,有些儒雅,有些朴质,也有些凡俗。”

  5. 谓优柔寡断。

    《南史·齐武帝诸子论》:“ 子良 物望所集,失在儒雅,当断不断,以及於灾。”

  6. 风雅。

    清 孙枝蔚 《清明日饮程昆仑署中》:“不为使君儒雅剧,何繇共对烛花红。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“他善音乐,能鼓琴瑟,吹笙箫,甚至于可以作曲谱歌,是个儒雅的皇帝。”

  7. 典雅;优雅。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·史传》:“其十志该富,讚序弘丽,儒雅彬彬,信有遗味。”



  1. I thought he would betray some emotion as he passed around photos of his handsome, scholarly looking boy. There was nothing.


  2. Actor Pu Cunxin has revealed that the secret to looking young and dapper at the ripe old age of 57 is walking like a dog on all fours.


  3. The changing form of Taiji made its movement from 'vulgar' to 'scholarly and refined', expanding the cultural level and practicing crowds.


  4. innate good manners could only have come from such a father.


  5. Here, I pause to offer a prayer for my gentle reader: May you never, ever, have to get a divorce in New York.


  6. Must be stable overall simplicity, elegance appropriate, contact the benefits.


  7. I was a mature and reliable health 'stable' elegance generous, and sincerely have the confidence of the middle-aged man.


  8. He is a very cultured Frenchman, when my lens toward him, he didn't let me feel anything discomforts.


  9. His attitude is composure , elegant , stable and peaceful, which naturally derives from such personality as confidence and goodness .


  1. 温文儒雅的举止

    courtly manners

  2. 浪漫儒雅,风趣超脱。

    Highschool is in its equilibrium state.

  3. 那位先生风度儒雅。

    He is a gentleman of scholarly bearing.

  4. 温润的性格和儒雅的气质

    A mild nature and courteous manners

  5. 他的行为举止非常温文儒雅。

    His behavior was very gentle.

  6. 他温文儒雅地靠在门上。

    He leaned elegantly against the door.

  7. 有礼貌的,温文儒雅的讲话有礼貌的,谦恭的,文雅的

    Civil, courteous, and gentle in speech.

  8. 因为我们都熟知您的细心、您的儒雅、您的温情。

    Because we always know your circumspection, urbanity and your warm love.

  9. 他是商界的精英, 儒雅沉稳, 敢打敢拼。

    He is a business elite, has a refined poise, and is a daring man.

  10. 那位先生风度儒雅。温润的性格和儒雅的气质

    He is a gentleman of scholarly bearing. A mild nature and courteous manners

  11. 只能是从儒雅的父亲那继承而来。

    innate good manners could only have come from such a father.

  12. 古代高等教育质量观是崇尚儒雅,塑造人格。

    The higher educational quality sight of ancient times is to uphold the gentle academican, mould personality.

  13. 诸葛亮即使在战场上也是羽扇纶巾,儒雅从容。

    Even on the battlefield, Zhuge Liang still looked natural and unconstrained, with a scholarly bearing.

  14. 诸葛亮即使在战场上也是羽扇纶巾,儒雅从容。

    Even on the battlefield, Zhuge Liang still looked natural and unconstrained, with a scholarly bearing.

  15. 秤子是所有星座里最儒雅、最会打扮的。

    Of all the star signs you are usually the most well appointed and well groomed.

  16. 儒雅之风典型的社会或文化名流的态度或行为

    The attitude or conduct typical of a social or cultural elite.

  17. 他为人儒雅,热爱中华文化,对文物收藏甚有心得。

    He has a strong passion for Chinese culture and antiques collection.

  18. 他看上去就像是他那个英俊儒雅的哥哥的迷你版。

    He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.

  19. 那位温文儒雅的胃病专家起立时室内一片寂静。

    There was silence as the elegant stomach specialist stood up.

  20. 那位温文儒雅得胃病专家起立时室内一片寂静。

    There was silence as the elegant stomach specialist stood up.

  21. 伊恩佛来明为了强调詹姆士邦德的温文儒雅

    It was no coincidence that Ian Fleming, wanting to emphasize James Bonds suave sophistication,

  22. 的确,有人担心他的友善儒雅会让他难以做出棘手的决定。

    Indeed, some are worried that he is too nice for the tough decisions ahead.

  23. 我本是一个贫困的儒生, 并不富裕。那位先生风度儒雅。

    I used to be a poor Confucian scholar. He is a gentleman of scholarly bearing.

  24. 李白洒酒东归,抛开文人的儒雅形象,仰天大笑出门去。

    Li Bai sprinkle Jiudong go, put aside the author's refined image of the sky to go out laughing.


  1. 问:儒雅拼音怎么拼?儒雅的读音是什么?儒雅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:儒雅的读音是rúyǎ,儒雅翻译成英文是 well-educated; courteous and dignified



儒雅,谓风度温文尔雅。指博学的儒士或文人雅士。也指学问渊博。风雅;典雅;优雅等。语出《序》:“ 汉 室龙兴,开设学校,旁求儒雅,以阐大猷。”《后汉书·章帝纪》:“朕咨访儒雅,稽之典籍,以为王者生杀,宜顺时气。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·博喻》:“介洁而无政事者,非拨乱之器;儒雅而乏治略者,非翼亮之才。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·史传》:“其十志该富,赞序弘丽,儒雅彬彬,信有遗味"。