




1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……





汉语拼音:nào biè niu







  1. 亦作“ 闹蹩扭 ”。意见不相投合而产生矛盾或不快。

    朱自清 《论老实话》:“将玩话当真话,往往闹别扭,即使在熟人甚至亲人之间。” 老舍 《四世同堂》七:“虽然 孙七 平日好和 小崔 闹别扭,及至 小崔 受了委屈,他可是真诚的同情 小崔 。”

  2. 不顺利。

    张天翼 《最后列车》:“事情闹蹩扭啦,管不着官长不官长,不跪怎么着?”



  1. When she returned there was a week of mutual tenderness, but it exploded in the conflict of daily frustrations and antagonisms.


  2. Indeed, in the middle of his classmates process will be difficult circumstances, but they eventually make it up with sb.


  3. I constantly remind ourselves: not angry, not odds, to like the heart of the one hundred kinds of things a hundred different people.


  4. He calls me Sweetie all the time, even when he's annoyed with me, so it doesn't necessarily mean he's thrilled with me at any given moment.


  5. "Feed, what's the material with you? " Su destroys snow afresh blunt also see this person is performing peevishly.


  6. We used to suffer and act as though everybody was against us.


  7. It sounds to me as though he's just doing it to be awkward.


  8. "I'm sure we looked like we'd had some kind of spat, " she said.


  9. During the cold war the Europeans depended on and deferred to their superpower protector (though France was always stroppy).


  1. 她正在闹别扭呢。

    She is just being difficult.

  2. 夫妻俩闹别扭了。

    The couple have fallen out.

  3. 夫妻俩闹别扭了。

    The couple have fallen out.

  4. 两口子又在闹别扭了。

    The couple are at odds with each other again.

  5. 他在和老板闹别扭。

    He's having a spat with his boss.

  6. 你是在和我闹别扭吗

    Are you upset with me?

  7. 她干吗偏要和我闹别扭?

    Why must she be so nasty to me?

  8. 这弟兄俩又在闹别扭。

    The two brothers are bickering again.

  9. 怎么回事?和老师闹别扭了?

    Oh, what's matter ? Trouble with the teacher.

  10. 两国就贸易问题闹别扭。

    The two countries are at loggerheads over trading issues.

  11. 两国就贸易问题闹别扭。

    The two countries are at loggerheads over trading issues.

  12. 有时他们闹别扭又把我气疯。

    Sometimes their cussedness was my fury.

  13. 别和教官闹别扭是一条真理。

    It's a truth that never go against with you commander!

  14. 你不该跟隔壁邻居闹别扭。

    You shouldn't have any problem with the people next door.

  15. 闹别扭的姐妹请了个杀人魔

    The annoying twins got a mass murderer.

  16. 听着,我知道你俩还在闹别扭

    Right. Look, i know you two are still fighting.

  17. 还在闹别扭呢,不,没什么大不了的

    That still hasn't blown over? no. it's not a big deal.

  18. 咱们可别闹别扭啦,因为我受不了。

    Don't let us fall out with one another, for I couldn't bear it.

  19. 我们现在正在跟我们的老师闹别扭。

    We are havinghard time with our teachers.

  20. 二思怂恿暴力是要跟谁闹别扭?

    The thinking is to incite violence against whom the sum ?

  21. 你们怎么能这么闹别扭而不来呢?

    How can you be so cross as not to come!

  22. 当然,有的时候互相闹别扭也是可能的。

    Other times, I think they are just being grouchy.

  23. 终于整治一下那个闹别扭, 找麻烦等的人。

    Deal finally with sb who is being awkward, aggressive, etc

  24. 这孩子只有在生病时才会闹别扭。

    The child is never peevish unless sick.

  25. 他俩好几天没说话,敢是闹别扭了?

    They haven't talked to each other for a couple of days, is it possible that they have fallen out?

  26. 我似乎觉得他这样做纯粹是为了闹别扭。

    it sounds to me as though he's just doing it to be awkward.

  27. 琳达今晚在闹别扭,不过我会想法脱身的。

    Linda's being very prickly tonight, but I'll try to get away.

  28. 每次他自己知道应该做什么事,他就闹别扭。

    Every time he knew he ought to do something, he protested.

  29. 跟好友闹别扭,常比与情人斗气,更来得火大。

    It can make angrier to be nasty to your good friend than to your lover.

  30. 我们总得憋着性子,好象人人都在跟我们闹别扭。

    We used to suffer and act as though everybody was against us.


  1. 问:闹别扭拼音怎么拼?闹别扭的读音是什么?闹别扭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闹别扭的读音是nàobièniu,闹别扭翻译成英文是 fall out; be at loggerheads




拼音:nào biè niu词义:1.亦作"闹蹩扭"。2.意见不相投合而产生矛盾或不快。3.不顺利。闹 : 闹(闹)nào不安静:闹市。热闹。搅扰:闹心。闹腾。戏耍,耍笑:戏闹。闹洞房。别扭 : 1.彼此意见不投合。亦指争执之事。2.执拗。3.不顺心;不顺手。4.说话作文不通顺﹑不流利。5.拘谨;难为情。基本解释[be at odds with sb.;be difficult with sb.] 因对别人有意见而故意为难