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1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……
1. 属 [shǔ]2. 属 [zhǔ]属 [shǔ]同一家族的:亲~。眷~。烈~。类别:金~。吾~。有管辖关系的,归类:~于。~下。~地。归~。直~。附~。隶~。生物群分类系统上,“科”下有“属”,“属”下有“种”。系,是:~实。纯~谣言……
汉语拼音:jiā shǔ
《管子·立政》:“凡过党,在其家属,及於长家。”《史记·五宗世家》:“有司请废王后 脩 ,徙王 勃 以家属处 房陵 ,上许之。”《南史·王懿传》:“及兄 叡 同起义兵,与 慕容垂 战败, 仲德 被重创走,与家属相失。” 宋 苏轼 《天石砚铭跋》:“ 元丰 二年秋七月,予得罪下狱,家属流离,书籍散乱。”《水浒传》第四二回:“即目 江州 申奏京师,必然行移 济州 ,着落 鄆城县 追捉家属,比捕正犯,恐老父存亡不保。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第二三章:“ 杨雪 牺牲的消息,已由部队的政治机关正式通知了她的家属。”
The families of the men needed to hear "there is some movement forward, " he said.
而家属们需要听到的则是,“有进展了”,他说。It was devastating to see the simple plywood platform with a rail around it, where the families of the victims had left notes to them.
看着简单的夹板和围栏搭成的平台,真是很让人触动上面还有遇害者的家属留下的话语。She said the government moved her to a hotel about two hours from the mine site, with relatives of other miners.
她说,政府将她与其他矿工家属一起送到了离煤矿两小时车程的一家旅馆。Mr. Kawamata said the company did not immediately release information of the death out of respect for the family.
广树川俣说,出于对死者家属的尊重,东京电力公司没有立即发布死讯。The detainees and their families were the first to leave, as though fearful the decision would be rescinded.
被关押者及其家属是第一批离开的,好像害怕这个决定(释放他们)等下会无效。"She's all right. Here I am bringing her the water for her tea, " Taras answered, and went into the family room.
“没什么,身体很好,我这就是打开水来给她沏茶的,”塔拉斯说着走进带家属的牢房。After one year, has the scar by the bombing healed up in the heart of the islanders, families and relatives of the victims, and survivors?
一年过去了,巴厘岛爆炸案在岛民、罹难者家属与亲人,以及生还者心中烙下的那道伤痕愈合了吗?"Well, how much does a brain cost? " asked the relatives.
“行,一个大脑费用多少?”家属问。Ahmed Bani, military spokesman of the council, said he wasn't surprised to hear Algeria had welcomed Gadhafi relatives.