


对等、相称:~俪(指配偶、夫妇)。~礼。正直、刚直:~直。~行(xíng )(高尚的行为)。古同“抗”,对等。古同“闶”,高大。骄纵,傲慢:“太子轻而庶子~”。~厉(高傲,凌厉)。强健:~健。姓。……





汉语拼音:kàng lì







  1. 妻子,配偶。

    《左传·昭公二年》:“ 晋少姜 卒。公如 晋 ,及 河 , 晋侯 使 士文伯 来辞曰:‘非伉儷也,请君无辱。’” 孔颖达 疏:“言 少姜 是妾,非敌身对耦之人也。”《国语·周语中》:“今 陈侯 不念胤续之常,弃其伉儷妃嬪,而帅其卿佐以淫於 夏氏 。” 韦昭 注:“伉,对也。儷,偶也。”《文选·左思<咏史>诗之七》:“ 买臣 因采樵,伉儷不安宅。” 张铣 注:“伉儷,谓妻也。”《新五代史·杂传·杨崇本》:“大丈夫不能庇其伉儷,我已为 朱公 妇矣,无面视君,有刀绳而已!” 清 方文 《彰法山经桥公故居》诗:“二女才华诚絶人,何处能寻此伉儷。”

  2. 谓女子嫁人为妻。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·方正》:“ 王爽 与 司马太傅 饮酒,太傅醉,呼 王 为小子。 王 曰:‘亡祖长史,与 简文皇帝 为布衣之交,亡姑亡姊,伉儷二宫,何小子之有!’” 刘孝标 注引《中兴书》:“ 王濛 女,讳 穆之 ,为 哀帝 皇后; 王藴女 ,讳 法惠 ,为 孝武 皇后。”《资治通鉴·晋孝武帝太元十九年》:“羣臣谓 宣太后 应配食 元帝 ,太子前率 徐邈 曰:‘ 宣太后 平素之时,不伉儷於先帝,至於子孙,岂可为祖考立配!’” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·章佖》:“婢曰:‘儿家小娘子葳蕤之质,年十六,孤处无依,欲求人家兰玉而伉儷之。’”

  3. 谓夫妇。

    《晋书·孙楚传》:“初, 楚 除妇服,作诗以示 济 ( 王济 ), 济 曰:‘未知文生於情,情生於文,览之悽然,增伉儷之重。’”《京本通俗小说·冯玉梅团圆》:“那汉道:‘足下休疑,我已别娶浑家,旧日伉儷之盟,不必再题。’” 郭沫若 《苏联纪行·八月十一日》:“女往依附,经种种曲折,结果与钢琴家结为伉俪。”

  4. 谓结成夫妇。

    清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·香云》:“女曰:‘结褵约在几时?’ 杜 曰:‘罪不可逭者正在此,盖伉儷已匝月矣。’”



  1. Finally, please allow a pair of ordinary readers clintons sincere respect, to you, and wish you a good health.


  2. He took her on a picnic with a thermos of gin and tonics; they married two months later.


  3. The only thing I can think of that you and your wife have done wrong is in choosing to marry each other.


  4. His mother could not approve of her son's affection for a woman she had never met, but Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876.


  5. It was now time for him to adorn his life with the graces of female companionship .


  6. The apartment was purchased after marriage, he says, so it should be viewed as a gift from Wang's parents to the couple.


  7. We all respect the wish of Prof and Mrs Kao for a return to a quiet and undisturbed life.


  8. For Honeymoon, proof of marriage (copy of marriage certificate) is required upon booking and at the time of hotel check-in respectively.


  9. FuYuan couple saw the naked in the street, so that seems to run the zhen identity.


  1. 一对幸福结合的伉俪

    a happily married couple

  2. 王室伉俪身穿盛装出现。

    The royal couple appeared in splendid array.

  3. 他俩能结成美满的伉俪。

    They will make a good pair.

  4. 与潘赞化结为伉俪, 改姓潘。

    Married Pan Tsanhua and changed her surname to Pan.

  5. 摇滚歌星与顶级名模结成伉俪。

    Rock star to wed top model.

  6. 我以此致琼斯伉俪及子女。

    I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.

  7. 让我们举杯祝远原主人伉俪。

    Let us lift our glasses for the host and hostess.

  8. 冯氏伉俪皆为1972年社会科学学院毕业生。

    Mr and Mrs Fung both graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences at HKU in 1972.

  9. 日皇伉俪展开捷克布拉格访问行程

    Japanese Emperor Akihito and Consort Start to Tour Prague in Czech Republic

  10. 眼下已到了用伉俪点缀他的生活的时刻。

    It was now time for him to adorn his life with the graces of female companionship.

  11. 人们举起香槟酒为这对幸福的伉俪干杯。

    The happy couple were toasted in champagne.

  12. 日皇明仁伉俪启程飞往东欧四国访问

    Japanese Emperor Akihito and Consort Left for a Visit to Four Eastern European Countries

  13. 利国伟博士伉俪与家人在利国伟法律图书馆合照。

    Dr Mrs Lee Quo Wei posed in the Lee Quo Wei Law Library with their family members.

  14. 明仁伉俪将于明天转往波兰华沙访问。

    The Akihitos will depart tomorrow for Warsaw, Poland, to continue their visit.

  15. 恭贺幸福伉俪新婚之禧, 并祝来日事事称心如意。

    Congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to come.

  16. 恭祝幸福伉俪新婚之喜,并祝来日事事称心如意。

    Happy marriage to the happy couple. May you have what you wish in the coming days.

  17. 美国和欧洲在不准离婚的教堂里结为伉俪。

    America and Europe are wedded forever in a church that does not allow divorce.

  18. 贤伉俪于六福村野生动物园与人猿同乐。

    Premier and Mrs. Yu had fun watching the monkeys on a trip to Leofoo Village Safari Park.

  19. 她父亲和母亲的伉俪之情就是她心目中理想的恋爱关系。

    The conjugal affection of heR fatheR and motheR constituted heR ideal of loveaffinity

  20. 新加坡总理李光耀伉俪访华下榻白天鹅宾馆,受到热烈欢迎。

    Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his wife receiving a warm welcome from the General Manager Yang Xiaopeng when staying at the Hotel.

  21. 他们心满意足,每天就象温泉浴似的,享受着这份伉俪之乐。

    They are content and the habits of marriage lap about them like a warm bath.


  1. 问:伉俪拼音怎么拼?伉俪的读音是什么?伉俪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伉俪的读音是kànglì,伉俪翻译成英文是 married couple


