




1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……



汉语拼音:shài gān








  1. I decided to take a lot of the fruit, and to put it to dry in the sun for a time.


  2. Articles that may be dried in the sun , should be so dried , for sunlight is a good sterilizing agent .


  3. Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned.


  4. And I do not know whether the sun will rot or dry what is left, so I had better eat it all although I am not hungry.


  5. We also saw quite a number of dead fish which were going to be dried by the sun distributed on the ground.


  6. "Then we would dry the coconut husk and eat that too, " he said, adding they also occasionally were able to catch crabs.


  7. Now, " he said, when his hand had dried, " I must eat the small tuna. I can reach him with the gaff and eat him here in comfort.


  8. The Sheets are easy to launder and only require light drying. Infection control is maintained for up to 100 wash cycles.


  9. "What shall we do now? " asked the Tin Woodman, as the Lion lay down on the grass to let the sun dry him.


  1. 晒干的田地

    parched field.

  2. 岩屑要晒干。

    The cutting should be dried.

  3. 在阳光下晒干吧!

    Come and dry off in the sun!

  4. 干肉晒干的细肉条

    Narrow strips of meat dried in the sun.

  5. 粮食晒干才能入仓。

    Grains must be aired in the sun before it can be stored.

  6. 衣服在阳光下晒干。

    The clothes are drying in the sun.

  7. 谷草正在太阳下晒干。

    The hay is curing in the sun.

  8. 砖块被太阳晒干了。

    The desiccated by the sun.

  9. 我把被子挂起来晒干。

    I'm hanging up this futon to dry.

  10. 阳光把地面完全晒干了。

    The sun dried out the ground.

  11. 烈日当空照, 勿忘晒干草。

    Make hay while the sun shines.

  12. 三明治在阳光下晒干了。

    The sandwiches are frizzling up in the sun.

  13. 干肉经过晒干或熏制的肉

    Meat cured by jerking.

  14. 她把衣服摊开晒干了。

    She spread the clothes to dry.

  15. 在晾衣绳上晒干衣服。

    Dry your clothes on a clothesline.

  16. 被太阳晒干的洗净衣物

    Laundry dried by the sun.

  17. 阳光晒干然后切成小块。

    They are sundried and cut into small blocks.

  18. 她在太阳底下把头发晒干。

    She dried her hair in the sun.

  19. 游泳者在烈日下晒干身子。

    The swimmer dried off in the hot sun.

  20. 啦啦, 洗濯之后就把它们晒干。

    A, la, I wash them, and then I dry them.

  21. 把洗好得衣服晾出去晒干。

    Hang the washing out to dry.

  22. 洗好的衣服在太阳下晒干。

    The laundry dries in the sun.

  23. 洗好得衣服在太阳下晒干。

    The laundry dries in the sun.

  24. 从前砖是在太阳下晒干的。

    In former times, bricks were baked in the sun.

  25. 村民们用晒干的泥砖造房子。

    The villagers built their houses with adobe.

  26. 游泳的人在烈日下晒干身子。

    The swimmer dried off in the hot sup.

  27. 他们正在割草并把它们晒干。

    They are cutting the grass and making hay.

  28. 绿豆晒干,稍微捣破,作枕心。

    Gram insolation, pound a little broken, make pillow.

  29. 晒干后色泽深紫, 透亮, 无沙。

    After the color of dried Deep Purple, transparent, no sand.

  30. 因雨后迅速晒干而很难进行

    sticky wicket


  1. 问:晒干砖坯拼音怎么拼?晒干砖坯的读音是什么?晒干砖坯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晒干砖坯的读音是shài gān zhuān pī,晒干砖坯翻译成英文是 sun dried brick


