


1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……


1. 涝 [lào]涝 [lào]雨水过多,庄稼被淹,与“旱”相对:抗旱防~。~灾。因雨水过多而积在田里或低洼处的水:排~救灾。……



汉语拼音:pái lào






  1. 排除危害生产、生活的积水。




  1. The economic evaluation in selection of design standards for waterlogging control had never been proceeded all over the county.


  2. The improved Pinghu method is an important method for hydraulic computation of sluice in the drainage programming of the tidal reach.


  3. Rich countries build sewers, drains, dams, reservoirs, flood defences, irrigation canals and barrages to avoid such problems.


  4. The building of polder land has played an active role in flood control, drainage, irrigation and reducing immersing.


  5. Considering the characteristics of local flood, it proposed the main measures in flood control and drainage system.


  6. At the same time can also be used for drainage, drought, water and emergency rescue equipment ideal.


  7. The training works mainly in flood control, drainage, irrigation water for both the starting point for the villagers.


  8. One more outstanding problem is about the relationship between city center draining standard and area draining standard .


  9. The paper approaches to the urban waterlogging and drainage problem and puts forward the relevant view.


  1. 防洪排涝工程

    flood control and drainage project

  2. 长江排涝站出水布置设计

    Design for Layout of Outtake of Changjiang Pump Station

  3. 南北洋平原排涝减灾对策探讨

    Countermeasures for Flood Drainage and Disaster Alleviation on the Northern and Southern Plains of Mulan River

  4. 农民通过排涝来开垦那块沼泽地。

    The farmer reclaimed the swamp by draining it.

  5. 柴湾排涝泵站电动机起动电压计算

    Calculation of Motor Actuating Voltage in Chaiwan Discharging Waterlog Station

  6. 大学城防洪排涝,排水工程总体方案

    General Project of Flood Control, Water Logging and Sewerage Engineering in Guangzhou University Town.

  7. 关于排涝计算中设计暴雨的相关分析

    Analysis on Design Rainstorm in Calculation of Waterlogging Drainage

  8. 通过清淤、疏浚河道来满足防洪、排涝要求。

    The river way is dredged up to meet demand of the flood control.

  9. 杨树浦港泵闸引水排涝工程效果研究

    The Investigation of Diversion and Draining in Yangshupu Port Pumps the Floodgate Project

  10. 五强溪运行对沅水尾闾排涝负效益分析

    Negative Benefit Analysis on the Affection of Wuqiangxi Hydropower Station to Draining Waterlogged Areas in Yuanshui Afflux Section

  11. 随后,将增加排涝,地形学,地貌学和土壤的层面。

    Subsequently, drainage, topography, geomorphology and soil layers will be added.

  12. 东河排涝泵站进水流道防涡消涡试验研究

    Experimental Study on Prevention and Dissipation of Vortex for Donghe Drainage Pump Station Inlet Duct

  13. 防洪工程中排涝泵站洪峰流量计算方法探析

    Discussion and analysis of calculation method for peak discharge of waterlogging control pump station in flood control project

  14. 华阳河流域复兴洲西片防洪排涝实施方案

    The Execution Scheme of Flood Control and Drainage at the West Part of Fuxing Zhou at Huayanghe River Catchment

  15. 秸秆心土还田改良沼泽化土壤排涝效果的研究

    Effect of Returning the Crop Stack into Subsoil on Improving The Marsh Bog Soil and Drainage

  16. 南溪河排涝泵站前池隔墩断裂偏斜的处理措施

    Treatment of fracture and deflection of division piers in forebay of Nanxihe draining pump station

  17. 本文就小海河干流防洪排涝规划问题做了深入研究。

    This paper is focused on the study of management of flood prevention and storm drainage for the main river of Xiaohaihe.

  18. 黎巴嫩5个难民营改进供水排涝和排水的项目已经完成。

    Projects for improving water, sewerage and drainage in five refugee camps in Lebanon were completed.

  19. 黎巴嫩5个难民营改进供水排涝和排水得项目已经完成。

    Projects for improving water, sewerage and drainage in five refugee camps in Lebanon were completed.


  1. 问:排涝拼音怎么拼?排涝的读音是什么?排涝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排涝的读音是páilào,排涝翻译成英文是 to drain flooded fields

  2. 问:排涝桥拼音怎么拼?排涝桥的读音是什么?排涝桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排涝桥的读音是pái lào qiáo,排涝桥翻译成英文是 flood relief bridge




拼音:paí lào 基本解释 [drain flooded fields] 排除危害生产、生活的积水 示例: 《杭州日报》1989.5.25:“加强防洪排涝,确保汛期安全。”