




躺着时垫在头下的东西:~头。落(lào )~。~席。躺着的时候,把头放在枕头上或器物上:~戈待旦。~藉(纵横相枕而卧)。垫着:~木(铁路上承受铁轨的横木)。~腕(写字运笔的一种方法,右手垫在左手上写)。……







汉语拼音:gāo zhěn wú yōu





把枕头垫得高高的,安心地睡大觉。《战国策·魏策一》:“事秦,则楚韩必不敢动,无楚韩之患,则大王高枕而卧,国必无忧矣。” 后多用来形容平安无事,无忧无虑。



  1. Rest easy with an information technology (IT) system that's reliable, flexible, easy to manage, and simple to service.


  2. The fringe has produced wonderful science, and it has produced wonderfully abysmal science. It has never been a comfortable place to live.


  3. I've got a dependent wife and two kids, and not enough money in the bank to feel comfortable losing my job over it.


  4. None of us should be able to rest easy knowing the fear and despair that pervade the human family.


  5. If I'm turned down, it'll mean my job is deemed essential and I'll be safe from future cuts.


  6. America's position in the world may once have been reasonably secure with only a few exceptionally well-trained men and women.


  7. As long as they manage their risks properly, regulators ought to be happy.


  8. 'Once you have this license you are all set for life, even if you don't do deals, ' said the head of a Wall Street firm in China.


  9. Nantong telecommunications room, stable performance, high profile, super defense, so your game and web site sit back and relax!


  1. 高枕无忧服务

    carefree service

  2. 问心无愧,高枕无忧

    A clear conscience is a soft pillow

  3. 这份保险单会让你高枕无忧。

    This insurance policy will let you rest easy.

  4. 不过,没有一家企业可以高枕无忧。

    No company, however, is safe.

  5. 但是这样真的就让人高枕无忧么?

    But should this really have been reassuring ?

  6. 性能可靠的电热毯,让君高枕无忧。

    With a dependable electric Blanket, surely you will always have a restful sleep.

  7. 但他很快就放心,他可以高枕无忧。

    But he was quickly assured that he could rest easy.

  8. 穆加贝先生还远不能高枕无忧。

    Mr Mugabe is far from home and dry.

  9. 这样他得良心就可使他高枕无忧了。

    And thus his conscience slumbered.

  10. 这样他的良心就可使他高枕无忧了。

    And thus his conscience slumbered.

  11. 世界如此纷乱,我们怎样才能高枕无忧呢?

    Given all the tumult, how can we add more sheep to our evenings.

  12. 珍找到好工作之后,她就高枕无忧了。

    After she got a good job, Jennifer didn't have a care in the world.

  13. 不过,这家位于成都的工厂并非高枕无忧。

    Meanwhile, the Chengdu plant is not without its problems.

  14. 难道他以为审讯收场, 就可以高枕无忧了?

    Does he think he can sit back quietly now that the inquiry is over ?

  15. 你作为篮球运动员的前途可以高枕无忧了。

    Your future as a basketball player is totally secure.

  16. 你可以调到自动巡航,然后就高枕无忧了。

    You can set on the cruise, and relax.

  17. 检测费请了监理公司,并不能高枕无忧。

    Detect cost asked inspect grain company, not can have nothing worry about.

  18. 我还以为你想做个高枕无忧的祖母呢。

    Oh. I thought you were into being the handsoff grandma.

  19. 过去成功的制度不能保证未来可以高枕无忧。

    Old successful system cannot guarantee a carefree future.

  20. 这保证使她将来在经济上绝对高枕无忧了。

    It promised to give her absolute financial security for the future.

  21. 换做我也可以高枕无忧地坐在场边抽雪茄。

    I could've sat there with a cigar.

  22. 是否有了学位就能让你高枕无忧,远离裁员呢?

    Will having a degree insulate you from getting laid off?

  23. 不会有未了结的事情, 读者于是就可以高枕无忧了。

    There are loose ends and the reader can sleep peacefully in his or her bed.

  24. 他现在娶了一位有钱的妻子,真可说是高枕无忧了。

    Now he's married a rich wife he's really got it made.

  25. 只要党魁控制着党的机构,改革者就决不能高枕无忧。

    Reformers could never rest secure so long as bosses controlled the party structure.

  26. 但愿这种事不会落在我头上,然而我总是不能高枕无忧。

    I am willing to hope nothing of this kind has been done in my case, and yet I cannot be easy.

  27. 北约与欧共体都明白他们不可能再像以前那样高枕无忧了。

    Both NATO and the Community knew they could not go merrily on as before.

  28. 这个靠着大树好乘凉的代工企业,依旧不能高枕无忧。

    This recumbent had established the acting industry company that enjoy the cool greatly, as before cannot have nothing worry about.


  1. 问:高枕无忧拼音怎么拼?高枕无忧的读音是什么?高枕无忧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高枕无忧的读音是gāozhěnwúyōu,高枕无忧翻译成英文是 rest easy



汉语词汇,读音 gāo zhěn wú yōu,意思是垫高枕头睡觉,比喻平安无事,不用担忧。也比喻放松警惕。