











汉语拼音:xí rén gù zhì








  • 【解释】:袭:因袭,套用。智:指计算。套用别人使用过的计策。


  1. na.
  2. copy an old trick

  1. 凉气袭人。

    The cold air chills one to the core.

  2. 今天寒气袭人。

    There is a nip in the air today.

  3. 冬天寒气袭人。

    There is a nip in the cold air in winter.

  4. 今天早晨寒气袭人。

    There's a chill in the air this morning.

  5. 寒气袭人冷如冰

    Riding flashes cold as ice

  6. 寒气袭人,我直打哆嗦。

    I shivered in the cold.

  7. 寒冬腊月,外边冷风袭人。

    In the severe winter, the cold wind outside pricks people.

  8. 寒冬腊月,外边冷风袭人。

    In the severe winter, the cold wind outside pricks people.

  9. 今天早上有点寒气袭人。

    There was a chill in the air this morning.

  10. 接着他又觉得恐惧袭人。

    And then terror went clawing into his vitals

  11. 那天夜晚繁星满天, 寒气袭人。

    It was a sparkling, frosty, starlight night.

  12. 那晚月光皎洁,然而严寒袭人

    brightly shone the moon that night, Though the frost was cruel

  13. 袭人和主要红楼人物的关系。

    The relation between XI Ren and the main figures in the Red mansions.

  14. 从个人需要理论出发为袭人辩护

    Plead for Xiren according to the Theory of Individual Needs

  15. 日落之后, 寒意袭人, 老人冷得发抖。

    The old man shivered in the cold that came after sunset.

  16. 日落之后, 寒气袭人, 老人冻得发抖。

    The old man shivered in the cold that came after the sunset.

  17. 这就是你知道的关于袭人事件的全部?

    And that's all you know about the assault?

  18. 今天早上我出门时有点寒气袭人。

    There was a chill in the air when I got out the house this morning.

  19. 下了一场雪,我们镇上寒气袭人。

    Snow had fallen and a frost gripped our town.

  20. 那几又冷又潮, 寒气袭人, 却不黑暗。

    It'struck cold and damp, but was not dark.

  21. 吓得袭人辈众丫鬟忙上来搂住

    Xirun hurried in with the other maids in dismay to take him in her arms.

  22. 浇上蒜泥、辣椒油、老醋,香气浓郁袭人。

    Doused with garlic, hot pepper oil, lao cu, light aroma.

  23. 那是一个遍地鲜花,香气袭人的地方。

    It was a land fragrant with flowers.

  24. 整个二楼已是一片火海,热浪袭人。

    The whole first floor was ablaze. The heat was terrific.

  25. 红楼叙述迷雾与袭人形象的歧义性

    The Narrative Fog in A Dream of Red Mansions and the Ambiguity in Image of Xiren.

  26. 那座花园是个繁花似锦,香气袭人的仙境。

    The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors.

  27. 连日来天气干燥而阴沉, 秋风萧瑟, 寒气袭人。

    The days were dry and lowering, and the wind blew in sharp, cold gusts.

  28. 虽是寒意袭人,我阵阵战栗,内心却温暖依旧。

    Despite the chill overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm.

  29. 那座花园是一个繁花似锦, 香气袭人的仙境。

    The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and odors.

  30. 她站得离我很近,近得她头发上的香气袭人。

    She was standing very close to me,so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing.