











汉语拼音:yī rén zhī jiāo








  • 【解释】:亲密得象一个人。形容交情深。
  • 【出自】:清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第五十四回:“那时我家先父就和娄氏弟兄是一人之交。”
  • 【示例】:我闻老孙与有权~,结为兄弟。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;形容交情深


  1. na.
  2. be on as close terms as one man;very intimate relations

  1. 争点儿摔了一交

    almost fall down

  2. 差点儿绊了我一交。

    I tripped and almost fell.

  3. 在树桩上绊了一交

    tumble over a stump

  4. 他脚下一出溜,摔了一交。

    He slipped and fell.

  5. 我把报告一交上去就会传唤您的。

    You will be summoned as soon as I hand in my report.

  6. 根据法律继承或根据遗嘱继承另一人之财产者

    a person who inherits or is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another

  7. 继承人根据法律继承或根据遗嘱继承另一人之财产者

    A person who inherits or is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.

  8. 在那对蝴蝶门边忘记跨门槛, 几乎绊了一交。

    Going through the swinging doors, he tripped over the threshold and nearly fell.

  9. 那妖魔出门时由于匆忙而在台阶上绊了一交。

    The ogre tripped on the doorstep in his haste to get out of the house.

  10. 那一交摔得很不巧, 整个车子的重量都压在他的胸口上。

    The fall had been so unlucky that the whole weight of the vehicle rested on his breast.

  11. 思嘉 巴特勒从她那有钱有势地社会地位上一交摔下来了!

    Scarlett Butler tumbled from her high and mighty place!

  12. 近年来NBA的任何一支冠军队伍都至少有两名超级球星,没有任何人能够以一人之力获取最高荣誉。

    Every NBA championship squad in recent memory has featured at least two superstars ; no player can do it alone.

  13. 你必须交一份个人简历。

    You're required to submit a resume.

  14. 每个学生都要交一篇作文。

    Each student has to hand in a composition.

  15. 每个学生每周必须交一篇作文。

    Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.

  16. 论文周一才交

    That paper is not due until like Monday.

  17. 要求我在五月份交一篇文章给老师。

    I was required to submit an essay to my teacher this May.

  18. 每个不生必须每周交一篇作文给老师。

    Each student has to turn in composition to the teacher once a week.

  19. 他脚一滑,摔了一大交。

    He slipped and fell heavily.

  20. 每季度要交一小笔防盗防抢保险金。

    A small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary and robbery insurance.

  21. 这学期每一周, 每位同学必须缴交一篇作文。

    Every student has to hand in an composition each week of the semester.

  22. 我得交一大笔罚金,因为我的圆形纳税证过期了。

    I had to pay a hefty fine because my tax disc had run out.

  23. 每次只交一张,您在此地是不是第一次来看病?

    Jedes Mal wird nur einer abgegeben. Sind Sie hier zum ersten Mal beim Arzt.

  24. 每个学生必须一星期交一次作文。

    Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.

  25. 莱克勒船长临终前, 没有托你交一封信给我吗?

    Captain leclere did not, before he died, give you a letter for me?

  26. 她让我周一前交一份完整的提纲

    She wants a full book proposal by monday.

  27. 然后,你交表时要交一份学校成绩单和经济担保书。

    Then, you send it in with a copy of your school record and an affidavit of support.

  28. 我有篇现代文明的论文周一要交

    I have this modern civ paper due on Monday.

  29. 你是怎么在一周内交上新男朋友?

    How did you manage to get a new boyfriend in a week?

  30. 申请书必须在十一月一日前交上去。

    The parcel must be sent in by November 1.


一人之交,成语,作宾语,好友;至交。比喻友谊很深,亲密得如一个人。出自 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第五十四回:“那时我家的先父就和娄氏兄弟是一人之交。”