


偷东西的人,盗匪:~人。盗~。~赃。~窝。对人民有危害的人:国~。民~。工~。~寇。蟊~。害,伤害:戕~。“淫侈之俗日日以长,是天下之大~也”。邪的,不正派的:~心不死。狡猾:~溜溜。副词,很:~冷。~亮。~横(hèng )。……









汉语拼音:zéi rén xīn xū







  • 【解释】:指做了坏事的人,时刻胆战心惊,怕坏事败露。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第二十卷:“自古道贼人心虚,那赵昂因有旧事在心上,比王员外更是不同,吓的魂魄俱无。”
  • 【示例】:忽见建德县差人拿片子来请他进城,说是有话面谈,究竟~,不觉吓了一跳。



  1. 鼻子长得大,总怕有人说。做贼心虚

    He that has a great.nose thinks everybody is speaking of it

  2. 做贼心虚。

    Guilty consciences make men cowards.

  3. 做贼心虚。

    A bad conscience is a snake in your heart.

  4. 问心有愧,做贼心虚

    a guilty conscience

  5. 做贼心虚的表情。内疚的神色

    guilty looks

  6. 他们推三阻四,正好暴露了他们做贼心虚。

    In making so many excuses, they revealed their own guilty conscience.

  7. 也未让苍白透露出做贼心虚的惊恐。

    Nor ashy pale the fear that false hearts have.

  8. 显然贼人是从这里大摇大摆出去得。

    Obviously the thief had simply walked out this way as bold as brass.

  9. 她那做贼心虚的神色马上引起了他的猜测。

    She had a guilty look which immediately roused surmise in his mind.

  10. 贼人在他头上施以疼痛的一击。

    The thief gave him a painful hit on the head.

  11. 做贼心虚者听到听到任何声响都会觉得有危险。

    A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.

  12. 这样, 奸王做贼心虚完全暴露, 他更加害怕隐私被揭发。

    So, the crafty king a completely exposed, he is more afraid privacy was revealed.

  13. 那个贼人被迫将他偷的东西归还给物主了。

    The thief forced to return what he had stolen to the owner.

  14. 那个贼人被迫将他偷得东西归还给物主了。

    The thief forced to return what he had stolen to the owner.

  15. 看他这样不乐意的样子, 还以为他被贼人用刀胁持著。

    His unwilling face would make people think he is kidnapped.

  16. 看他这样不乐意得样子,还以为他被贼人用刀胁持著。

    His unwilling face would make people think he is kidnapped.

  17. 你有正经的工作不做却要跑出来做贼人,干那些违法犯纪的事。

    Though having a decent job, you gave it up to be a thief.

  18. 最选喊抓贼的人, 常常是偷了财宝的人。

    He that first cries out stop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure.

  19. 沙威的全部气质说明他是一个藏头露尾,贼眼觑人的人。

    Javert's whole person was expressive of the man who spies and who withdraws himself from observation.

  20. 我是要成为海贼王的人!

    I will get the one piece!

  21. 饶舌得人比贼还坏。

    A tattler is worse than a thief.

  22. 饶舌的人比贼还坏。

    A tattler is worse than a thief.

  23. 最令他伤心的是他竟会被人当作贼来追捕。

    What hurt him most was the fact that he was being pursued as a thief.

  24. 让贼捉贼, 同类人最熟悉。

    Set a peer to catch a peer.

  25. 城小贼不屠,人贫伤可怜。

    but the town was so small it was spared by the thieves, And the people so poor and so pitiable

  26. 四个贼夜里到一家人家里去偷东西。

    Four thieves a person home at night steal things.

  27. 这些人是叛国贼。我们要杀一儆百。

    These people are traitors. We need to make an example.

  28. 看外表, 我敢说, 这人是个贼。

    That man, I'll be bound, from his looking, is a thief.

  29. 他仅用手枪就打退了印第安人和盗马贼。

    He carries a gun to fight off Indians and cattle thieves.

  30. 防止盗窃的最好方法就是让更多的人开始防贼。

    The best way to prevent crime is to have more people on the lookout.

