




1. 校 [xiào]2. 校 [jiào]校 [xiào]学堂,专门进行教育的机构:~园。~长。军衔的一级,在“将”之下,“尉”之上。古代军队编制单位:~尉(统带一校的军官)。校 [jiào]比较:~场。查对、订正:~勘。~订。~对。……



汉语拼音:biān jiào






  1. 编辑校订。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·象数一》:“予编校 昭文 书时,预详定浑天仪。” 曹靖华 《飞花集·到赤松林去》:“这是 鲁迅 先生亲手编校,自己拿钱印的。”



  1. Permissions for the various semantic categories (as in whether or not to redact) are specified for each role.

  2. The company has a team of professionals from all fields, including planning, designing, editing, producing and marketing.

  3. If there are different redaction options for different documents, then a batch repository must be prepared for each set of the options.

  4. In contrast, with an on-demand repository, you can control how the server redacts each document in the repository.

  5. In this scenario, a program on a remote client machine sends a redaction request to the redaction server, as shown in Figure 2.

  6. The redaction server automatically removes the private information in free-text documents and forms, as shown in Figure 1.

  7. This scenario can be extended to integrate the document redaction process into the document workflow as required.

  8. It is used for input and output documents as well as for other artifacts used in redaction.

  9. Therefore, the files must be opened in binary mode when redacting documents in a file system.


  1. 本文件未经正式编校。

    This document has not been edited.

  2. 编校合一情况下的校对工作

    The proofreading work in the periodical editing.

  3. 编校中物理符号应用的辨正

    Distinguishing and correction of physics signs in editing and proofreading

  4. 学术期刊编校工作中的推理行为

    Reasoning behavior in editing and proofreading of academic journals.

  5. 关于学报编校工作的几个问题

    Several Questions of Journal Compiling and Proofreading

  6. 有3 种使用这些编校服务得方法

    There are three methods for using these redaction services

  7. 有3 种使用这些编校服务的方法

    There are three methods for using these redaction services

  8. 学报编校合一模式的长与短

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Pattern of Combining Editing with Proofreading

  9. 编校这本书花了我一星期的时间。

    This book took me a week to edit, and revise.

  10. 编校这本书花了我一星期得时间。

    This book took me a week to edit, and revise.

  11. 编校这本书花了我一星期的时间。

    This book took me a week to edit, and revise.

  12. 编校经典作家文集应采用汇校的方法

    Collective Editing for Classic Anthologies

  13. 黑马编校系统在医学期刊编辑工作中的应用

    Use of Black Horse Proofreading Software to Edit Medical Jomnals

  14. 信息技术时代提高科技期刊编校质量的策略

    Strategies to improve the quality of editing and proofreading of scientific and technical journals in information technology age

  15. 科技期刊强化量和单位编校工作的对策

    The countermeasures for science and technology periodicals strengthening the editing and proofreading work of quantity and unit

  16. 一个客户端程序连接到服务器并编校文档。

    A client program simply connects to the server and redacts a document.

  17. 这允许客户端跟踪进度和控制编校的执行。

    This allows clients to track the progress and control the execution of the redactions.

  18. 使用角色可以更容易地指定编校的数据类型。

    The data types for redaction can be more easily specified by using roles.

  19. 清单2显示了如何设置这个类对象得编校属性。

    Listing 2 shows how to set the redaction attributes for this class object.

  20. 清单2显示了如何设置这个类对象的编校属性。

    Listing 2 shows how to set the redaction attributes for this class object.

  21. 度宗咸淳间为史馆编校, 以事弃官归。

    Degrees were among the Academia Historica Xianchun editing to do official position return.

  22. 如果未指定语言,系统会在编校过程中自动识别它。

    If the language is not specified, the system identifies it automatically during the redaction process.

  23. 注意力是编校过程中重要的心理因素,直接影响编辑质量。

    Attention, an important factor in editing and proofreading, affects editing quality directly.

  24. 校勘学为学者编校文化遗产的书写文本提供诸项原则。

    Textual criticism provides the principles for the scholarly editing of the texts of cultural heritage.

  25. 要实现更高的吞吐量,客户端可从多个线程提交编校请求。

    For better throughput, clients can submit redaction requests from multiple threads.


  1. 问:编校拼音怎么拼?编校的读音是什么?编校翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编校的读音是biānjiào,编校翻译成英文是 To edit and proofread.