




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:chǎn dì







  1. 反而。

    元 无名氏 《替杀妻》第二折:“自家夫主无恩情,剷地恋着别人亲。”

  2. 怎的。

    明 沉自徵 《霸亭秋》:“煞 王留 又村,苦 牛表 又骄,剷地教我去对顽童憔悴倒。”



  1. he was shoveling in morris menke ' s barn.


  1. 首先我们先铲地, 现在我们在播种。

    First we spaded it now we're planting it.

  2. 果园被一个接一个地铲掉了。

    One by one, orchards were grubbed up.

  3. 她小心地铲去瓷砖上的灰浆。

    She carefully chipped the plaster off the tiles.

  4. 我手里拿着铁锨和扫帚不停地铲啊,扫啊。

    I kept on shoveling and sweeping with a spade and broom.

  5. 比如,高侵略性能够保证球员更多地铲抢,更加主动。

    High aggression will cause the player to make more tackles for example and get involved in play.

  6. 那个工程师尽快地把煤铲进去。

    The engineer shoveled the coal in as fast as he could.

  7. 我手里拿着铁锨和扫帚不竭地铲啊, 扫啊。

    I kept on shoveling and sweeping with a spade and broom.

  8. 巨型铲土机正把小山头一大口一大口地啃去。

    Giant shovels are biting off big chunks from the hill.

  9. 巨型铲土机正在把小山头一大口一大口地啃掉。

    The giant shovel is biting off big chunks from the hill.

  10. 又一铲泥土落到枯井中,驴子出乎意料地安静了。

    Another spade fell on dry soil, the donkey unexpectedly quiet.

  11. 我们仔细地看了, 我们说这仅是一次不合时宜的铲球。

    We looked at it carefully and we saw that it was just a mistimed tackle.

  12. 我们仔细地看了, 我们说这仅是一次不合时宜得铲球。

    We looked at it carefully and we saw that it was just a mistimed tackle.

  13. 铲出了三个大小不等的潭作为黄龙一家的栖息地。

    Thus three ponds of different sizes appeared as the home of the Yellow Dragon's family.

  14. 迈克·马利根开着他那辆破旧的名叫玛丽·安妮的蒸汽铲车,在给一幢待建的摩天楼挖地基。

    Mike Mulligan, in his old steam shovel named Mary Anne, is digging a hole where a skyscraper will be built.

  15. 斜铲平地机

    angle blade scraper.

  16. 把这块地掘到两铲深。

    Dig the patch two spitdeep.

  17. 平地机铲刀作业的注意事项

    Points for attention of grader blade operation

  18. 我拿着花铲归来紧紧地闭上房门。

    With my spade I return and shut the doors tight.

  19. 图案是一群劳动人民拿着铲,镐等去田地间劳动。

    The picture is of a group of working people going to the fields with spades, pickaxes and so on.